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function hook_js_info in JS Callback Handler 7.2

Register JS callbacks. Read the documentation for a detailed explanation.

Return value

array An associative array of callbacks where the key indicates name of the path callback that the info should be loaded. The value of each path callback is also an associative array containing the following possible keys:

  • callback function: (optional) The function to invoke for this callback. If omitted, the default function name is: MODULE_js_callback_CALLBACK.
  • callback arguments: (optional) Internal use. Normally, you won't need to assign any callback arguments as they will automatically be determined based on the names of passed parameters and callback function signatures. If set, these static values will be passed to the callback function before anything else. To automatically "load" arguments, see the "load arguments" and "process request" properties below.
  • capture: (optional) Captures any printed output from the callback. Normally a callback should return its content, not print it. By default this property is enabled and will discard any printed output. See: hook_js_captured_content_alter().
  • access callback: (optional) The function to invoke for determining access to the callback. If set, the minimum bootstrap level must be DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_SESSION to ensure proper access validation against the current user. WARNING: If not set, no access checks are performed at all. Defaults to "user_access" if the below option (access arguments) has a value.
  • access arguments: (optional) Internal use. Normally, you won't need to assign any callback arguments as they will automatically be determined based on the names of passed parameters and callback function signatures. If set, these static values will be passed to the callback function before anything else. To automatically "load" arguments, see the "load arguments" and "process request" properties below.
  • delivery callback: (optional) The function to call to package the results of the callback function and send it to the browser. Defaults to js_deliver_json(). Note that this function is called even if the access checks fail, so any custom delivery callback function should take that into account. See js_deliver_json() for an example.
  • bootstrap: (optional) The bootstrap level Drupal should boot to, defaults to DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_DATABASE. If an access argument/callback or tokens are used, defaults to DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_SESSION. It is important to keep in mind that, at a bootstrap level below DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL, not every module is loaded, which will affect which hook implementations are actually called. This must be taken into consideration when writing a callback implementation, because API usages triggering any kind of storage write may result in incomplete/corrupt data to be stored. For instance, loading an entity when entity cache is cold may result in some data not being loaded and entity cache being corrupt; saving that entity in subsequent requests may even lead to data loss, if the cache entry was not refreshed meanwhile. Note: by default JS Callback intercepts requests via core's Cache API. When a cache miss is detected, it will automatically perform a full bootstrap in an attempt to ensure all modules affecting the data to be cached are loaded. See "cache" property for more info. This does not, however, solve the general issue where a complex callback performs a storage write via an API that allows data to be altered via hook implementations. In cases like this all dependencies need to be explicitly loaded. A temporary solution is to raise the bootstrap level to full. However, this defeats the entire purpose of using this module. A more permanent solution is to monitor the execution path of a callback via the "xhprof" integration and ensure all required dependencies are added to the callback info.
  • cache: (optional) Flag indicating whether a full bootstrap should be performed when detecting a cache miss. Defaults to TRUE. See "bootstrap" property for more info.
  • includes: (optional) Load additional files from the /includes directory, without the extension.
  • dependencies: (optional) Load additional modules for this callback.
  • file: (optional) The file where the callback function is defined.
  • path: (optional) The path where the callback function is defined.
  • lang: (optional) Boolean to forcefully enable or disable multilingual support. JS auto-detects the language string in request paths. Set this option to TRUE to enable translations, if you're not getting the desired results.
  • load arguments: (optional) An associative array of key/value pairs where parameter name is the key and a callback is the value. The callback will be passed a single argument, the value of the passed parameter. The JS module automatically detects any "PARAMETER_load" functions that exist based on if "process request" is enabled and the function explicitly specifies that parameter in it's callback function signature. For example: if one of the parameters passed is "node" and the callback function signature defines a $node argument, then a "node_load" function will be invoked (if the function exists). Optionally, to disable the automatic load callback for a parameter, you can set the callback to FALSE or to disable all automatic "load arguments" processing you may set FALSE for the entire "load arguments" property.
  • methods: (optional) The request methods allowed. This must be an array of string values. If the request does not match any of the allowed methods defined by the callback, it will be rejected.
  • process request: (optional) Process $_REQUEST data and provide them as matched arguments against the callback's parameter names (or as a single $data parameter). Defaults to TRUE. If unsure what this does, it's best to just leave this enabled. See js_process_post_data() for more information.
  • skip init: (optional) Set to TRUE to skip the init hooks. Warning: This might cause unwanted behavior and should only be disabled with care.
  • token: (optional) Generates a token to prevent CSRF attacks for authenticated users. When enabled, the minimum bootstrap level will be DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_SESSION to ensure proper token validation against the authenticated user. If the callback is only accessible to authenticated users, it is strongly recommended that this is not disabled, otherwise your site could potentially be susceptible to CSRF attacks. If the callback needs to support both anonymous and authenticated users, then this should be disable and the responsibility of checking request validity falls to the callback itself.
  • xhprof: (optional) Flag indicating whether to output the called functions or methods used in the request determined by XHProf. Note: enabling this property to TRUE will automatically increase the callback's bootstrap level to DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL. This will allow all enabled modules and includes to be loaded so the callback can succeed. This property is only intended to be used for debugging purposes since it will always print out the used functions via drupal_set_message(). It also requires the xhprof_enable() and xhprof_disable() functions to be defined (which can be provided by the XHProf PHP extension).
  • xss: (optional) Filters data in drupal_deliver_json() before it's sent to browser. It is strongly recommended that this is not disabled, otherwise your site will be susceptible to XSS attacks and be considered "insecure".
2 functions implement hook_js_info()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

js_callback_examples_js_info in js_callback_examples/js_callback_examples.module
Implements hook_js_info().
js_js_info in ./js.module
Implements hook_js_info().
1 invocation of hook_js_info()
js_get_callback in ./js.module
Provides callback information provided by modules.


./js.api.php, line 127
This file contains no working PHP code; it exists to provide documentation for this module's API.


function hook_js_info() {

  // Simple callback definition:
  $callbacks['simple'] = array();

  /* Example of a more complex definition:

    function my_module_custom_access_check($node = NULL) {
      // Node did not load or is not the right type.
      if (!isset($node) || $node->type !== 'custom_bundle') {
        return FALSE;
      // Node is a fully loaded, determine access based on field value.
      $field = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_custom_bool_toggle');
      return !!$field[0]['value'];

    function my_module_custom_callback_function($node, $my_custom_param) {
      // Node is fully loaded, retrieve a custom field value.
      $field = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_custom_field_text');
      return $field[0]['value'];
  $callbacks['complex'] = array(
    'access callback' => 'my_module_custom_access_check',
    'callback function' => 'my_module_custom_callback_function',
    'dependencies' => array(
    'skip init' => TRUE,
    'token' => FALSE,
  return $callbacks;