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function js_deliver in JS Callback Handler 7.2

Sends content to the browser via the delivery callback.


mixed $result: The content to pass to the delivery callback.

array $info: The callback definition array, may not be set.

2 calls to js_deliver()
js_execute_request in ./js.module
Loads the requested module and executes the requested callback.
_js_log_php_error in ./js.module
Logs a PHP error or exception and displays the error in fatal cases.


./js.module, line 781
JavaScript callback handler module.


function js_deliver($result, array $info = NULL) {

  // Capture buffered content.
  $captured = ob_get_clean();

  // If the callback definition array was not provided or the callback has
  // explicitly disabled "capture", then allow loaded modules add the captured
  // output to the result via hook_js_captured_content_alter().
  if (!isset($info) || !empty($info['capture'])) {
    drupal_alter('js_captured_content', $result, $captured);
  else {
    print $captured;

  // Get the delivery callback to be used.
  $delivery_callback = js_delivery_callback();

  // Because a callback can specify a different delivery method, we don't need
  // to load this include until it is absolutely necessary.
  if ($delivery_callback === 'js_deliver_json') {
    module_load_include('inc', 'js', 'includes/json');

  // Deliver the results. The delivery callback is responsible for setting the
  // appropriate headers, handling the result returned from the callback and
  // exiting the script properly.
  call_user_func_array($delivery_callback, array(