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function template_preprocess_google_appliance_results in Google Search Appliance 7

Preprocess google-search-appliance-results.tpl.php (results page).


theme/, line 169
theme registry and preprocess functions for the default templates


function template_preprocess_google_appliance_results(&$vars) {

  // Grab module settings.
  $settings = _google_appliance_get_settings();

  // Report debug info to admins if module settings.
  if ($vars['is_admin'] && $settings['query_inspection'] == '1') {
    if (isset($vars['search_query_data']['debug_info'])) {
      foreach ($vars['search_query_data']['debug_info'] as $info_slice) {

  // Grab the search form.
  $vars['search_form'] = drupal_get_form('google_appliance_search_form', $vars['search_query_data']['gsa_query_params']['q']);

  // Get spelling suggestion.
  $vars['spelling_suggestion'] = $settings['spelling_suggestions'] && isset($vars['response_data']['spelling_suggestion']) ? theme('google_appliance_spelling_suggestion', $vars['response_data']) : '';

  // If we have errors, decode them and skip building results entities.
  if (isset($vars['response_data']['error'])) {
    $vars['results_heading'] = t('No Results Found');
    $vars['error_reason'] = '';
    $log_message_errors = '';

    // Build hook_help-based error messages for display.
    foreach ($vars['response_data']['error'] as $error_key => $error_response) {

      // Replace error responses with those configured.
      $help_message = check_markup($settings['error_' . $error_key], $settings['error_' . $error_key . '_format']);
      $vars['error_reason'] .= $help_message != '' ? $help_message : $error_response;

      // Build error message for the log (ignore 'no results' condition).
      if ($error_key != 'gsa_no_results') {
        $log_message_errors .= '{ ' . $error_response . ' } ';

    // Report communication errors to the log.
    if ($log_message_errors != '') {
      _google_appliance_log_search_error($vars['search_query_data']['gsa_query_params']['q'], $log_message_errors);
  else {

    // Build results entities.
    $vars['results_heading'] = t('Search Results');

    // Get themed sort headers.
    $vars['sort_headers'] = theme('google_appliance_sort_headers', $vars['search_query_data']);

    // Get themed keymatch listing.
    $vars['keymatch_results'] = '';

    // GSA device may not be configured for keymatches
    if (array_key_exists('keymatch', $vars['response_data'])) {
      $count = 0;
      foreach ($vars['response_data']['keymatch'] as $keymatch) {
        $keymatch['keymatch_idx'] = ++$count;
        $vars['keymatch_results'] .= theme('google_appliance_keymatch', $keymatch);

    // Get themed synonym listing.
    $vars['synonyms'] = '';
    $vars['show_synonyms'] = FALSE;

    // GSA device may not be configured for synonyms
    if (array_key_exists('synonyms', $vars['response_data'])) {
      $count = 0;
      foreach ($vars['response_data']['synonyms'] as $synonym) {
        $synonym['synonym_idx'] = ++$count;
        $vars['synonyms'] .= theme('google_appliance_synonym', $synonym);
      $vars['show_synonyms'] = $count;

    // Get themed results listing.
    $vars['search_results'] = '';
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($vars['response_data']['entry'] as $result) {
      $result['result_idx'] = ++$count;
      $vars['search_results'] .= theme('google_appliance_result', $result);

    // Get themed search stats.
    $search_stats_data = array(
      'response_data' => $vars['response_data'],
      'search_query_data' => $vars['search_query_data'],
    $vars['search_stats'] = theme('google_appliance_search_stats', $search_stats_data);

    // Get themed drupal pager.
    $pager_data = array(
      'total_results_count' => $vars['response_data']['total_results'],
      'last_result_index' => $vars['response_data']['last_result'],
    $vars['pager'] = theme('google_appliance_pager', $pager_data);

    // Add Advanced Search Reporting if applicable.
    if ($settings['advanced_search_reporting']) {

      // Path to callback.
      // When clean URLs are disabled we do not want the '?q=' version which won't work.
      // Hence we do not use url() -- we build the path ourselves from $base_url.
      global $base_url;
      $callback_path = $base_url . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'google_appliance') . '/';

      // Add javascript.
        'google_appliance' => array(
          'clickTracking' => array(
            'host' => $callback_path,
            'pathPart' => '',
            'collection' => $vars['search_query_data']['gsa_query_params']['site'],
            'query' => $vars['search_query_data']['gsa_query_params']['q'],
            'start' => $vars['search_query_data']['gsa_query_params']['start'],
            'clickTypes' => array(
              'c' => '.google-appliance-result a',
              'cluster' => '#block-google-appliance-ga-related-searches .content a',
              'logo' => 'a#logo',
              '' => '.content .pager-item a',
              '' => '.content .pager-next a',
              'nav.prev' => '.content .pager-previous a, .content .pager-first a',
              'keymatch' => '.google-appliance-keymatch-results a',
              'onebox' => '.google-appliance-onebox-module a',
              'sort' => '.google-appliance-sorter a',
              'synonym' => '.google-appliance-synonym a',
              'spell' => '.google-appliance-spelling-suggestion a',
      ), 'setting');
      drupal_add_library('google_appliance', 'jquery.gsa-clicks');
      drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'google_appliance') . '/js/clicklog.js');

  // Render template.