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function theme_google_appliance_pager in Google Search Appliance 7

Set up Drupal pager for pagination of GSA-provided search results.

We're not paging druppal-database content in this version, so the core pager is not aware of the page-able results provided by the GSA ... We're only requesting one page of the results at a time, but we get enough stats from that query to fake the pager, and provide a familiar interface.

1 theme call to theme_google_appliance_pager()
template_preprocess_google_appliance_results in theme/
Preprocess google-search-appliance-results.tpl.php (results page).


theme/, line 442
theme registry and preprocess functions for the default templates


function theme_google_appliance_pager(&$vars) {

  // Grab module settings.
  $settings = _google_appliance_get_settings();

  // Globals required to manually configure the pager.
  global $pager_page_array, $pager_total, $pager_total_items;
  $control_tags = array();

  // default labels
  $element = 0;
  $limit = $settings['results_per_page'];

  // Total # of pages in list.
  $total_pages = ceil($vars['total_results_count'] / $limit);

   * NOTE: the total results count from the GSA is unreliable. The docs
   * state that it is an *approximation*, but if you click around on
   * enough searches, you'll find that it's off by a considerable amount -
   * enough to break the math used to create pager links. It's not all that
   * noticeable unless you click on the "last" link in the pager, and
   * notice that in some searches, the last page is paginated at a number
   * less than was previously viewable when the first page of results came
   * up on the initial search view.
   * The problem is rooted in public vs. access-controlled indexing.
   * @see
   * Access-controled results are counted before we know if we can actually
   * view it. Device configuration can help.
   * @TODO: perhaps a better solution is to just query the device for the
   * first X (up to 1000) results and cache them locally.

  // Manually configure (fake) the pager.
  $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? check_plain($_GET['page']) : 0;

  // Convert page id to array.
  $pager_page_array = explode(',', $page);

  // Set the total results.
  $pager_total_items[$element] = (int) $vars['total_results_count'];

  // Set the total # of pages.
  $pager_total[$element] = ceil($pager_total_items[$element] / $limit);
  $pager_page_array[$element] = max(0, min((int) $pager_page_array[$element], (int) $pager_total[$element] - 1));
  return theme('pager');