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function _google_appliance_get_settings in Google Search Appliance 7

Returns all module settings for the Google Appliance module.

Return value

array An associative array of module settings keyed by $field_keys.

16 calls to _google_appliance_get_settings()
google_appliance_admin_settings in ./
Implements hook_admin_settings(). displays the Search Google Appliance module settings page.
google_appliance_block_form_submit in ./google_appliance.module
Submit handler for block search form just sets the redirect for the form based on the search query
google_appliance_block_info in ./google_appliance.module
Implements hook_block_info().
google_appliance_block_view_alter in ./google_appliance.module
Implements hook_block_view_alter().
google_appliance_block_visibility_submit in ./google_appliance.module
Submit handler to save block-specific crawler visibility settings.

... See full list


./, line 41
helper functions for the Search Google Appliance module


function _google_appliance_get_settings() {
  $field_keys = array(

  // Settings fall back to default constants.
  foreach ($field_keys as $field) {
    $settings[$field] = variable_get('google_appliance_' . $field, constant('SGA_DEFAULT_' . strtoupper($field)));

  // Convert onebox_modules from string to array.
  $settings['onebox_modules'] = explode("\n", $settings['onebox_modules']);
  $settings['onebox_modules'] = array_map('trim', $settings['onebox_modules']);
  $settings['onebox_modules'] = array_filter($settings['onebox_modules'], 'strlen');

  // The empty string in the define block above for block visibility
  // settings is really just a flag that nothing has been set yet.
  // Using an empty string is problematic, so we just set it to an
  // empty array instead.
  if ($settings['block_visibility_settings'] === '') {
    $settings['block_visibility_settings'] = array();
  if ($settings['language_filter_options'] === '') {
    $settings['language_filter_options'] = array();
  return $settings;