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google-appliance-result.tpl.php in Google Search Appliance 7

default theme implementation for displaying a single search result.

This template renders a single search result and is collected into google-applinace-results.tpl.php. This and the parent template are dependent on one another sharing the markup for results listings.

Result items that are files (pdf and whatnot) can be decorated with file icons as we use theme_file_icon in template_preprocess_google_appliance_result(). Copy this template to your theme directory and use code like the following to display an icon for each result if it has an iconable mime type:

		<?php print (isset($mime['icon'])) ? $mime['icon'] : ''; ?>

Metadata for each result is also available to be themed, but is not part of the default implementation here. Have a look at $variables['meta'] to see what data you have available.


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// $Id$

 * @file 
 *    default theme implementation for displaying a single search result.
 * This template renders a single search result and is collected into
 * google-applinace-results.tpl.php. This and the parent template are
 * dependent on one another sharing the markup for results listings.
 * Result items that are files (pdf and whatnot) can be decorated with file icons
 * as we use theme_file_icon in template_preprocess_google_appliance_result(). Copy this
 * template to your theme directory and use code like the following to display an icon
 * for each result if it has an iconable mime type:
 * @code
 *		<?php print (isset($mime['icon'])) ? $mime['icon'] : ''; ?>
 * @endcode
 * Metadata for each result is also available to be themed, but is not part of the default
 * implementation here. Have a look at $variables['meta'] to see what data you have available.
 * @see template_preprocess_google_appliance_result()
 * @see google-appliance-results.tpl.php

<li class="search-result <?php

print $classes;
?>" id="result-<?php

print $result_idx;

print $attributes;

print render($title_prefix);
  <h3 class="title"<?php

print $title_attributes;
    <a href="<?php

print $abs_url;

print $title;

print render($title_suffix);
  <div class="search-snippet-info google-appliance-snippet-info">

if ($snippet) {
      <p class="search-snippet google-appliance-snippet">

  print $snippet;

    <p class="search-info google-appliance-info">

print $abs_url;