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class GatherContentPages in GatherContent 7

@file Class to fetch pages from GatherContent and turn them into Drupal nodes.


Expanded class hierarchy of GatherContentPages


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Class to fetch pages from GatherContent and turn them into Drupal nodes.

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class GatherContentPages {

   * Fetch the selected pages from GatherContent, and create nodes.
   * @param array $page_ids
   *   GatherContent page identifiers.
   * @param string $content_type
   *   Which type of content to create.
  public static function createNodes($page_ids, $content_type) {
    foreach ($page_ids as $id) {
      $gc_page_id = substr($id, 11);

      // Get the page from GatherContent.
      $gc_page = gathercontent_get_command('get_page', array(
        'id' => $gc_page_id,

      // Get the actual page.
      // @GC: Why is this an array inside an object, and not just an array?
      $gc_page = $gc_page->page[0];
      $body_content = '';

      // Get all the content fields.
      foreach ($gc_page->custom_field_values as $field_name => $field_value) {
        $body_content .= $field_value;

      // Prepare creation date.
      $created = strtotime($gc_page->created_at);
      $node = new stdClass();

      // Create the node(s).
      // @TODO: Move this to a batch operation?
      $node->title = $gc_page->name;
      $node->type = $content_type;
      $node->language = LANGUAGE_NONE;
      $node->body[$node->language][] = array(
        'value' => $body_content,
        'format' => 'full_html',
      $node->created = $created;

      // Allow other modules to map GatherContent fields to Drupal fields
      // by implementing hook_gathercontent_presave().
      module_invoke_all('gathercontent_presave', $node, $gc_page);
      if ($node->nid) {
        drupal_set_message(t('%node_title created successfully.', array(
          '%node_title' => $node->title,
      else {
        drupal_set_message(t('Something went wrong while creating %node_title:', array(
          '%node_title' => $node->title . ' ',
        )), 'error');

   * Get pages from GatherContent for a given project, and order them by parent.
   * @param string $project_id
   *   The project to fetch pages for.
   * @return array $pages
   *   The project's pages, ordered by their parent page.
  public static function getPages($project_id) {
    $gathercontent_pages = gathercontent_get_command('get_pages_by_project', array(
      'id' => $project_id,
    if (!isset($project_id)) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Please select a GatherContent project <a href="/admin/config/content/gathercontent/settings">here</a> before continuing.'), 'warning');
    else {
      $parents = array();
      $pages = array();

      // Populate $parents with parent pages ...
      foreach ($gathercontent_pages->pages as $page) {

        // Exclude 'meta' pages.
        if ($page->state != 'meta') {
          $parent_id = $page->parent_id;
          $parents[$parent_id][$page->id] = $page;

      // ... then loop through $parents[0] (since this contains all
      // the parent ids) and add child pages.
      if (isset($parents[0])) {
        foreach ($parents[0] as $id => $page) {
          $pages[$id] = $page;
          $pages[$id]->children = GatherContentPages::sortRecursive($parents, $id);
      return $pages;

   * Sort page children recursively.
  protected static function sortRecursive($pages, $current = 0) {
    $children = array();
    if (isset($pages[$current])) {
      $children = $pages[$current];
      foreach ($children as $id => $page) {
        $children[$id]->children = GatherContentPages::sortRecursive($pages, $id);
    return $children;

   * Generate tableselect rows.
  public static function pageImportForm($pages, $options, $index = -1) {
    if (isset($pages)) {
      foreach ($pages as $id => $page) {
        $options['gc_page_id_' . $id] = array(
          'title' => array(
            'data' => array(
              '#markup' => theme('indentation', array(
                'size' => $index,
              )) . $page->name,
              '#title' => check_plain($page->name),

        // If the page has children, call this function recursively, so the
        // children are added to the form as well.
        if (isset($page->children) && count($page->children) > 0) {
          $options = GatherContentPages::pageImportForm($page->children, $options, $index);
      return $options;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
GatherContentPages::createNodes public static function Fetch the selected pages from GatherContent, and create nodes.
GatherContentPages::getPages public static function Get pages from GatherContent for a given project, and order them by parent.
GatherContentPages::pageImportForm public static function Generate tableselect rows.
GatherContentPages::sortRecursive protected static function Sort page children recursively.