public static function GatherContentPages::createNodes in GatherContent 7
Fetch the selected pages from GatherContent, and create nodes.
array $page_ids: GatherContent page identifiers.
string $content_type: Which type of content to create.
1 call to GatherContentPages::createNodes()
- gathercontent_import_pages_submit in ./
gathercontent.module - Form submit handler.
- ./, line 18 - Class to fetch pages from GatherContent and turn them into Drupal nodes.
- GatherContentPages
- @file Class to fetch pages from GatherContent and turn them into Drupal nodes.
public static function createNodes($page_ids, $content_type) {
foreach ($page_ids as $id) {
$gc_page_id = substr($id, 11);
// Get the page from GatherContent.
$gc_page = gathercontent_get_command('get_page', array(
'id' => $gc_page_id,
// Get the actual page.
// @GC: Why is this an array inside an object, and not just an array?
$gc_page = $gc_page->page[0];
$body_content = '';
// Get all the content fields.
foreach ($gc_page->custom_field_values as $field_name => $field_value) {
$body_content .= $field_value;
// Prepare creation date.
$created = strtotime($gc_page->created_at);
$node = new stdClass();
// Create the node(s).
// @TODO: Move this to a batch operation?
$node->title = $gc_page->name;
$node->type = $content_type;
$node->language = LANGUAGE_NONE;
$node->body[$node->language][] = array(
'value' => $body_content,
'format' => 'full_html',
$node->created = $created;
// Allow other modules to map GatherContent fields to Drupal fields
// by implementing hook_gathercontent_presave().
module_invoke_all('gathercontent_presave', $node, $gc_page);
if ($node->nid) {
drupal_set_message(t('%node_title created successfully.', array(
'%node_title' => $node->title,
else {
drupal_set_message(t('Something went wrong while creating %node_title:', array(
'%node_title' => $node->title . ' ',
)), 'error');