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Functions in GatherContent 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
gathercontent_api_admin ./ Settings form builder. 1
gathercontent_ctools_js_to_arg ./gathercontent.module Fixes weird menu_translate error.
gathercontent_error_return ./gathercontent.module GatherContent API error handling. 1
gathercontent_get_command ./gathercontent.module Connecting to the GatherContent API. Data retrieved as JSON. 4
gathercontent_help ./gathercontent.module Implements hook_help().
gathercontent_import ./gathercontent.module Import wizard, built with CTools multistep form wizard. 4
gathercontent_import_cache_clear ./gathercontent.module Clears CTools' multistep form cache. 1
gathercontent_import_cache_get ./gathercontent.module Gets the current object from the cache, or default. 1
gathercontent_import_cache_set ./gathercontent.module Stores CTools' multistep form cache so we can retain data from form to form. 1
gathercontent_import_cancel ./gathercontent.module Handles the 'cancel' click on the add/edit pane form wizard. 1
gathercontent_import_content_type ./gathercontent.module Import wizard step 1: Select content type. 1
gathercontent_import_content_type_submit ./gathercontent.module Form submit handler.
gathercontent_import_finish ./gathercontent.module Handles the 'finish' click on teh add/edit pane form wizard. 1
gathercontent_import_next ./gathercontent.module Handles the 'next' click on the add/edit pane form wizard. 1
gathercontent_import_pages ./gathercontent.module Import wizard step 3: Import pages. 1
gathercontent_import_pages_submit ./gathercontent.module Form submit handler.
gathercontent_menu ./gathercontent.module Implements hook_menu().
gathercontent_permission ./gathercontent.module Implements hook_permission().
gathercontent_projects_list ./gathercontent.module Build an array of available GatherContent projects. 2
gathercontent_requirements ./gathercontent.install Implements hook_requirements().
gathercontent_uninstall ./gathercontent.install Implements hook_uninstall().

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