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public static function GatherContentPages::pageImportForm in GatherContent 7

Generate tableselect rows.

1 call to GatherContentPages::pageImportForm()
gathercontent_import_pages in ./gathercontent.module
Import wizard step 3: Import pages.


./, line 113
Class to fetch pages from GatherContent and turn them into Drupal nodes.


@file Class to fetch pages from GatherContent and turn them into Drupal nodes.


public static function pageImportForm($pages, $options, $index = -1) {
  if (isset($pages)) {
    foreach ($pages as $id => $page) {
      $options['gc_page_id_' . $id] = array(
        'title' => array(
          'data' => array(
            '#markup' => theme('indentation', array(
              'size' => $index,
            )) . $page->name,
            '#title' => check_plain($page->name),

      // If the page has children, call this function recursively, so the
      // children are added to the form as well.
      if (isset($page->children) && count($page->children) > 0) {
        $options = GatherContentPages::pageImportForm($page->children, $options, $index);
    return $options;