function fuzzysearch_process in Fuzzy Search 6
Process the search query
1 call to fuzzysearch_process()
- theme_fuzzysearch_show_results in ./
fuzzysearch.module - Theme hook for rendering search results.
- ./
fuzzysearch.module, line 586 - Module file for fuzzysearch module.
function fuzzysearch_process($query, $theme = NODE_THEME, $limit = 10) {
global $user;
global $multibyte;
// if no keys were entered do not display anything below the search form
if (!$query) {
// Sanitize query again because it can be submitted from url as well as form.
// Do this word-by-word to keep words whole even after removing excluded
// characters. Keep the original for highlighting.
$orig_query = $query = trim($query);
$parts = explode(' ', $query);
foreach ($parts as $part) {
$query_array[] = str_replace(' ', '', fuzzysearch_cleanse($part));
$query = implode(' ', $query_array);
// Log the search keys:
watchdog('fuzzysearch', '%query', array(
'%query' => $query,
), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l(t('results'), variable_get('fuzzysearch_path_name', 'fuzzysearch/results') . '/' . $query));
// Hook_fuzzysearch_filter lets modules filter text. This should be used for
// more complex filtering. Stop words should not use this. Create a stopword
// file instead. See fuzzysearch/stopwords/README.txt.
foreach (module_implements('fuzzysearch_filter') as $name) {
$function = $name . '_fuzzysearch_filter';
$query = $function('search', $query);
// Remove stopwords.
$query = fuzzysearch_stopwords($query);
// Make sure we still have a query.
if (!$query) {
$nlength = variable_get('fuzzysearch_ngram_length', 3);
$min_spelling = variable_get('fuzzysearch_spelling', 30);
$excerpt = variable_get('fuzzysearch_excerpt', 200);
$missing_letters = variable_get('fuzzysearch_missing_letters', 1);
$extra_letters = variable_get('fuzzysearch_extra_letters', 1);
$words = explode(' ', $query);
// Build the WHERE clause for the ngrams.
// @todo Change type of query based on boolean operators
$clause = '';
foreach ($words as $k => $word) {
$length = drupal_strlen($word);
// $comp_min is the minumum completeness an ngram can have to return words.
// If > 0 $extra_letters assumes the searcher has missing letters in the search term.
// It's configurable by the admin. Increasing the number of extra letters
// lowers the completeness and returns more words, making things fuzzier.
$comp_min = 100 / ($length - $nlength + 1 + $missing_letters);
// $comp_max is the maximum completeness an ngram can have and still return words.
// In this case we assume the search term has extra letters, and this lets us include
// shorter words in the results. Increasing this raises the completeness of an ngram
// and returns more grams with higher completeness. Completeness can never be
// higher than 100%.
if ($length - $nlength + 1 - $extra_letters <= 0) {
$comp_max = 100;
else {
$comp_max = 100 / ($length - $nlength + 1 - $extra_letters);
$comp_min = number_format($comp_min, 3) - 0.001;
$comp_max = number_format($comp_max, 3) + 0.001;
// Tuning info
if (variable_get('fuzzysearch_debug_search', FALSE) && user_access('access fuzzysearch debugging')) {
$message = t('Adding ngrams to the query for the word "@word" to the query with ngram length of @nlength, minimum ngram completeness of @comp_min and maximum ngram completeness of @comp_max', array(
'@word' => $word,
'@nlength' => $nlength,
'@comp_min' => $comp_min,
'@comp_max' => $comp_max,
drupal_set_message($message, 'status', FALSE);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length - 2; $i++) {
$clause .= " (ngram = '" . drupal_substr($word, $i, $nlength) . "' AND completeness BETWEEN " . $comp_min . " AND " . $comp_max . ") OR";
$clause = preg_replace("/ OR\$/", '', $clause);
// @todo: Fix the minimum completeness so that a single qgram match doesn't necessarily return a match
$min_completeness = check_plain(variable_get('fuzzysearch_completeness', 40));
// Get content types to exclude from results. They are still indexed.
$types = array_filter(variable_get('fuzzysearch_nodetypes', array(
// Build the query args and placeholders.
$args[] = $min_completeness;
$args += $types;
$placeholders = count($types) ? db_placeholders($types, 'text') : '\'\'';
$order_by = variable_get('fuzzysearch_sort_score', FALSE) ? 'score DESC, percent DESC' : 'percent DESC, score DESC';
// Main query
$sql = "SELECT n.nid, MAX(n.moderate) AS moderate, MAX(n.uid) AS uid, MAX(n.type) AS type, MAX(n.status) AS status, SUM(subpercent) AS percent, SUM(subscore) AS score\n FROM (SELECT DISTINCT word_id, nn.nid, SUM(completeness) AS subpercent, SUM(score) AS subscore\n FROM {fuzzysearch_index} s\n LEFT JOIN {node} nn ON (nn.nid = s.nid)\n WHERE (({$clause}))\n GROUP BY word_id, nn.nid HAVING SUM(completeness) >= %d) AS q\n LEFT JOIN {node} n on n.nid = q.nid\n WHERE n.status = 1\n AND n.type NOT IN ({$placeholders})\n GROUP BY n.nid ORDER BY {$order_by}";
// Count query
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(n.nid))\n FROM (SELECT nn.type, nn.uid, nn.moderate, nn.nid, CEILING(SUM(completeness)) AS completeness, SUM(score) AS score\n FROM {fuzzysearch_index} AS s\n LEFT JOIN {node} nn on s.nid = nn.nid\n WHERE {$clause}\n GROUP BY word_id, s.nid, nn.type, nn.uid, nn.moderate, nn.nid\n HAVING SUM(completeness) >= %d) AS q\n LEFT JOIN {node} n on n.nid = q.nid\n WHERE n.status = 1\n AND n.type NOT IN ({$placeholders})";
$sql = db_rewrite_sql($sql);
$sql_count = db_rewrite_sql($sql_count);
if (variable_get('fuzzysearch_debug_search', FALSE) && user_access('access fuzzysearch debugging')) {
drupal_set_message(t('Fuzzysearch main query after db_rewriting: @sql', array(
'@sql' => $sql,
)), 'status', FALSE);
$debug_nodes = db_result(db_query($sql_count, $args));
drupal_set_message(t('Fuzzysearch found @nodes matching node(s).', array(
'@nodes' => $debug_nodes,
)), 'status', FALSE);
$block_limit = $theme == BLOCK_THEME ? variable_get('fuzzysearch_block_limit', 5) : 0;
if ($block_limit) {
$pager_results = db_query($sql . ' LIMIT ' . $block_limit, $args);
else {
$pager_results = pager_query($sql, $limit, 0, $sql_count, $args);
// Load the matched nodes.
while ($row = db_fetch_object($pager_results)) {
$node = node_load($row->nid);
$node->score = $row->score;
$node->completeness = $row->percent;
// If this is just a title search, we can skip all the processing below.
if ($theme == 1) {
// Build the node body. This grabs cck field labels and values. Remove
// double spaces added for html legibility by cck.
$node->build_mode = NODE_BUILD_SEARCH_RESULT;
$node = node_build_content($node, FALSE, FALSE);
$node->body = preg_replace("/ +/", " ", drupal_render($node->content));
// Add the comments to the node for highlighting.
if (function_exists('comment_render') && $node->comment && user_access('access comments')) {
$comments = db_query('SELECT subject, comment FROM {comments} WHERE nid = %d AND status = %d', $node->nid, COMMENT_PUBLISHED);
while ($comment = db_fetch_object($comments)) {
$node->body .= ' ' . strip_tags($comment->subject) . ' ' . strip_tags($comment->comment);
// Query each matched node for the search ngrams. We use this for fuzzy
// highlighting of misspelled words. We do this per node to narrow
// the possible false ngrams when a misspelled ngram matches a real one.
// This could still return some false ngrams, but that's why it's fuzzy.
$sql_ngrams = "\n SELECT s.ngram, s.word_id, s.completeness\n FROM {fuzzysearch_index} s\n LEFT JOIN {node} n ON (n.nid = s.nid)\n WHERE (({$clause}) AND n.nid = {$row->nid} AND n.status = 1\n AND n.type NOT IN ({$placeholders}))";
$ngrams = db_query($sql_ngrams, $args);
$clean_grams = $short_words = array();
$i = 0;
while ($ngram = db_fetch_array($ngrams)) {
$clean_grams[$ngram['ngram']][] = $ngram;
// Ngrams can occur multiple times, so filter.
$clean_grams = fuzzysearch_unique($clean_grams);
// This will hold our search terms.
$clean_words = explode(' ', $orig_query);
// Now we rebuild the words stripping out misspelled ngrams.
foreach ($clean_words as $key => $clean_word) {
// If we have an exact match, let's skip the work to check for misspellings.
if (!preg_match('/\\b' . $clean_word . '\\b/iu', $node->body)) {
$pos = $id_count = array();
$len = drupal_strlen($clean_word);
// Ignore search terms less than the ngram length.
if ($len >= $nlength) {
// Get the position of each good hit.
foreach ($clean_grams as $n => $gram) {
if ($multibyte == UNICODE_MULTIBYTE) {
if (mb_stripos($clean_word, $n) !== FALSE) {
$pos[mb_stripos($clean_word, $n)] = $n;
// Keep count of our word ids so we can try to guess which word
// we are trying to match.
foreach ($clean_grams[$n] as $ngram_data) {
$id_count[$ngram_data['word_id']] = '';
$id_count[$ngram_data['word_id']] = $id_count[$ngram_data['word_id']] + 1;
else {
if (stripos($clean_word, $n) !== FALSE) {
$pos[stripos($clean_word, $n)] = $n;
// Keep count of our word ids so we can try to guess which word
// we are trying to match.
foreach ($clean_grams[$n] as $ngram_data) {
$id_count[$ngram_data['word_id']] = '';
$id_count[$ngram_data['word_id']] = $id_count[$ngram_data['word_id']] + 1;
// This gives us an array with the most common word_id as the first
// element.
$id_count = array_keys($id_count);
// Remove any position matches that are not in our likely word (the
// word with the highest word_id count).
foreach ($pos as $position => $pgram) {
$pmatch = FALSE;
foreach ($clean_grams[$pgram] as $pid) {
if ($pid['word_id'] == $id_count[0]) {
$pmatch = TRUE;
if (!$pmatch) {
// Start with a dummy word at the right length, but only if there are
// some matching ngram hits.
$newword = '';
if (count($pos)) {
$newword = str_pad('', $len, '.');
$hits = $misses = $i = $pos_plus = 0;
// Check character by character for ngram matches. We don't need to check
// beyond the first character of the ngram.
for ($i = 0; $i <= $len - $nlength; $i++) {
// This is a match, so insert it into our dummy word.
if (isset($pos[$i])) {
$newword = drupal_substr($newword, 0, $i + $pos_plus) . $pos[$i] . drupal_substr($newword, $i + $pos_plus + $nlength, $len);
else {
// But don't overwrite a letter, only a '.' .
if (drupal_substr($newword, $i + $pos_plus + $nlength - 1, 1) == '.') {
$newword = $i == 0 || $i + $pos_plus > $len - $nlength ? $newword : drupal_substr($newword, 0, $i + $pos_plus + $nlength - 1) . '.*' . drupal_substr($newword, $i + $pos_plus + 1 + $nlength - 1);
// If we insert here, we need to adjust the positions in the $pos array.
// Only keep our rebuilt word if it meets our minimum spelling match score.
// Subtract $pos_plus from $len to get the original search term length.
// Then subtract $nlength - 1 to get the number of ngrams in the term.
$spell_percent = $hits / ($len - $pos_plus - $nlength + 1) * 100;
if ($spell_percent >= $min_spelling) {
// Remove consecutive wildcards and add word boundaries.
$newword = preg_replace("/\\.\\./", ".*", $newword);
$newword = preg_replace("/\\.\\*\\.\\*/", ".*", $newword);
$newword = '\\b\\w*' . trim($newword, '.*') . '.*?\\b';
$clean_words[$key] = $newword;
if (variable_get('fuzzysearch_debug_search', FALSE) && user_access('access fuzzysearch debugging')) {
$node->spelling_debug .= t('Highlighting regex @newword -- Ngram spelling match is @percent%', array(
'@newword' => $newword,
'@percent' => number_format($spell_percent, 2),
)) . '</br>';
else {
else {
// Build a replacement node body containing sections of text with the found
// words, with leading and trailing text.
$node->body = strip_tags($node->body);
$section = array();
$section_length = array();
foreach ($clean_words as $k => $word) {
$location = 0;
// If the word is found, add its position to $section.
while (preg_match('/' . $word . '/iu', $node->body, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $location) && $word != '') {
// Make sure we didn't traverse any word breaks by checking for spaces.
// Pretty sure we don't need mb_stripos() here because we don't actually
// care about the position
if (!stripos($matches[0][0], ' ')) {
$section[] = _fuzzysearch_char_count($node->body, $matches[0][1]);
$section_length[$matches[0][1]] = drupal_strlen($word);
$clean_words[$k] = $matches[0][0];
// Increase $location by one so we don't find the previous location.
$location = $matches[0][1] + 1;
// Because we found words one by one, the locations are out of order. Sort
// so that the locations are in natural order.
$section = array_values($section);
$section_length = array_values($section_length);
$p = 0;
$found = $newbody = '';
$trail = $lead = $excerpt / 2;
$start = $section[0];
while (isset($section[$p])) {
// If the current section is within the previous, let's not create a new one
// so we don't have any duplicate text.
if (isset($section[$p + 1]) && $section[$p] + $lead + $section_length[$p] + $trail > $section[$p + 1]) {
$trail = $section[$p + 1] + $section_length[$p + 1] + $lead - $start;
// Put an excerpt into our replacement node body, with the
// found word in the center.
$found = $start - $lead < 0 ? drupal_substr($node->body, 0, $excerpt) : drupal_substr($node->body, $start - $lead, $trail + $lead);
if (variable_get('fuzzysearch_max_result', 0) && drupal_strlen($newbody . $found) > variable_get('fuzzysearch_max_result', 0)) {
$newbody .= '...' . $found . '... ';
$start = isset($section[$p]) ? $section[$p] : 0;
$trail = $lead;
// Wrap the found words in a <strong> tag to highlight them.
$newbody = preg_replace('/' . $boundary . '[^' . PREG_CLASS_SEARCH_EXCLUDE . PREG_CLASS_CJK . ']*' . '(' . implode('|', $clean_words) . ')' . '[^' . PREG_CLASS_SEARCH_EXCLUDE . PREG_CLASS_CJK . ']*' . $boundary . '/iu', '<strong>\\0</strong>', $newbody);
// If there are no result excerpts in the body, at least show the teaser.
$node->body = $newbody == '' ? truncate_utf8(strip_tags($node->teaser), variable_get('fuzzysearch_max_result', 0), TRUE, TRUE) : $newbody;
$results[] = $node;
else {
$results[] = $node;
return $results;