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function node_build_content in Drupal 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 modules/node/node.module \node_build_content()
  2. 7 modules/node/node.module \node_build_content()

Builds a structured array representing the node's content.


$node: A node object.

$teaser: Whether to display the teaser only, as on the main page.

$page: Whether the node is being displayed by itself as a page.

Return value

A node object with its content property set to a structured array containing the individual elements of the node's body.

4 calls to node_build_content()
book_node_export in modules/book/book.module
Generates printer-friendly HTML for a node.
node_search in modules/node/node.module
Implementation of hook_search().
node_view in modules/node/node.module
Generate a display of the given node.
_node_index_node in modules/node/node.module
Index a single node.


modules/node/node.module, line 1082
The core that allows content to be submitted to the site. Modules and scripts may programmatically submit nodes using the usual form API pattern.


function node_build_content($node, $teaser = FALSE, $page = FALSE) {

  // The build mode identifies the target for which the node is built.
  if (!isset($node->build_mode)) {
    $node->build_mode = NODE_BUILD_NORMAL;

  // Remove the delimiter (if any) that separates the teaser from the body.
  $node->body = isset($node->body) ? str_replace('<!--break-->', '', $node->body) : '';

  // The 'view' hook can be implemented to overwrite the default function
  // to display nodes.
  if (node_hook($node, 'view')) {
    $node = node_invoke($node, 'view', $teaser, $page);
  else {
    $node = node_prepare($node, $teaser);

  // Allow modules to make their own additions to the node.
  node_invoke_nodeapi($node, 'view', $teaser, $page);
  return $node;