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Files in Fuzzy Search 6

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CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt 5/3/2011 #966468 by berliner: Added Queuing for reindexing of the site. 5/2/2011 #1137826 by dontgoquietly: Fixed PHP 5.3 reference error, index not deleted before rebuilding. Fix bugs on indexing that were creating new words on removing excluded…
fuzzysearch-result.tpl.php fuzzysearch-result.tpl.php Template for fuzzysearch results. Admin settings and related functions
fuzzysearch.css fuzzysearch.css /* Search Form Style */ #fuzzysearch-form .search-form{ margin: 10px 0 8px 0; } #fuzzysearch-form .search-form .form-item{ float: left; width: 280px; margin:0; padding: 0; } #fuzzysearch-form input{ margin: 0; } #fuzzysearch-form… name = Fuzzy Search description = Enables site-wide fuzzy keyword searching. package = Search Engine core = 6.x
fuzzysearch.install fuzzysearch.install Install file for fuzzysearch module.
fuzzysearch.module fuzzysearch.module Module file for fuzzysearch module. modules/fuzzysearch_filter_example/ ; Id: name = Fuzzysearch filter example description = Example module for filtering content and search terms dependencies[] = fuzzysearch package = Search Engine version = VERSION core = 6.x
fuzzysearch_filter_example.module modules/fuzzysearch_filter_example/fuzzysearch_filter_example.module
fuzzysearch_stopwords_de.txt stopwords/fuzzysearch_stopwords_de.txt ab aber abgerufen abgerufene abgerufener abgerufenes acht acute ähnlich alle allein allem allen aller allerdings allerlei alles allg allgemein allmählich allzu als alsbald also am amp an and ander andere anderem anderen anderer andererseits anderes…
fuzzysearch_stopwords_en.txt stopwords/fuzzysearch_stopwords_en.txt a able about above abroad according accordingly across actually adj after afterwards again against ago ahead aint all allow allows almost alone along alongside already also although always am amid amidst among amongst an and another any anybody anyhow…
LICENSE.txt LICENSE.txt GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but…
readme.txt readme.txt Fuzzy Search Module Read Me Project Home: === Installation === To install this module simply: 1. Install as usual, see for further information. 2. Configure permissions for which…
README.txt stopwords/README.txt The directory fuzzysearch/stopwords contains text files that can be used to keep common words out of the fuzzysearch index. Stop words are also stripped from search terms. This has performance benefits and can make search results more useful. Do not…

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