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function fuzzysearch_stopwords in Fuzzy Search 6

Remove stop words from search query and text to be indexed.


$text: The text to be stripped of stop words.

2 calls to fuzzysearch_stopwords()
fuzzysearch_index in ./fuzzysearch.module
Index the node data in the fuzzy index table.
fuzzysearch_process in ./fuzzysearch.module
Process the search query


./fuzzysearch.module, line 1050
Module file for fuzzysearch module.


function fuzzysearch_stopwords($text) {
  static $stop_words;
  if (!is_array($stop_words)) {
    $stop_words = array();
    $files = file_scan_directory('sites/all/libraries/fuzzysearch/stopwords', 'fuzzysearch_stopwords_.+\\.txt', array(), 0, TRUE, 'name');
    foreach ($files as $file) {
      $stop_words = array_merge($stop_words, explode(' ', file_get_contents($file->filename)));
  $text = explode(' ', $text);
  $text = array_diff($text, $stop_words);
  return implode(' ', $text);