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function features_set_signature in Features 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 \features_set_signature()
  2. 7 \features_set_signature()

Set the signature of a module/component pair in the codecache.

4 calls to features_set_signature()
features_admin_components_review in ./
Submit handler for revert form.
features_get_component_states in ./
Retrieve an array of features/components and their current states.
features_update_6101 in ./features.install
Update 6101: Set codestate signature for all features.
_features_restore in ./features.module
Restore the specified modules to the default state.
1 string reference to 'features_set_signature'
features_update_6101 in ./features.install
Update 6101: Set codestate signature for all features.


./, line 547


function features_set_signature($module, $component, $signature = NULL) {
  $var_codecache = variable_get('features_codecache', array());
  $signature = isset($signature) ? $signature : features_get_signature('default', $module, $component, TRUE);
  $var_codecache[$module][$component] = $signature;
  variable_set('features_codecache', $var_codecache);