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function features_set_signature in Features 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 \features_set_signature()
  2. 7 \features_set_signature()

Updates a module/component signature in the database.

The signature stored in the database reflects the last known state of the component in code.


string $module: A feature module name.

string $component: A component name, e.g. 'field_instance'.

string|null|false $signature: An md5 signature, or NULL to generate one from the current state in code, or FALSE to delete the signature.

string|null $message: (optional) Message to store along with the updated signature.

4 calls to features_set_signature()
features_admin_components_review in ./
Submit handler for the 'Mark as reviewed' button.
features_get_component_states in ./
Retrieve an array of features/components and their current states.
features_update_6101 in ./features.install
Update 6101: Set codestate signature for all features.
_features_restore in ./features.module
Restore the specified modules to the default state.
1 string reference to 'features_set_signature'
features_update_6101 in ./features.install
Update 6101: Set codestate signature for all features.


./, line 968
Contains functions that export configuration into feature modules.


function features_set_signature($module, $component, $signature = NULL, $message = NULL) {
  if ($signature === NULL) {

    // Build signature from current state in code.
    $signature = features_get_signature('default', $module, $component, TRUE);

  // Support un-updated databases.
  switch (_features_get_signature_storage_type()) {
    case 'table':

      // The database is fully updated.
      // All signatures are stored in a dedicated database table.
      if ($signature === FALSE) {

        // Delete the signature.
          ->condition('module', $module)
          ->condition('component', $component)
      else {

        // Insert or update the signature.
          'module' => $module,
          'component' => $component,
          'signature' => $signature,
          'updated' => time(),
          'message' => $message,
    case 'cache':

      // The database is not fully updated, only to schema version 7201.
      // Signatures are stored in a cache table.
      $cache = cache_get('features_codecache', 'cache_featurestate');
      if (!empty($cache->data)) {
        $signaturess = $cache->data;
      $signaturess[$module][$component] = $signature;
      cache_set('features_codecache', $signaturess, 'cache_featurestate');
    case 'variable':

      // The database is not fully updated, schema version before 7201.
      // Signatures are stored in a variable.
      $signaturess = variable_get('features_codecache', array());
      $signaturess[$module][$component] = $signature;
      variable_set('features_codecache', $signaturess);