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function features_get_component_states in Features 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 \features_get_component_states()
  2. 7 \features_get_component_states()

Retrieve an array of features/components and their current states.

6 calls to features_get_component_states()
drush_features_revert in ./
Revert a feature to it's code definition.
FeaturesUserTestCase::test in tests/features.test
Run test.
features_admin_components in ./
Display the components of a feature.
features_detect_overrides in ./
Detect differences between DB and code components of a feature.
features_get_storage in ./
Get a summary storage state for a feature.

... See full list


./, line 727


function features_get_component_states($features = array(), $rebuild_only = TRUE, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $cache;
  if (!isset($cache) || $reset) {
    $cache = array();
  $features = !empty($features) ? $features : array_keys(features_get_features());

  // Retrieve only rebuildable components if requested.
  $components = array_keys(features_get_components());
  if ($rebuild_only) {
    foreach ($components as $k => $component) {
      if (!features_hook($component, 'features_rebuild')) {
  foreach ($features as $feature) {
    $cache[$feature] = isset($cache[$feature]) ? $cache[$feature] : array();
    if (module_exists($feature)) {
      foreach ($components as $component) {
        if (!isset($cache[$feature][$component])) {
          $normal = features_get_signature('normal', $feature, $component, $reset);
          $default = features_get_signature('default', $feature, $component, $reset);
          $codecache = features_get_signature('cache', $feature, $component, $reset);
          $semaphore = features_semaphore('get', $component);

          // DB and code states match, there is nothing more to check.
          if ($normal == $default) {
            $cache[$feature][$component] = FEATURES_DEFAULT;

            // Stale semaphores can be deleted.
            features_semaphore('del', $component);

            // Update code cache if it is stale, clear out semaphore if it stale.
            if ($default != $codecache) {
              features_set_signature($feature, $component, $default);
          else {
            if (!features_hook($component, 'features_rebuild')) {
              $cache[$feature][$component] = FEATURES_OVERRIDDEN;
            else {
              if (empty($semaphore)) {

                // Exception for dependencies. Dependencies are always rebuildable.
                if ($component === 'dependencies') {
                  $cache[$feature][$component] = FEATURES_REBUILDABLE;
                else {

                  // Code has not changed, but DB does not match. User has DB overrides.
                  if ($codecache == $default) {
                    $cache[$feature][$component] = FEATURES_OVERRIDDEN;
                  else {
                    if (empty($codecache) || $codecache == $normal) {
                      $cache[$feature][$component] = FEATURES_REBUILDABLE;
                    else {
                      if ($codecache != $default) {
                        $cache[$feature][$component] = FEATURES_NEEDS_REVIEW;
              else {

                // Semaphore is still within processing horizon. Do nothing.
                if (time() - $semaphore < FEATURES_SEMAPHORE_TIMEOUT) {
                  $cache[$feature][$component] = FEATURES_REBUILDING;
                else {
                  $cache[$feature][$component] = FEATURES_REBUILDABLE;

  // Filter cached components on the way out to ensure that even if we have
  // cached more data than has been requested, the return value only reflects
  // the requested features/components.
  $return = $cache;
  $return = array_intersect_key($return, array_flip($features));
  foreach ($return as $k => $v) {
    $return[$k] = array_intersect_key($return[$k], array_flip($components));
  return $return;