You are here in Features 6

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7.2
  2. 7

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 * @param $items
 * @param $module_name
 * @return
function features_populate($items, $dependencies, $module_name) {

  // Sanitize items.
  $items = array_filter($items);
  $items['dependencies'] = drupal_map_assoc(array_filter($dependencies));

  // Populate stub
  $stub = array(
    'features' => array(),
    'dependencies' => array(),
    'conflicts' => array(),
  $export = _features_populate($items, $stub, $module_name);

  // Allow other modules to alter the export.
  drupal_alter('features_export', $export, $module_name);

  // Clean up and standardize order
  foreach (array_keys($export['features']) as $k) {
  return $export;

 * Iterate and descend into a feature definition to extract module
 * dependencies and feature definition. Calls hook_features_export for modules
 * that implement it.
 * @param $pipe
 *  Associative of array of module => info-for-module
 * @param $export
 *  Associative array of items, and module dependencies which define a feature.
 *  Passed by reference.
 * @return fully populated $export array.
function _features_populate($pipe, &$export, $module_name = '') {
  foreach ($pipe as $component => $data) {

    // Convert already defined items to dependencies.
    _features_resolve_dependencies($data, $export, $module_name, $component);
    if (!empty($data) && ($function = features_hook($component, 'features_export'))) {

      // Pass module-specific data and export array.
      // We don't use features_invoke() here since we need to pass $export by reference.
      $more = $function($data, $export, $module_name, $component);

      // Allow other modules to manipulate the pipe to add in additional modules.
      drupal_alter('features_pipe_' . $component, $more, $data, $export);

      // Allow for export functions to request additional exports.
      if (!empty($more)) {
        _features_populate($more, $export, $module_name);
  return $export;

 * Iterates over data and convert to dependencies if already defined elsewhere.
function _features_resolve_dependencies(&$data, &$export, $module_name, $component) {
  if ($map = features_get_default_map($component)) {
    foreach ($data as $key => $item) {

      // If the node type is provided by a different module, add the provider as
      // a dependency.
      if (isset($map[$item]) && $map[$item] != $module_name) {
        $export['dependencies'][$map[$item]] = $map[$item];

 * Iterates over a list of dependencies and kills modules that are
 * captured by other modules 'higher up'.
function _features_export_minimize_dependencies($dependencies, $module_name = '') {

  // Ensure that the module doesn't depend upon itself
  if (!empty($module_name) && !empty($dependencies[$module_name])) {

  // Do some cleanup:
  // - Remove modules required by Drupal core.
  // - Protect against direct circular dependencies.
  // - Remove "intermediate" dependencies.
  $required = drupal_required_modules();
  foreach ($dependencies as $k => $v) {
    if (empty($v) || in_array($v, $required)) {
    else {
      $module = features_get_modules($v);
      if ($module && !empty($module->info['dependencies'])) {

        // If this dependency depends on the module itself, we have a circular dependency.
        // Don't let it happen. Only you can prevent forest fires.
        if (in_array($module_name, $module->info['dependencies'])) {
        else {
          foreach ($module->info['dependencies'] as $j => $dependency) {
            if (array_search($dependency, $dependencies) !== FALSE) {
              $position = array_search($dependency, $dependencies);
  return drupal_map_assoc(array_unique($dependencies));

 * Iterates over a list of dependencies and maximize the list of modules.
function _features_export_maximize_dependencies($dependencies, $module_name = '', $maximized = array(), $first = TRUE) {
  foreach ($dependencies as $k => $v) {
    if (!in_array($v, $maximized)) {
      $maximized[] = $v;
      $module = features_get_modules($v);
      if ($module && !empty($module->info['dependencies'])) {
        $maximized = array_merge($maximized, _features_export_maximize_dependencies($module->info['dependencies'], $module_name, $maximized, FALSE));
  return array_unique($maximized);

 * Prepare a feature export array into a finalized info array.
function features_export_prepare($export, $module_name, $reset = FALSE) {
  $existing = features_get_modules($module_name, $reset);

  // Prepare info string -- if module exists, merge into its existing info file
  $defaults = $existing ? $existing->info : array(
    'core' => '6.x',
    'package' => 'Features',
  $export = array_merge($defaults, $export);

  // Cleanup info array
  foreach ($export['features'] as $component => $data) {
    $export['features'][$component] = array_keys($data);
  if (isset($export['dependencies'])) {
    $export['dependencies'] = array_values($export['dependencies']);
  if (isset($export['conflicts'])) {

  // Order info array.
  $standard_info = array();
  foreach (array(
  ) as $item) {
    if (isset($export[$item])) {
      $standard_info[$item] = $export[$item];
  $export = array_diff_assoc($export, $standard_info);
  return array_merge($standard_info, $export);

 * Generate an array of hooks and their raw code.
function features_export_render_hooks($export, $module_name, $reset = FALSE) {
  $code = array();

  // Sort components to keep exported code consistent
  foreach ($export['features'] as $component => $data) {
    if (!empty($data)) {

      // Sort the items so that we don't generate different exports based on order
      if (features_hook($component, 'features_export_render')) {
        $hooks = features_invoke($component, 'features_export_render', $module_name, $data, $export);
        $code[$component] = $hooks;
  return $code;

 * Render feature export into an array representing its files.
 * @param $export
 *  An exported feature definition.
 * @param $module_name
 *  The name of the module to be exported.
 * @param $reset
 *  Boolean flag for resetting the module cache. Only set to true when
 *  doing a final export for delivery.
 * @return array of info file and module file contents.
function features_export_render($export, $module_name, $reset = FALSE) {
  $code = array();

  // Generate hook code
  $component_hooks = features_export_render_hooks($export, $module_name, $reset);
  $components = features_get_components();

  // Group component code into their respective files
  foreach ($component_hooks as $component => $hooks) {
    $file = array(
      'name' => 'features',
    if (isset($components[$component]['default_file'])) {
      switch ($components[$component]['default_file']) {
          $file['name'] = "features.{$component}";
          $file['name'] = $components[$component]['default_filename'];
    if (!isset($code[$file['name']])) {
      $code[$file['name']] = array();
    foreach ($hooks as $hook_name => $hook_info) {
      $hook_code = is_array($hook_info) ? $hook_info['code'] : $hook_info;
      $hook_args = is_array($hook_info) && !empty($hook_info['args']) ? $hook_info['args'] : '';
      $code[$file['name']][$hook_name] = features_export_render_defaults($module_name, $hook_name, $hook_code, $hook_args);

  // Finalize strings to be written to files
  foreach ($code as $filename => $contents) {
    $code[$filename] = "<?php\n\n" . implode("\n\n", $contents) . "\n";

  // Generate info file output
  $export = features_export_prepare($export, $module_name, $reset);
  $code['info'] = features_export_info($export);

  // Prepare the module
  // If module exists, let it be and include it in the files
  if ($existing = features_get_modules($module_name, TRUE)) {
    $code['module'] = file_get_contents($existing->filename);

    // If the current module file does not reference the include,
    // set a warning message.
    if (isset($code['features']) && strpos($code['module'], "{$module_name}") === FALSE) {
      features_log(t('@module does not appear to include the @include file.', array(
        '@module' => "{$module_name}.module",
        '@include' => "{$module_name}",
      )), 'warning');

    // Deprecated files. Display a message for any of these files letting the
    // user know that they may be removed.
    $deprecated = array(
    foreach (file_scan_directory(drupal_get_path('module', $module_name), '.*') as $file) {
      if (in_array($file->name, $deprecated, TRUE)) {
        features_log(t('The file @filename has been deprecated and can be removed.', array(
          '@filename' => $file->basename,
        )), 'status');
      elseif ($file->name === "{$module_name}.features" && empty($code['features'])) {
        $code['features'] = "<?php\n\n// This file is deprecated and can be removed.\n// Please remove include_once('{$module_name}') in {$module_name}.module as well.\n";
  else {
    if (!empty($code['features'])) {
      $code['module'] = "<?php\n/**\n * @file\n * Code for the {$export['name']} feature.\n */\n\ninclude_once '{$module_name}';\n";
    else {
      $code['module'] = "<?php\n/**\n * @file\n */\n\n// Drupal needs this blank file.\n";
  return $code;

 * Detect differences between DB and code components of a feature.
function features_detect_overrides($module) {
  static $cache;
  if (!isset($cache)) {
    $cache = array();
  if (!isset($cache[$module->name])) {

    // Rebuild feature from .info file description and prepare an export from current DB state.
    $export = features_populate($module->info['features'], $module->info['dependencies'], $module->name);
    $export = features_export_prepare($export, $module->name);
    $overridden = array();

    // Compare feature info
    $compare = array(
      'normal' => features_export_info($export),
      'default' => features_export_info($module->info),
    if ($compare['normal'] !== $compare['default']) {
      $overridden['info'] = $compare;

    // Collect differences at a per-component level
    $states = features_get_component_states(array(
    ), FALSE);
    foreach ($states[$module->name] as $component => $state) {
      if ($state != FEATURES_DEFAULT) {
        $normal = features_get_normal($component, $module->name);
        $default = features_get_default($component, $module->name);
        $compare = array(
          'normal' => features_var_export($normal),
          'default' => features_var_export($default),
        if (_features_linetrim($compare['normal']) !== _features_linetrim($compare['default'])) {
          $overridden[$component] = $compare;
    $cache[$module->name] = $overridden;
  return $cache[$module->name];

 * Gets the available default hooks keyed by components.
function features_get_default_hooks($component = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $hooks;
  if (!isset($hooks) || $reset) {
    $hooks = array();
    foreach (module_implements('features_api') as $module) {
      $info = module_invoke($module, 'features_api');
      foreach ($info as $k => $v) {
        if (isset($v['default_hook'])) {
          $hooks[$k] = $v['default_hook'];
  if (isset($component)) {
    return isset($hooks[$component]) ? $hooks[$component] : FALSE;
  return $hooks;

 * Return a code string representing an implementation of a defaults module hook.
function features_export_render_defaults($module, $hook, $code, $args = '') {
  $output = array();
  $output[] = "/**";
  $output[] = " * Implementation of hook_{$hook}().";
  $output[] = " */";
  $output[] = "function {$module}_{$hook}(" . $args . ") {";
  $output[] = $code;
  $output[] = "}";
  return implode("\n", $output);

 * Generate code friendly to the Drupal .info format from a structured array.
 * @param $info
 *   An array or single value to put in a module's .info file.
 * @param $parents
 *   Array of parent keys (internal use only).
 * @return
 *   A code string ready to be written to a module's .info file.
function features_export_info($info, $parents = array()) {
  $output = '';
  if (is_array($info)) {
    foreach ($info as $k => $v) {
      $child = $parents;
      $child[] = $k;
      $output .= features_export_info($v, $child);
  else {
    if (!empty($info) && count($parents)) {
      $line = array_shift($parents);
      foreach ($parents as $key) {
        $line .= is_numeric($key) ? "[]" : "[{$key}]";
      $line .= " = \"{$info}\"\n";
      return $line;
  return $output;

 * Tar creation function. Written by dmitrig01.
 * @param $name
 *   Filename of the file to be tarred.
 * @param $contents
 *   String contents of the file.
 * @return
 *   A string of the tar file contents.
function features_tar_create($name, $contents) {
  $tar = '';
  $binary_data_first = pack("a100a8a8a8a12A12", $name, '100644 ', '   765 ', '   765 ', sprintf("%11s ", decoct(strlen($contents))), sprintf("%11s", decoct(time())));
  $binary_data_last = pack("a1a100a6a2a32a32a8a8a155a12", '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
  $checksum = 0;
  for ($i = 0; $i < 148; $i++) {
    $checksum += ord(substr($binary_data_first, $i, 1));
  for ($i = 148; $i < 156; $i++) {
    $checksum += ord(' ');
  for ($i = 156, $j = 0; $i < 512; $i++, $j++) {
    $checksum += ord(substr($binary_data_last, $j, 1));
  $tar .= $binary_data_first;
  $tar .= pack("a8", sprintf("%6s ", decoct($checksum)));
  $tar .= $binary_data_last;
  $buffer = str_split($contents, 512);
  foreach ($buffer as $item) {
    $tar .= pack("a512", $item);
  return $tar;

 * Export var function -- from Views.
function features_var_export($var, $prefix = '', $init = TRUE) {
  if (is_object($var)) {
    $output = method_exists($var, 'export') ? $var
      ->export() : features_var_export((array) $var);
  else {
    if (is_array($var)) {
      if (empty($var)) {
        $output = 'array()';
      else {
        $output = "array(\n";
        foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
          $output .= "  '{$key}' => " . features_var_export($value, '  ', FALSE) . ",\n";
        $output .= ')';
    else {
      if (is_bool($var)) {
        $output = $var ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
      else {
        if (is_string($var) && strpos($var, "\n") !== FALSE) {

          // Replace line breaks in strings with a token for replacement
          // at the very end. This protects whitespace in strings from
          // unintentional indentation.
          $var = str_replace("\n", "***BREAK***", $var);
          $output = var_export($var, TRUE);
        else {
          $output = var_export($var, TRUE);
  if ($prefix) {
    $output = str_replace("\n", "\n{$prefix}", $output);
  if ($init) {
    $output = str_replace("***BREAK***", "\n", $output);
  return $output;

 * Helper function to return an array of t()'d translatables strings.
 * Useful for providing a separate array of translatables with your
 * export so that string extractors like potx can detect them.
function features_translatables_export($translatables, $indent = '') {
  $output = '';
  $translatables = array_filter(array_unique($translatables));
  if (!empty($translatables)) {
    $output .= "{$indent}// Translatables\n";
    $output .= "{$indent}// Included for use with string extractors like potx.\n";
    foreach ($translatables as $string) {
      $output .= "{$indent}t(" . features_var_export($string) . ");\n";
  return $output;

 * Get a summary storage state for a feature.
function features_get_storage($module_name) {

  // Get component states, and array_diff against array(FEATURES_DEFAULT).
  // If the returned array has any states that don't match FEATURES_DEFAULT,
  // return the highest state.
  $states = features_get_component_states(array(
  ), FALSE);
  $states = array_diff($states[$module_name], array(
  $storage = !empty($states) ? max($states) : FEATURES_DEFAULT;
  return $storage;

 * Wrapper around features_get_[storage] to return an md5hash of a normalized
 * defaults/normal object array. Can be used to compare normal/default states
 * of a module's component.
function features_get_signature($state = 'default', $module_name, $component, $reset = FALSE) {
  switch ($state) {
    case 'cache':
      $codecache = variable_get('features_codecache', array());
      return isset($codecache[$module_name][$component]) ? $codecache[$module_name][$component] : FALSE;
    case 'default':
      $objects = features_get_default($component, $module_name, TRUE, $reset);
    case 'normal':
      $objects = features_get_normal($component, $module_name, $reset);
  if (!empty($objects)) {
    $objects = (array) $objects;
    return md5(_features_linetrim(features_var_export($objects)));
  return FALSE;

 * Set the signature of a module/component pair in the codecache.
function features_set_signature($module, $component, $signature = NULL) {
  $var_codecache = variable_get('features_codecache', array());
  $signature = isset($signature) ? $signature : features_get_signature('default', $module, $component, TRUE);
  $var_codecache[$module][$component] = $signature;
  variable_set('features_codecache', $var_codecache);

 * Processing semaphore operations.
function features_semaphore($op, $component) {

  // Note: we don't use variable_get() here as the inited variable
  // static cache may be stale. Retrieving directly from the DB narrows
  // the possibility of collision.
  $semaphore = db_result(db_query("SELECT value FROM {variable} WHERE name = 'features_semaphore'"));
  $semaphore = !empty($semaphore) ? unserialize($semaphore) : array();
  switch ($op) {
    case 'get':
      return isset($semaphore[$component]) ? $semaphore[$component] : FALSE;
    case 'set':
      $semaphore[$component] = time();
      variable_set('features_semaphore', $semaphore);
    case 'del':
      if (isset($semaphore[$component])) {
        variable_set('features_semaphore', $semaphore);

 * Get normal objects for a given module/component pair.
function features_get_normal($component, $module_name, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $cache;
  if (!isset($cache) || $reset) {
    $cache = array();
  if (!isset($cache[$module_name][$component])) {
    $code = NULL;
    $module = features_get_features($module_name);

    // Special handling for dependencies component.
    if ($component === 'dependencies') {
      $cache[$module_name][$component] = isset($module->info['dependencies']) ? array_filter($module->info['dependencies'], 'module_exists') : array();
    else {
      $default_hook = features_get_default_hooks($component);
      if ($module && $default_hook && isset($module->info['features'][$component]) && features_hook($component, 'features_export_render')) {
        $code = features_invoke($component, 'features_export_render', $module_name, $module->info['features'][$component], NULL);
        $cache[$module_name][$component] = isset($code[$default_hook]) ? eval($code[$default_hook]) : FALSE;

    // Clear out vars for memory's sake.
  return isset($cache[$module_name][$component]) ? $cache[$module_name][$component] : FALSE;

 * Get defaults for a given module/component pair.
function features_get_default($component, $module_name = NULL, $alter = TRUE, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $cache = array();
  $default_hook = features_get_default_hooks($component);
  $components = features_get_components();

  // Collect defaults for all modules if no module name was specified.
  if (isset($module_name)) {
    $modules = array(
  else {
    if ($component === 'dependencies') {
      $modules = array_keys(features_get_features());
    else {
      $modules = array();
      foreach (features_get_component_map($component) as $component_modules) {
        $modules = array_merge($modules, $component_modules);
      $modules = array_unique($modules);

  // Collect and cache information for each specified module.
  foreach ($modules as $m) {
    if (!isset($cache[$component][$m]) || $reset) {

      // Special handling for dependencies component.
      if ($component === 'dependencies') {
        $module = features_get_features($m);
        $cache[$component][$m] = isset($module->info['dependencies']) ? $module->info['dependencies'] : array();
      else {
        if ($default_hook && function_exists("{$m}_{$default_hook}")) {
          $results = call_user_func("{$m}_{$default_hook}");
          if (!empty($results) && is_array($results)) {
            $cache[$component][$m] = $results;
            if ($alter) {
              drupal_alter($default_hook, $cache[$component][$m]);
          else {
            $cache[$component][$m] = FALSE;
        else {
          $cache[$component][$m] = FALSE;

  // A specific module was specified. Retrieve only its components.
  if (isset($module_name)) {
    return isset($cache[$component][$module_name]) ? $cache[$component][$module_name] : FALSE;

  // No module was specified. Retrieve all components.
  $all_defaults = array();
  if (isset($cache[$component])) {
    foreach (array_filter($cache[$component]) as $module_components) {
      $all_defaults = array_merge($all_defaults, $module_components);
  return $all_defaults;

 * Get a map of components to their providing modules.
function features_get_default_map($component, $attribute = NULL, $callback = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $map = array();
  if ((!isset($map[$component]) || $reset) && ($default_hook = features_get_default_hooks($component))) {
    $map[$component] = array();
    foreach (module_implements($default_hook) as $module) {
      if ($defaults = features_get_default($component, $module)) {
        foreach ($defaults as $key => $object) {
          if (isset($callback)) {
            if ($object_key = $callback($object)) {
              $map[$component][$object_key] = $module;
          elseif (isset($attribute)) {
            if (is_object($object) && isset($object->{$attribute})) {
              $map[$component][$object->{$attribute}] = $module;
            elseif (is_array($object) && isset($object[$attribute])) {
              $map[$component][$object[$attribute]] = $module;
          elseif (!isset($attribute) && !isset($callback)) {
            if (!is_numeric($key)) {
              $map[$component][$key] = $module;
          else {
            return FALSE;
  return isset($map[$component]) ? $map[$component] : FALSE;

 * Retrieve an array of features/components and their current states.
function features_get_component_states($features = array(), $rebuild_only = TRUE, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $cache;
  if (!isset($cache) || $reset) {
    $cache = array();
  $features = !empty($features) ? $features : array_keys(features_get_features());

  // Retrieve only rebuildable components if requested.
  $components = array_keys(features_get_components());
  if ($rebuild_only) {
    foreach ($components as $k => $component) {
      if (!features_hook($component, 'features_rebuild')) {
  foreach ($features as $feature) {
    $cache[$feature] = isset($cache[$feature]) ? $cache[$feature] : array();
    if (module_exists($feature)) {
      foreach ($components as $component) {
        if (!isset($cache[$feature][$component])) {
          $normal = features_get_signature('normal', $feature, $component, $reset);
          $default = features_get_signature('default', $feature, $component, $reset);
          $codecache = features_get_signature('cache', $feature, $component, $reset);
          $semaphore = features_semaphore('get', $component);

          // DB and code states match, there is nothing more to check.
          if ($normal == $default) {
            $cache[$feature][$component] = FEATURES_DEFAULT;

            // Stale semaphores can be deleted.
            features_semaphore('del', $component);

            // Update code cache if it is stale, clear out semaphore if it stale.
            if ($default != $codecache) {
              features_set_signature($feature, $component, $default);
          else {
            if (!features_hook($component, 'features_rebuild')) {
              $cache[$feature][$component] = FEATURES_OVERRIDDEN;
            else {
              if (empty($semaphore)) {

                // Exception for dependencies. Dependencies are always rebuildable.
                if ($component === 'dependencies') {
                  $cache[$feature][$component] = FEATURES_REBUILDABLE;
                else {

                  // Code has not changed, but DB does not match. User has DB overrides.
                  if ($codecache == $default) {
                    $cache[$feature][$component] = FEATURES_OVERRIDDEN;
                  else {
                    if (empty($codecache) || $codecache == $normal) {
                      $cache[$feature][$component] = FEATURES_REBUILDABLE;
                    else {
                      if ($codecache != $default) {
                        $cache[$feature][$component] = FEATURES_NEEDS_REVIEW;
              else {

                // Semaphore is still within processing horizon. Do nothing.
                if (time() - $semaphore < FEATURES_SEMAPHORE_TIMEOUT) {
                  $cache[$feature][$component] = FEATURES_REBUILDING;
                else {
                  $cache[$feature][$component] = FEATURES_REBUILDABLE;

  // Filter cached components on the way out to ensure that even if we have
  // cached more data than has been requested, the return value only reflects
  // the requested features/components.
  $return = $cache;
  $return = array_intersect_key($return, array_flip($features));
  foreach ($return as $k => $v) {
    $return[$k] = array_intersect_key($return[$k], array_flip($components));
  return $return;

 * Helper function to eliminate whitespace differences in code.
function _features_linetrim($code) {
  $code = explode("\n", $code);
  foreach ($code as $k => $line) {
    $code[$k] = trim($line);
  return implode("\n", $code);

 * "Sanitizes" an array recursively, performing two key operations:
 * - Sort an array by its keys (assoc) or values (non-assoc)
 * - Remove any null or empty values for associative arrays (array_filter()).
function _features_sanitize(&$array) {
  if (is_array($array)) {
    $is_assoc = array_keys($array) !== range(0, count($array) - 1);
    if ($is_assoc) {
      $array = array_filter($array);
    else {
    foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
      if (is_array($v)) {


Namesort descending Description
features_detect_overrides Detect differences between DB and code components of a feature.
features_export_info Generate code friendly to the Drupal .info format from a structured array.
features_export_prepare Prepare a feature export array into a finalized info array.
features_export_render Render feature export into an array representing its files.
features_export_render_defaults Return a code string representing an implementation of a defaults module hook.
features_export_render_hooks Generate an array of hooks and their raw code.
features_get_component_states Retrieve an array of features/components and their current states.
features_get_default Get defaults for a given module/component pair.
features_get_default_hooks Gets the available default hooks keyed by components.
features_get_default_map Get a map of components to their providing modules.
features_get_normal Get normal objects for a given module/component pair.
features_get_signature Wrapper around features_get_[storage] to return an md5hash of a normalized defaults/normal object array. Can be used to compare normal/default states of a module's component.
features_get_storage Get a summary storage state for a feature.
features_semaphore Processing semaphore operations.
features_set_signature Set the signature of a module/component pair in the codecache.
features_tar_create Tar creation function. Written by dmitrig01.
features_translatables_export Helper function to return an array of t()'d translatables strings. Useful for providing a separate array of translatables with your export so that string extractors like potx can detect them.
features_var_export Export var function -- from Views.
_features_export_maximize_dependencies Iterates over a list of dependencies and maximize the list of modules.
_features_export_minimize_dependencies Iterates over a list of dependencies and kills modules that are captured by other modules 'higher up'.
_features_linetrim Helper function to eliminate whitespace differences in code.
_features_populate Iterate and descend into a feature definition to extract module dependencies and feature definition. Calls hook_features_export for modules that implement it.
_features_resolve_dependencies Iterates over data and convert to dependencies if already defined elsewhere.
_features_sanitize "Sanitizes" an array recursively, performing two key operations: