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Functions in Drupal for Facebook 7.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
fb_graph_fb ./fb_graph.module Implements hook_fb().
fb_graph_form_alter ./fb_graph.module
fb_graph_get_tags ./fb_graph.module Get the metatag values for the current page. 3
fb_graph_load ./fb.module Implementation of a %wildcard_load().
fb_graph_menu ./fb_graph.module Implements hook_menu().
fb_graph_node_view ./fb_graph.module Implements hook_node_view() Add reasonable opengraph tags to node pages.
fb_graph_permission ./fb_graph.module Implements hook_permission().
fb_graph_preprocess_page ./fb_graph.module Implements hook_preprocess_page().
fb_graph_publish_action ./fb_graph.module Helper function to publish user activity to Facebook's Open Graph. 1 1
fb_graph_set_tag ./fb_graph.module Define a metatag. It will be published in the html header of the current page. 3
fb_graph_taxonomy_form_vocabulary_submit ./fb_graph.module Form API submit handler. 1
fb_graph_user_view ./fb_graph.module Implements hook_user_view().
fb_iframe_fix_url ./fb.module Convert a local fully qualified path to a facebook app path. This needs to be used internally, to fix drupal_gotos upon form submission. Third party modules should not need to call this. 1
fb_iframe_redirect ./fb.module 4
fb_init ./fb.module Implements hook_init().
fb_install ./fb.install
fb_install_property_message ./fb.install Convenience function to display messages like the one from fb_app_update_6003.
fb_invite_access_cb contrib/fb_invite.module 1
fb_invite_invite_form contrib/fb_invite.module 1
fb_invite_menu contrib/fb_invite.module Implements hook_menu().
fb_invoke ./fb.module Invoke hook_fb(). Only modules/fb modules should invoke this helper function which calls third-party hooks. 30
fb_invoke_async ./fb.module Call a function not now but later. As late as possible during the current request. 1
fb_is_canvas ./fb.module Is the current request a canvas page? 13
fb_is_fb_admin_page ./fb.module Helper tells other modules when to load admin hooks. 5
fb_is_page_admin ./fb.module Does the current user administer the current page?
fb_is_page_liked ./fb.module Does the current user like the current page? 1
fb_is_tab ./fb.module Is the current page a profile tab? 10 1
fb_js_cb ./fb.module Ajax javascript callback. 1
fb_js_settings ./fb.module Helper to get the configured variables. 5
fb_load ./fb.module Implementation of a %wildcard_load().
fb_log_exception ./fb.module Convenience function to log and report exceptions. 38
fb_menu ./fb.module Implements hook_menu().
fb_module_implements_alter ./fb.module Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
fb_page_alter ./fb.module Implements hook_page_alter(). Can alter the $page['page_bottom'] hidden region here.
fb_permission ./fb.module Implements hook_permission().
fb_permission_access_own contrib/fb_permission.module Helper function for menu item access check. 1
fb_permission_access_perms contrib/fb_permission.module
fb_permission_fb contrib/fb_permission.module
fb_permission_fb_required_perms_alter contrib/fb_permission.module Implements hook_fb_required_perms_alter().
fb_permission_form_alter contrib/fb_permission.module Implements hook_form_alter().
fb_permission_form_user_profile_form_alter contrib/fb_permission.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter()
fb_permission_map contrib/fb_permission.module Which permissions can we prompt for? 1
fb_permission_permission contrib/fb_permission.module Implements hook_permission().
fb_permission_user_categories contrib/fb_permission.module Implements hook_user_categories().
fb_process ./ This function uses regular expressions to convert links on canvas pages to URLs that begin 3
fb_protocol ./fb.module Protocol (http or https) of the current request. 6
fb_rdf_namespaces ./fb.module Implements hook_rdf_namespaces(). Adds the xmlns:fb attribute to html tag.
fb_registration_form_alter contrib/fb_registration.module Implements hook_form_alter().
fb_requirements ./fb.install Implementation of hook_requirements().
fb_require_authorization ./fb.module Helper function to ensure user has authorized an application. 2


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