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Functions in Drupal for Facebook 7.3

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
fb_rules_fb_friend contrib/fb_rules.module Implementation of hook_fb_friend().
fb_rules_fb_user contrib/fb_rules.module Implementation of hook_fb_user().
fb_rules_rules_condition_info contrib/ Implementation of hook_rules_condition_info().
fb_rules_rules_event_info contrib/ Implementation of hook_rules_event_info().
fb_scrub_urls ./fb.module This method will clean up URLs. When serving canvas pages, extra information is included in URLs. This will remove the extra information. Useful when linking back to the website from a canvas page or wall post. 2
fb_sess_regenerate_hack ./ When spoofing cookies, sess_regenerate causes problems when it changes the session id. Here we undo that change. Called from fb_user.module. 1 1
fb_settings ./ Helper function to remember values as we learn them. 22 5
fb_settings_get_facebook_cookie ./ The current format of the cookie is a signed request. 1
fb_stream_admin_code_to_token ./ 1
fb_stream_admin_settings ./ Form callback for general settings. 1
fb_stream_fb ./fb_stream.module Implementation of hook_fb().
fb_stream_form_alter ./fb_stream.module Implements hook_form_alter().
fb_stream_get_setting ./fb_stream.module Gets the auto node title setting associated with the given content type.
fb_stream_get_stream_dialog_data ./fb_stream.module Get the data for one or more stream dialogs. Use this function in ajax callbacks, where you want to publish dialog(s) in response to javascript events. 1
fb_stream_js ./fb_stream.module Convert our data structure to javascript. 1
fb_stream_menu ./fb_stream.module Implements hook_menu().
fb_stream_node_form_validate ./fb_stream.module 1
fb_stream_node_insert ./fb_stream.module Implements hook_node_insert().
fb_stream_node_settings_form ./fb_stream.module Helper function for hook_form_alter() renders the settings per node-type. 1
fb_stream_node_settings_form_validate ./fb_stream.module 1
fb_stream_node_update ./fb_stream.module Implements hook_node_update().
fb_stream_permission ./fb_stream.module
fb_stream_post_on_shutdown ./fb_stream.module Logic to post to a Facebook stream. This callback is invoked as the page request shuts down, as late as possible in the order. This runs after all node insert/update hooks have completed. 2
fb_stream_post_options ./fb_stream.module Helper function to add post options to a form. 2
fb_stream_publish_dialog ./fb_stream.module Publish to a user's stream or update their status, via a dialog. 4
fb_stream_requirements ./fb_stream.install Implementation of hook_requirements().
fb_tab_added ./fb_tab.module Drupal menu callback. User has added a tab to one of their pages. 1
fb_tab_admin_form_alter ./ See fb_tab_form_alter. 1
fb_tab_admin_settings ./ Form builder; Configure settings for this site. 1
fb_tab_config_form ./fb_tab.module Build the tab config form. Invokes hook_fb_tab() to get the custom settings. 1
fb_tab_config_form_submit ./fb_tab.module Submit handler for tab config form.
fb_tab_config_url ./fb_tab.module Provides the URL of the settings page for a given facebook page. 1
fb_tab_custom_theme ./fb_tab.module
fb_tab_fb ./fb_tab.module Implements hook_fb
fb_tab_fb_admin ./ Implements hook_fb_admin().
fb_tab_form_alter ./fb_tab.module Implements fb_tab_form_alter.
fb_tab_get_page_config ./fb_tab.module 2
fb_tab_install ./fb_tab.install Implements hook_install()
fb_tab_menu ./fb_tab.module
fb_tab_pages ./fb_tab.module This page callback will show the user a list of pages they have authority to configure. 1
fb_tab_schema ./fb_tab.install
fb_tab_uninstall ./fb_tab.install Implement hook_uninstall()
fb_tab_view ./fb_tab.module Another module provides the contents of the tab depending on the context that we give it (who is calling it, etc.) 1
fb_tab_write_config ./fb_tab.module 1
fb_test_accounts_form contrib/fb_test.module 1
fb_test_accounts_form_submit contrib/fb_test.module
fb_test_create_form contrib/fb_test.module 1
fb_test_create_form_submit contrib/fb_test.module
fb_test_detail_page contrib/fb_test.module 1
fb_test_menu contrib/fb_test.module Implements hook_menu().


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