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Functions in Drupal for Facebook 7.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
fb_exit ./fb.module Implements hook_exit().
fb_facebook_user ./fb.module Returns the facebook user id currently visiting a canvas page, or if set_user has been called. Unlike fb_get_fbu(), works only on canvas and connect pages, or when infinite session has been initialized. 43 1
fb_form_elements ./fb_form.module
fb_form_form_alter ./fb_form.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
fb_form_friend_options ./fb_form.module
fb_form_friend_selector_autocomplete ./fb_form.module Autocomplete friend names 2
fb_form_friend_selector_process ./fb_form.module A selector allowing the user to choose from their friends. This must behave differently depending on whether the form is displayed on an FBML canvas page, iframe canvas page, or regular HTML page.
fb_form_friend_selector_validate ./fb_form.module
fb_form_friend_selector_value ./fb_form.module Convert #default_value into a value for the form field
fb_form_group_member_options ./fb_form.module
fb_form_group_options ./fb_form.module
fb_form_invite_page ./fb_form.module Create a page to invite friends to add an app. 1
fb_form_menu ./fb_form.module Implementation of hook_menu().
fb_form_multi_add_invite_form ./fb_form.module Create a form allowing the user to invite friends to add the app. 1
fb_form_multi_add_invite_form_submit ./fb_form.module
fb_form_multi_selector ./fb_form.module 3
fb_form_process_request_selector ./fb_form.module Build a friend selector for use in <fb:request-form>.
fb_form_requestform ./fb_form.module Helper function to build fb_form_request_form element. 3
fb_form_theme ./fb_form.module
fb_fql_query ./fb.module Helper function for fql queries. 14
fb_friend_block contrib/fb_friend.module Implementation of hook_block().
fb_friend_fb_friend contrib/fb_friend.module Implements hook_fb_friend().
fb_friend_install contrib/fb_friend.install hook_install()
fb_friend_invite_page_fbml Deprecated contrib/fb_friend.module
fb_friend_menu contrib/fb_friend.module
fb_friend_query_records contrib/fb_friend.module
fb_friend_request_accept_page contrib/fb_friend.module 1
fb_friend_request_accept_path contrib/fb_friend.module 1
fb_friend_request_content contrib/fb_friend.module Builds a data structure, similar to Drupal's form API structure, which renders a facebook request-form. 1
fb_friend_request_submit_page contrib/fb_friend.module 1
fb_friend_request_submit_path contrib/fb_friend.module 1
fb_friend_schema contrib/fb_friend.install 1
fb_friend_uninstall contrib/fb_friend.install hook_uninstall()
fb_friend_update_6300 contrib/fb_friend.install
fb_friend_write_record contrib/fb_friend.module 2
fb_friend_write_records contrib/fb_friend.module 1
fb_get_all_apps ./fb.module Convenience method to return array of all know fb_apps. 8
fb_get_app ./fb.module Convenience method to get app info based on id or nid. 15
fb_get_app_data ./fb.module Convenience method for other modules to attach data to the fb_app object. 11
fb_get_app_title ./fb.module Will return a human-readable name if the fb_app module supports it, or fb_admin_get_app_info($fb_app) has been called. However we don't take the relatively expensive step of calling that ourselves.
fb_get_fbu ./fb.module Given a local user id, find the facebook id. 11
fb_get_friends ./fb.module A convenience method for returning a list of facebook friends. 3
fb_get_groups ./fb.module
fb_get_groups_data ./fb.module 2
fb_get_object_fbu ./fb.module Convenience function to learn the fbu associated with a user, node or comment. Used in theming (X)FBML tags. 2
fb_get_token ./fb.module Helper to get the tokens needed to accss facebook's API. 22
fb_get_uid ./fb.module Given a facebook user id, learn the local uid, if any. 1
fb_graph ./fb.module Helper function to work with facebook "open" graph. 18 1
fb_graph_delete_confirm_form ./ Form creator -- ask for confirmation of deletion 1
fb_graph_delete_confirm_form_submit ./


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