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Functions in Drupal for Facebook 5.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
fb_actions_action_info ./fb_actions.module Implemntation of hook_action_info()
fb_actions_cron_per_user ./fb_actions.module Trigger an action several times, emulating a different user each time. Useful for cron jobs in which we update each users profile box, for example.
fb_actions_cron_per_user_form ./fb_actions.module
fb_actions_cron_per_user_submit ./fb_actions.module
fb_actions_profile_fbml ./fb_actions.module
fb_actions_profile_fbml_form ./fb_actions.module Implementation of an Action. See Actions module.
fb_actions_profile_fbml_submit ./fb_actions.module
fb_actions_profile_fbml_validate ./fb_actions.module
fb_actions_ref_fbml ./fb_actions.module
fb_actions_ref_fbml_form ./fb_actions.module Implementation of an Action.
fb_actions_ref_fbml_submit ./fb_actions.module
fb_actions_ref_fbml_validate ./fb_actions.module
fb_add_js ./fb.module Helper function for FBJS files. 2
fb_ahah_bind_form ./fb_form.module Support for AHAH in forms. 1
fb_api_check_session ./fb.module Sometimes calls to fb_api_init succeed, but calls to the client api will fail because cookies are obsolete or what have you. This function makes a call to facebook to test the session. Expensive, so use only when necessary. 1
fb_api_init ./fb.module Include the necessary facebook-platform code and initialize the API object. 17
fb_app_access ./fb_app.module
fb_app_delete ./fb_app.module
fb_app_event_cb ./fb_app.module Callback for FB_APP_PATH_EVENT. 1
fb_app_fb ./fb_app.module hook_fb
fb_app_form ./fb_app.module
fb_app_get_about_url ./fb_app.module
fb_app_get_app_properties ./fb_app.module Get properties from Facebook. Fills in the data that we need to know by querying facebook. 4
fb_app_get_data ./fb_app.module Convenience method for other modules to attach data to the fb_app object. 19
fb_app_insert ./fb_app.module
fb_app_install ./fb_app.install
fb_app_load ./fb_app.module
fb_app_menu ./fb_app.module hook_menu
fb_app_node_info ./fb_app.module hook_node_info.
fb_app_perm ./fb_app.module
fb_app_set_app_properties ./fb_app.module 2
fb_app_token_list ./fb_app.module
fb_app_token_values ./fb_app.module
fb_app_update ./fb_app.module
fb_app_update_1 ./fb_app.install
fb_app_user ./fb_app.module Implementation of hook_user.
fb_app_validate ./fb_app.module
fb_app_validate_fb_app ./fb_app.module
fb_app_view ./fb_app.module
fb_canvas_fb ./fb_canvas.module Implementation of hook_fb.
fb_canvas_fix_url ./fb_canvas.module Convert a local fully qualified path to a facebook app path. This needs to be used internally, to fix drupal_gotos upon form submission. Third party modules should not need to call this, I believe. 3
fb_canvas_footer ./fb_canvas.module
fb_canvas_form_action_via_facebook ./fb_canvas.module Call this from your form_alter hook to prevent changes to the form's default action.
fb_canvas_form_alter ./fb_canvas.module Implementation of hook_form_alter.
fb_canvas_goto ./fb_canvas.module Uses $fb->redirect on canvas pages, otherwise drupal_goto.
fb_canvas_handling_form ./fb_canvas.module 2
fb_canvas_is_fbml ./fb_canvas.module 12 6
fb_canvas_is_iframe ./fb_canvas.module 5 1
fb_canvas_nodeapi ./fb_canvas.module
fb_canvas_page_type ./fb_canvas.module Returns the 'type' of the page. This helps themes determine whether they are to provide an iframe or an iframe within FBML.


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