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function fb_iframe_fix_url in Drupal for Facebook 7.3

Convert a local fully qualified path to a facebook app path. This needs to be used internally, to fix drupal_gotos upon form submission. Third party modules should not need to call this.

1 call to fb_iframe_fix_url()
fb_tab_fb in ./fb_tab.module
Implements hook_fb


./fb.module, line 1578
This is the core required module of Drupal for Facebook.


function fb_iframe_fix_url($url, $iframe_base) {
  global $base_url;
  if ($app_id = fb_settings(FB_SETTINGS_ID)) {

    // Fully qualified paths.
    $patterns[] = "|" . url('', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    )) . "|";
    $replacements[] = $iframe_base;

    // Url rewrites still used for iframe pages. Still needed ???
    $patterns[] = "|{$base_url}/" . FB_SETTINGS_CB . '/' . $app_id . '/|';
    $replacements[] = $iframe_base;
    $url = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $url);
    if (strpos($url, $iframe_base) !== FALSE) {

      // Facebook expects "appNNN_" prepended to hash
      $patterns = "|#([^\\?]*)|";
      $replacements = "#app{$app_id}_\$1";
      $url = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $url);
  return $url;