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Functions in Drupal for Facebook 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
fb_get_uid ./fb.module Given a facebook user id, learn the local uid, if any.
fb_graph ./fb.module Helper function to work with facebook "open" graph. 15 1
fb_graph_delete_confirm_form ./ Form creator -- ask for confirmation of deletion 1
fb_graph_delete_confirm_form_submit ./
fb_graph_fb ./fb_graph.module Implements hook_fb().
fb_graph_form_alter ./fb_graph.module
fb_graph_get_tags ./fb_graph.module Get the metatag values for the current page. 3
fb_graph_menu ./fb_graph.module Implements hook_menu().
fb_graph_nodeapi ./fb_graph.module Implements hook_nodeapi().
fb_graph_perm ./fb_graph.module
fb_graph_preprocess_page ./fb_graph.module Implements hook_preprocess_page().
fb_graph_publish_action ./fb_graph.module Helper function to publish user activity to Facebook's Open Graph. 1 1
fb_graph_set_tag ./fb_graph.module Define a metatag. It will be published in the html header of the current page. 3
fb_graph_taxonomy_form_vocabulary_submit ./fb_graph.module Form API submit handler. 1
fb_graph_user ./fb_graph.module
fb_handle_exception ./fb.module Exception handler for PHP5 exceptions. 1
fb_init ./fb.module Implements hook_init().
fb_install ./fb.install
fb_install_property_message ./fb.install Convenience function to display messages like the one from fb_app_update_6003. 1
fb_invoke ./fb.module Invoke hook_fb. 29
fb_is_canvas ./fb.module Is the current request a canvas page? 12
fb_is_fb_admin_page ./fb.module Helper tells other modules when to load admin hooks. 5
fb_is_page_admin ./fb.module Does the current user administer the current page?
fb_is_page_liked ./fb.module Does the current user like the current page?
fb_is_tab ./fb.module Is the current page a profile tab? 8
fb_js_cb ./fb.module Ajax javascript callback. 1
fb_js_settings ./fb.module Adds the javascript setting with the supplied key/value. This function merely keeps track of the settings and writes them as late as possible. Currently, in the fb_footer() function. There has been a lot of experimentation as to the best place to… 5
fb_load ./fb.module Implementation of a %wildcard_load().
fb_log_exception ./fb.module Convenience function to log and report exceptions. 33
fb_menu ./fb.module Implements hook_menu().
fb_perm ./fb.module Implementation of hook_perm().
fb_permission_access_own contrib/fb_permission.module Helper function for menu item access check. 1
fb_permission_fb_required_perms_alter contrib/fb_permission.module Implements hook_fb_required_perms_alter().
fb_permission_form_alter contrib/fb_permission.module
fb_permission_map contrib/fb_permission.module Which permissions can we prompt for? 1
fb_permission_perm contrib/fb_permission.module @file Code pertaining to Facebook's extended permissions. see
fb_permission_user contrib/fb_permission.module Implementation of hook_user.
fb_process ./ This function uses regular expressions to convert links on canvas pages to URLs that begin 3
fb_protocol ./fb.module Protocol (http or https) of the current request. 7
fb_registration_form_alter contrib/fb_registration.module Implements hook_form_alter().
fb_requirements ./fb.install Implementation of hook_requirements().
fb_require_authorization ./fb.module Helper function to ensure user has authorized an application. 1
fb_rules_fb_friend contrib/fb_rules.module Implementation of hook_fb_friend().
fb_rules_fb_user contrib/fb_rules.module Implementation of hook_fb_user().
fb_rules_rules_event_info contrib/ Implementation of hook_rules_event_info().
fb_scrub_urls ./fb.module This method will clean up URLs. When serving canvas pages, extra information is included in URLs. This will remove the extra information. Useful when linking back to the website from a canvas page or wall post. 7
fb_sess_regenerate_hack ./ When spoofing cookies, sess_regenerate causes problems when it changes the session id. Here we undo that change. Called from fb_user.module. 1 1
fb_settings ./ Helper function to remember values as we learn them. 20 3
fb_settings_get_facebook_cookie ./ The current format of the cookie is a signed request. 1
fb_stream_admin_code_to_token ./ 1


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