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Functions in Drupal for Facebook 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
fb_canvas_fix_url ./fb_canvas.module Convert a local fully qualified path to a facebook app path. This needs to be used internally, to fix drupal_gotos upon form submission. Third party modules should not need to call this. 2
fb_canvas_form_alter ./fb_canvas.module Implementation of hook_form_alter.
fb_canvas_goto ./fb_canvas.module Uses javascript on iframe canvas pages change top frame, otherwise drupal_goto(). 3 3
fb_canvas_is_iframe ./fb_canvas.module Is the current request being displayed in an iframe canvas page? 3
fb_canvas_menu ./fb_canvas.module Implementation of hook_menu().
fb_canvas_redirect ./fb_canvas.module 2
fb_canvas_url_outbound_alter ./fb_canvas.module Implements hook_url_outbound_alter(). 2 1
fb_channel_page ./fb.module Menu callback for custom channel. 1
fb_connect_admin_settings ./ Form builder; Configure settings for this site. 1
fb_connect_app_init ./fb_connect.module Prepare for fbConnect use. Because a single Drupal might support multiple apps, we don't know in advance which is the fbConnect app. 1
fb_connect_app_submit ./fb_connect.module Submit callback. Sets or unsets "primary" app. 1
fb_connect_block ./fb_connect.module Implements hook_block().
fb_connect_fb ./fb_connect.module Implementation of hook_fb().
fb_connect_fb_admin ./ Implementation of hook_fb_admin().
fb_connect_form_alter ./fb_connect.module Implements hook_form_alter().
fb_connect_get_app ./fb_connect.module Helper function for other modules to know page is connected.
fb_connect_get_website_url ./ Convenience method to get an app's website URL. 1
fb_connect_menu ./fb_connect.module Implementation of hook_menu().
fb_connect_theme_registry_alter ./fb_connect.module Implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter().
fb_connect_theme_username_override ./fb_connect.module Our replacement for theme('username', ...) 1
fb_connect_theme_user_picture_override ./fb_connect.module Our replacement for theme('user_picture', ...) 1
fb_connect_uninstall ./fb_connect.install Implements hook_uninstall().
fb_connect_update_6200 ./fb_connect.install
fb_connect_update_6201 ./fb_connect.install
fb_connect_update_6202 ./fb_connect.install
fb_controls ./fb.module Controls are one way to customize the behavior of Drupal for Facebook modules. 8
fb_devel_block ./fb_devel.module Implements hook_block().
fb_devel_cron ./fb_devel.module Implementation of hook_cron().
fb_devel_fb ./fb_devel.module Implements hook_fb().
fb_devel_fbu_page ./fb_devel.module A page which tests function which work with facebook user ids 1
fb_devel_fb_tab ./fb_devel.module
fb_devel_info ./fb_devel.module 1
fb_devel_init ./fb_devel.module Implements hook_init().
fb_devel_js ./fb_devel.module Provide some information for testing AHAH and AJAX scenarios. 1
fb_devel_menu ./fb_devel.module
fb_devel_page ./fb_devel.module Provides a page with useful debug info. 1
fb_devel_requirements ./fb_devel.install Implementation of hook_requirements().
fb_devel_tab ./fb_devel.module Provides a profile tab (FBML) with useful debug info. 1
fb_devel_translated_menu_link_alter ./fb_devel.module
fb_devel_uninstall ./fb_devel.install Implements hook_uninstall().
fb_devel_user ./fb_devel.module Implements hook_user().
fb_example_comment contrib/fb_example.module Implements hook_comment().
fb_example_fb contrib/fb_example.module Implements hook_fb().
fb_example_fb_required_perms_alter contrib/fb_example.module Implements hook_fb_required_perms_alter().
fb_example_fb_user contrib/fb_example.module Implements hook_fb_user().
fb_example_form_alter contrib/fb_example.module Implements hook_form_alter().
fb_example_init contrib/fb_example.module Implements hook_init().
fb_example_install contrib/fb_example.install Implements hook_install().
fb_example_link contrib/fb_example.module Implements hook_link().
fb_example_nodeapi contrib/fb_example.module Implements hook_nodeapi().


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