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function fb_process in Drupal for Facebook 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.4 \fb_process()
  2. 7.3 \fb_process()

This function uses regular expressions to convert links on canvas pages to URLs that begin

This is a relatively expensive operation. In the past, this had to be run on all FBML canvas pages. Now with iframe canvas pages, this is not strictly needed, but remains useful. If processed, links on the page will change the parent frame (the one with the URL shown in the browser). If not processed, the links will change only the iframe.


$output is the page (or iframe block) about to be returned.:

$options - 'add_target' will cause target=_top to be added: when producing an iframe. 'absolute_links' will change hrefs with absolute URLs to refer to canvas pages.

3 calls to fb_process()
fb_canvas_fb in ./fb_canvas.module
Implementation of hook_fb().
fb_example_preprocess_page in contrib/fb_example.module
Implements hook_preprocess_page().
fb_tab_fb in ./fb_tab.module
Implementation of hook_fb


./, line 31
Helper functions for processing links.


function fb_process($output, $options = array()) {
  global $base_url;
  global $_fb, $_fb_app;

  // Default to canvas links
  if (!isset($options['to_canvas'])) {
    $options['to_canvas'] = $_fb_app->canvas;
  $patterns = array();
  $replacements = array();
  $base_path = base_path();
  $targets_added = FALSE;
  if ($_fb) {
    if (function_exists('fb_url_outbound_alter')) {
      $base_before_rewrite = '';
      $rewrite_options = array(
      $base = $base_path . fb_url_outbound_alter($base_before_rewrite, $rewrite_options, '');

      // short URL with rewrite applied.
    else {

      // If no url_alter, use normal base_path.
      $base = $base_path;
    $protocol = fb_protocol();

    // http or https
    if (!isset($options['relative_links']) || $options['relative_links']) {
      if (isset($options['to_canvas']) && ($canvas = $options['to_canvas'])) {

        // Make relative links point to canvas pages.
        $patterns[] = "|<a([^>]*)href=\"{$base}|";
        $replacements[] = "<a \$1 href=\"{$protocol}://{$canvas}/";
      else {

        // Make relative links point to website.
        $site_base = url('<front>', array(
          'absolute' => TRUE,
          'fb_url_alter' => FALSE,
        $patterns[] = "|<a([^>]*)href=\"{$base}|";
        $replacements[] = "<a \$1 href=\"{$site_base}";

      // Add target=_top so that entire pages do not appear within an iframe.
      // TODO: make these pattern replacements more sophisticated, detect whether target is already set.
      if (isset($options['add_target']) && ($target = $options['add_target'])) {

        // Add target=_top to all links
        $patterns[] = "|<a ([^>]*)href=\"|";
        $replacements[] = "<a \$1 target=\"{$target}\" href=\"";

        // Do not change local forms, but do change external ones
        $patterns[] = "|<form([^>]*)action=\"([^:\"]*):|";
        $replacements[] = "<form target=\"{$target}\" \$1 action=\"\$2:";
        $targets_added = TRUE;
    if (!$targets_added) {

      // Add target=_top to only external links
      $patterns[] = "|<a([^>]*)href=\"([^:\"]*):|";
      $replacements[] = "<a target=\"_top\" \$1 href=\"\$2:";
      $patterns[] = "|<form([^>]*)action=\"([^:\"]*):|";
      $replacements[] = "<form target=\"_top\" \$1 action=\"\$2:";
    if (isset($options['absolute_links']) && $options['absolute_links']) {

      // Make absolute links point to canvas pages.
      $absolute_base = url('<front>', array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
      $patterns[] = "|<a([^>]*)href=\"{$absolute_base}|";
      $replacements[] = "<a \$1 href=\"{$protocol}://{$_fb_app->canvas}/";
  if (count($patterns)) {
    $count = 0;
    $return = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $output, -1, $count);

    //print ("fb_process replaced $count.\n\n"); // debug
    return $return;
  else {
    return $output;