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function fb_footer in Drupal for Facebook 6.3

Implements hook_footer().


./fb.module, line 743
This is the core required module of Drupal for Facebook.


function fb_footer($is_front) {
  global $_fb, $_fb_app;

  // This element recommended by facebook.
  $output = "<div id=\"fb-root\"></div>\n";
  $settings = fb_js_settings();
  $output .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
  $output .= "<!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--\n";

  // Put this here instead of fb_devel.module because it must come first.
  if (module_exists('fb_devel')) {
    $output .= "if (typeof(FB_Devel) != 'undefined') {\n";
    $output .= "  FB_Devel.sanityCheck()\n";
    $output .= "}\n";

  // Pending javascript that needs to execute after FB is initialized.
  $js_array = fb_invoke(FB_OP_JS, array(
    'fb' => $GLOBALS['_fb'],
    'fb_app' => $GLOBALS['_fb_app'],
  ), array());
  if (count($js_array)) {

    // The function we define in the footer will be called after FB is initialized.
    $output .= "FB_JS.initHandler = function() {\n";

    //$output .= "debugger;\n";
    $output .= implode("\n  ", $js_array);
    $output .= "};\n";
    $output .= "jQuery(document).bind('fb_init', FB_JS.initHandler);\n\n";

  // Our settings.  We add them here, as late during request as possible.
  $output .= "  jQuery.extend(Drupal.settings, " . json_encode(array(
    'fb' => fb_js_settings(),
  )) . ");\n\n";

  // Initialize FB.
  $output .= "if (typeof(FB) == 'undefined') {\n";

  // Load the JS SDK asynchronously.
  $output .= "  var e = document.createElement('script');\n";
  $output .= "  e.async = true;\n";
  $output .= "  e.src = Drupal.settings.fb.js_sdk_url;\n";
  $output .= "  document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e);\n";
  $output .= "}\n\n";
  $output .= "\n//--><!]]>\n";
  $output .= "\n</script>\n";
  return $output;