facetapi.module in Facet API 6
Same filename and directory in other branches
An abstracted facet API that can be used by various search backens.
facetapi.moduleView source
* @file
* An abstracted facet API that can be used by various search backens.
* Constant for the "AND" operator.
define('FACETAPI_OPERATOR_AND', 'and');
* Constant for the "OR" operator.
define('FACETAPI_OPERATOR_OR', 'or');
* String that represents a time gap of a year between two dates.
* String that represents a time gap of a month between two dates.
* String that represents a time gap of a day between two dates.
* String that represents a time gap of an hour between two dates.
* String that represents a time gap of a minute between two dates.
* String that represents a time gap of a second between two dates.
* Date string for ISO 8601 date formats.
define('FACETAPI_DATE_ISO8601', 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z');
* Regex pattern for range queries.
define('FACETAPI_REGEX_RANGE', '/^[\\[\\{](\\S+) TO (\\S+)[\\]\\}]$/');
* Regex pattern for date queries.
define('FACETAPI_REGEX_DATE', '/^(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})T(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})Z$/');
* Regex pattern for date ranges.
define('FACETAPI_REGEX_DATE_RANGE', '/^\\[(' . trim(FACETAPI_REGEX_DATE, '/^$') . ') TO (' . trim(FACETAPI_REGEX_DATE, '/^$') . ')\\]$/');
* Implementation of hook_menu().
function facetapi_menu() {
$items = array();
// Configuration page for a facet.
$items['admin/settings/%facetapi_adapter/facetapi/%facetapi_realm/%facetapi_facet'] = array(
'title' => 'Facet configuration settings',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'load arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer search',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
'file' => 'facetapi.admin.inc',
// Default tab for the facet configuration pages.
$items['admin/settings/%facetapi_adapter/facetapi/%facetapi_realm/%facetapi_facet/edit'] = array(
'title' => 'Edit',
'load arguments' => array(
'weight' => -40,
return $items;
* Returns a searcher module's adapter class.
* @param $searcher
* A string containing the machine readable name of the searcher module.
* @param $reset
* A boolean flagging whether the static should be reset.
* @return
* A FacetapiAdapter object, FALSE on errors.
function facetapi_adapter_load($searcher, $reset = FALSE) {
static $adapters = array();
// Due to the "load arguments" parameter defined in some menu items, we want
// to ignore non-booleans so that the static isn't reset whenever the menu
// system calls this function.
if (!is_bool($reset)) {
$reset = FALSE;
// Ensures only one instance of this class exists.
if (!isset($adapters[$searcher]) || $reset) {
$definitions = facetapi_adapter_info_get();
if (isset($definitions[$searcher]) && facetapi_file_include($definitions[$searcher])) {
$adapters[$searcher] = new $definitions[$searcher]['class']($searcher, $definitions[$searcher]['type'], $definitions[$searcher]['module']);
else {
$adapters[$searcher] = FALSE;
return $adapters[$searcher];
* Returns a single realm definition.
* @param $realm_name
* A string contaiing the machine readable name of the realm.
* @return
* An array containing the realm definition, FALSE if $realm_name is not
* valid.
function facetapi_realm_load($realm_name) {
$realms = facetapi_realms_get();
return isset($realms[$realm_name]) ? $realms[$realm_name] : FALSE;
* Loads a single facet definition.
* NOTE: Facets aren't statically cached by this function, so avoid situations
* where this needs to be called repeatedly. Use facetapi_enabled_facets_get()
* as an alternative.
* @param $realm_name
* A string containing the machine readable name of the realm.
* @param $searcher
* A string containing the machine readable name of the searcher module.
* @return
* An array containing the facet definition, FALSE if $facet_name or $searcher
* is not valid.
function facetapi_facet_load($facet_name, $searcher) {
if ($adapter = facetapi_adapter_load($searcher)) {
$facets = facetapi_facets_get($searcher, $adapter
if (isset($facets[$facet_name])) {
return $facets[$facet_name];
return FALSE;
* Implementation of hook_theme().
function facetapi_theme() {
return array(
'facetapi_admin_settings_form' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'form' => NULL,
'file' => 'facetapi.admin.inc',
'facetapi_facet_settings_form' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'form' => NULL,
'file' => 'facetapi.admin.inc',
'facetapi_item_list' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'variables' => array(),
'file' => 'facetapi.theme.inc',
'facetapi_title' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'title' => NULL,
'file' => 'facetapi.theme.inc',
'facetapi_count' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'count' => NULL,
'file' => 'facetapi.theme.inc',
'facetapi_link' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'text' => NULL,
'path' => NULL,
'options' => array(),
'file' => 'facetapi.theme.inc',
'facetapi_link_inactive' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'text' => NULL,
'path' => NULL,
'options' => array(),
'count' => 0,
'file' => 'facetapi.theme.inc',
'facetapi_link_active' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'text' => NULL,
'path' => NULL,
'options' => array(),
'file' => 'facetapi.theme.inc',
'facetapi_markup' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'title' => NULL,
'markup' => NULL,
'type' => NULL,
'template' => 'facetapi-markup',
* Process variables for block.tpl.php.
* Converts the md5() hash back to something human readable.
function facetapi_preprocess_block(&$vars) {
if ('facetapi' == $vars['block']->module) {
$map = facetapi_delta_map_get();
if (isset($map[$vars['block']->delta])) {
$vars['block']->delta = str_replace(':', '-', $map[$vars['block']->delta]);
* Identical to the l() function, except the "active" class is not automatically
* set. This is useful for generating links that are displayed on the search
* page and link back to the search page. If we used l(), all facet links would
* be "active" since they link back to the page on which they are being
* displayed.
* @param $text
* A string containing the text to be enclosed with the anchor tag.
* @param $path
* A string containing the Drupal path being linked to. Can be an external or
* internal URL.
* @param $options
* An associative array of additional options.
* @return
* A string containing the anchor link.
* @see l()
function facetapi_l($text, $path, array $options = array()) {
global $language;
$options += array(
'attributes' => array(),
'html' => FALSE,
if (isset($options['attributes']['title']) && FALSE !== strpos($options['attributes']['title'], '<')) {
$options['attributes']['title'] = strip_tags($options['attributes']['title']);
return sprintf('<a href="%s"%s>%s</a>', check_url(url($path, $options)), drupal_attributes($options['attributes']), $options['html'] ? $text : check_plain($text));
* Encodes search keys before submit to prevent plus signs from being converted
* to spaces.
* @param $keys
* A string containing the search keys.
* @return
* A string with special characters encoded.
function facetapi_keys_encode($keys) {
return str_replace('+', '%2B', $keys);
* Invokes hook_facetapi_adapter_info(), returns all adapter definitions.
* @param $reset
* A boolean flagging whether the static should be reset.
* @return
* An array of adapter definitions.
function facetapi_adapter_info_get($reset = FALSE) {
static $adapters;
if (NULL === $adapters || $reset) {
module_load_include('inc', 'facetapi', 'facetapi.adapter');
// Gets adapters from hooks.
$adapters = array();
foreach (module_implements('facetapi_adapter_info') as $module) {
if (($result = module_invoke($module, 'facetapi_adapter_info')) && is_array($result)) {
foreach ($result as $searcher => $adapter) {
$defaults = array(
'module' => $module,
'class' => 'FacetapiAdapter',
'type' => 'node',
'file' => '',
'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', $module),
$adapters[$searcher] = array_merge($defaults, $adapter);
// Allows modules to alter the adapter definitions.
drupal_alter('facetapi_adapter_info', $adapters);
return $adapters;
* Invokes hook_facetapi_realm_info(), returns realm definitions.
* @param $reset
* A boolean flagging whether the static should be reset.
* @return
* An array of realm definitions.
function facetapi_realms_get($reset = FALSE) {
static $realms;
if (NULL === $realms || $reset) {
// Gets realm info from hooks, merges with defaults.
$realms = array();
foreach (module_invoke_all('facetapi_realm_info') as $realm_name => $realm) {
$defaults = array(
'name' => $realm_name,
'title' => $realm_name,
'description' => '',
'default widget' => '',
'widget requirements' => array(),
'weight' => 0,
'sortable' => TRUE,
'ui' => TRUE,
$realms[$realm_name] = array_merge($defaults, $realm);
// Invokes alter hook, sorts realms by weight.
drupal_alter('facetapi_realm_info', $realms);
uasort($realms, 'facetapi_sort_weight');
return $realms;
* Invokes hook_facetapi_facet_info(), returns all defined facets.
* @param $searcher
* A string containing the machine readable name of the searcher module.
* @param $type
* A string containing the type of content $searcher indexes.
* @return
* An array containing the facet arrays, FALSE on errors.
function facetapi_facets_get($searcher, $type) {
$facets = array();
// Gets facets from hooks and the modules the facets are defined in.
foreach (module_implements('facetapi_facet_info') as $module) {
$module_facets = module_invoke($module, 'facetapi_facet_info', $searcher, $type);
foreach ((array) $module_facets as $facet_name => $facet) {
// Builds array of default values.
$defaults = array(
'name' => $facet_name,
'title' => $facet_name,
'description' => '',
'field' => $facet_name,
'field alias' => isset($facet['field']) ? $facet['field'] : $facet_name,
'query type' => 'term',
'data group' => FALSE,
'widget requirements' => array(),
'default widgets' => array(),
'weight' => 0,
'map callback' => FALSE,
'hierarchy callback' => FALSE,
'values callback' => FALSE,
'min callback' => FALSE,
'max callback' => FALSE,
'file' => '',
'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', $module),
'default sorts' => array(
// Merges facet definition into defaults.
$facets[$facet_name] = array_merge($defaults, $facet);
// Checks whether facet is flat or hierarchical, adds to requirements.
if (!$facets[$facet_name]['hierarchy callback']) {
$facets[$facet_name]['widget requirements'][] = 'flat';
else {
$facets[$facet_name]['widget requirements'][] = 'hierarchical';
// Invokes alter hook to allow modules to modify facet definitions.
drupal_alter('facetapi_facet_info', $facets, $searcher, $type);
// Sorts facets by weight, returns facets.
uasort($facets, 'facetapi_sort_weight');
return $facets;
* Returns facets enabled in a given realm. If the realm name is NULL, all
* facets that are enabled in at least one realm will be returned.
* @param $searcher
* A string containing the machine readable name of the searcher module.
* @param $realm_name
* A string containing the realm. Passing NULL will check all realms and
* return the facet if it is enabled in at least one realm.
* @param $reset
* A boolean flagging whether the static should be reset.
* @return
* An array of facets.
function facetapi_enabled_facets_get($searcher, $realm_name = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
static $facets = array();
// Formats cache ID based on $searcher, $realm_name, and language.
global $language;
$cid = 'facetapi:facets:' . $searcher;
if (NULL !== $realm_name) {
$cid .= ':' . $realm_name;
$cid .= ':' . $language->language;
// Checks if the facets have already been loaded.
if (!isset($facets[$cid]) || $reset) {
// Tests if data is cached, otherwise calculates enabled facets.
if ($data = cache_get($cid, 'cache')) {
$facets[$cid] = $data->data;
else {
// Gets the searcher module's adapter, returns an empty array if $searcher
// does not have an adapter.
$facets[$cid] = array();
if (!($adapter = facetapi_adapter_load($searcher))) {
return $facets[$cid];
// Normalizes realm name(s) to an array, adds weights if realm was passed.
$realm_names = NULL === $realm_name ? array_keys(facetapi_realms_get()) : array(
// Finds enabled facets for each realm.
// NOTE: We use $_realm_name for the variable name because $realm_name
// cannot be overwritten since its value checked later in the code.
$enabled_facets = array();
foreach ($realm_names as $_realm_name) {
$enabled_facets = array_merge($enabled_facets, array_filter((array) facetapi_setting_get('facet_status', $searcher, $_realm_name)));
// Gets full facet definitions for all facets, strips out facets that are
// not in $enabled_facets using the array_intersect_key() function.
if ($all_facets = facetapi_facets_get($searcher, $adapter
->getType())) {
$facets[$cid] = array_intersect_key($all_facets, $enabled_facets);
if (NULL !== $realm_name) {
facetapi_facets_sort($facets[$cid], $searcher, $realm_name);
cache_set($cid, $facets[$cid], 'cache', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
// Loads all include files.
foreach ($facets[$cid] as $facet) {
return $facets[$cid];
* Invokes hook_facetapi_widget_info(), returns all defined widgets.
* @param $variables
* An array of variables passed to the restriction callbacks. By default it
* contains the adapter, realm definition, and facet definition. If the array
* is empty, all widgets will be returned.
* @param $reset
* A boolean flagging whether the static should be reset.
* @return
* An associative array of widget definitions keyed by widget name.
function facetapi_widgets_get(array $variables = array(), $reset = FALSE) {
static $widgets;
if (NULL === $widgets || $reset) {
// Gets widgets from hooks, merges with defaults.
$widgets = array();
foreach (module_implements('facetapi_widget_info') as $module) {
$module_widgets = module_invoke($module, 'facetapi_widget_info');
foreach ($module_widgets as $widget_name => $widget_info) {
$defaults = array(
'title' => t('Widget'),
'callback' => 'facetapi_links_widget_callback',
'widget requirements' => array(),
'variables' => array(),
'weight' => 0,
'file' => '',
'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', $module),
$widgets[$widget_name] = array_merge($defaults, $widget_info);
// Allows modules to alter the widget defintions.
drupal_alter('facetapi_widget_info', $widgets);
// If variables passed, returns widgets the facet has access to.
if (!empty($variables)) {
$return = $widgets;
foreach ($widgets as $widget_name => $widget_info) {
$return[$widget_name]['variables'] = array_merge($variables, $widgets[$widget_name]['variables']);
return array_filter($return, 'facetapi_widgets_filter');
else {
return $widgets;
* Filters widgets by invoking their access callbacks.
* @param $widget
* An array containing the widget information.
* @return
* A boolean flagging whether the item should be kept in the array.
function facetapi_widgets_filter(array $widget) {
// Captures variables for code readability.
$realm_reqs = $widget['variables']['realm']['widget requirements'];
$facet_reqs = $widget['variables']['facet']['widget requirements'];
// Gets what requirements we have, what's required, which ones are common.
$reqs = array_unique(array_merge($realm_reqs, $facet_reqs));
$required = array_unique($widget['widget requirements']);
$common = array_intersect($reqs, $required);
// Makes sure all requirements are met.
return $common == $required;
* Finds a facet's selected widget given the searcher and realm.
* @param $widgets
* An array of widget definitions.
* @param $searcher
* A string containing the machine readable name of the searcher module.
* @param $realm
* An array containing the full realm definition.
* @param $facet
* An array containing the full realm definition.
* @return
* A string containing the default widget.
function facetapi_facet_widget_get(array $widgets, $searcher, array $realm, array $facet) {
if (!($widget_name = facetapi_setting_get('widget', $searcher, $realm['name'], $facet['name']))) {
foreach ($facet['default widgets'] as $default_widget) {
if (isset($widgets[$default_widget])) {
$widget_name = $default_widget;
if (!$widget_name) {
$widget_name = $realm['default widget'];
return $widget_name;
* Invokes hook_facetapi_sort_info(), returns all defined sorts.
* @param $reset
* A boolean flagging whether the static should be reset.
* @return
* An associative array of sort definitions keyed by sort name.
function facetapi_sorts_get($reset = FALSE) {
static $sorts;
if (NULL === $sorts || $reset) {
// Gets realm info from hooks, merges with defaults.
$sorts = array();
foreach (module_invoke_all('facetapi_sort_info') as $sort_name => $sort) {
$defaults = array(
'name' => $sort_name,
'title' => $sort_name,
'callback' => '',
'description' => '',
'weight' => 0,
$sorts[$sort_name] = array_merge($defaults, $sort);
// Invokes alter hook.
drupal_alter('facetapi_sort_info', $sorts);
return $sorts;
* Returns sorts enabled for a facet in a realm. Sort definitions are returned
* in the order specified in the configurations settings.
* @param $adapter
* A FacetapiAdapter object.
* @param $realm
* An array containing the full realm definition.
* @param $facet
* An array containing the full realm definition.
* @return
* An array of enabled sort definitions.
function facetapi_facet_sorts_get(FacetapiAdapter $adapter, array $realm, array $facet) {
// Gets active sorts.
$searcher = $adapter
$active_sorts = (array) facetapi_setting_get('sort', $searcher, $realm['name'], $facet['name']);
// Applies defaults if nothing is set.
$defaults = array();
if (empty($active_sorts)) {
$weight = -50;
foreach ($facet['default sorts'] as $sort) {
$active_sorts[$sort[0]] = $sort[0];
$defaults[$sort[0]] = array(
'weight' => $weight++,
'order' => $sort[1],
// Finalizes sort definitions with settings or defaults.
$sorts = array_intersect_key(facetapi_sorts_get(), array_filter($active_sorts));
foreach ($sorts as $sort_name => &$sort_info) {
if (empty($defaults)) {
$sort_info['weight'] = facetapi_setting_get('sort_weight', $searcher, $realm['name'], $facet['name'], $sort_name);
$sort_info['order'] = facetapi_setting_get('sort_order', $searcher, $realm['name'], $facet['name'], $sort_name);
else {
$sort_info['weight'] = $defaults[$sort_name]['weight'];
$sort_info['order'] = $defaults[$sort_name]['order'];
uasort($sorts, 'facetapi_sort_weight');
return $sorts;
* Tests whether a single facet is enabled in a given realm.
* @param $searcher
* A string containing the machine readable name of the searcher module.
* @param $realm_name
* A string containing the machine readable name of the realm, pass NULL to
* test if the facet is enabled in at least one realm.
* @param $facet_name
* A string containing the machine readable name of the facet.
* @return
* A boolean flagging whether the facet is enabled in the passed realm.
function facetapi_facet_enabled($searcher, $realm_name = NULL, $facet_name) {
$enabled_facets = facetapi_enabled_facets_get($searcher, $realm_name, $facet_name);
return isset($enabled_facets[$facet_name]);
* Enables a facet in the passed realm.
* @param $searcher
* A string containing the machine readable name of the searcher module.
* @param $realm_name
* A string containing the machine readable name of the realm. Passing NULL
* will enable the facet in all realms.
* @param $facet_name
* A string containing the machine readable name of the facet.
function facetapi_facet_enable($searcher, $realm_name, $facet_name) {
facetapi_facet_status_set($searcher, $realm_name, $facet_name, TRUE);
* Disables a facet in the passed realm.
* @param $searcher
* A string containing the machine readable name of the searcher module.
* @param $realm_name
* A string containing the machine readable name of the realm. Passing NULL
* will disable the facet in all realms.
* @param $facet_name
* A string containing the machine readable name of the facet.
function facetapi_facet_disable($searcher, $realm_name, $facet_name) {
facetapi_facet_status_set($searcher, $realm_name, $facet_name, FALSE);
* Sets the enabled/disabled status of a facet. It is recommended that the
* facetapi_facet_enable() and facetapi_facet_disable() functions are used in
* favor of calling this function directly.
* @param $searcher
* A string containing the machine readable name of the searcher module.
* @param $realm_name
* A string containing the machine readable name of the realm. Passing NULL
* will take action on the facet in all realms.
* @param $facet_name
* A string containing the machine readable name of the facet.
* @param $enabled
* A boolean flagging whether the facet is enabled.
function facetapi_facet_status_set($searcher, $realm_name, $facet_name, $enabled) {
$realm_names = NULL === $realm_name ? array_keys(facetapi_realms_get()) : array(
foreach ($realm_names as $realm_name) {
// Gets current variable, toggles status for the facet, sets the variable.
$facets = (array) facetapi_setting_get('facet_status', $searcher, $realm_name);
$facets[$facet_name] = $enabled ? $facet_name : 0;
facetapi_setting_set('facet_status', $facets, $searcher, $realm_name);
// Clears the facet status cache.
$cid = 'facetapi:facets:' . $searcher . ':';
if (NULL !== $realm_name) {
$cid .= $realm_name . ':';
cache_clear_all($cid, 'cache', TRUE);
* Returns a Facet API configuration setting.
* @param $setting
* A string containing the facet configuration setting name.
* @param ...
* Additional arguments that define what the setting applies to. For example,
* optionally pass the machine readable name of the searcher, realm, and facet
* in that order to add granularity the setting applies to.
* @reutrn
* A mixed value containing the setting.
function facetapi_setting_get($setting) {
$args = func_get_args();
$variable = join(':', array_merge(array(
), $args));
return variable_get($variable, NULL);
* Sets a Facet API configuration setting.
* @param $setting
* A string containing the facet configuration setting name.
* @param $value
* A mixed value containing the setting value.
* @param ...
* Additional arguments that define which item the setting applies to. For
* example, optionally pass the machine readable name of the searcher, realm,
* and facet in that order to add granularity the setting applies to.
* @reutrn
function facetapi_setting_set($setting, $value) {
$args = func_get_args();
$variable = join(':', array_merge(array(
), $args));
variable_set($variable, $value);
* Implementation of hook_facetapi_value_QUERY_TYPE_alter().
* Processes range queries.
function facetapi_facetapi_value_range_alter(array &$value, FacetapiAdapter $adapter) {
if (preg_match(FACETAPI_REGEX_RANGE, $value['value'], $matches)) {
$value['range'] = TRUE;
$value['start'] = $matches[1];
$value['end'] = $matches[2];
* Implementation of hook_facetapi_value_QUERY_TYPE_alter().
* Processes date queries.
function facetapi_facetapi_value_date_alter(array &$value, FacetapiAdapter $adapter) {
if (preg_match(FACETAPI_REGEX_DATE_RANGE, $value['value'], $matches)) {
$value['range'] = TRUE;
$value['start'] = $matches[1];
$value['end'] = $matches[8];
* Invokes query type callbacks for all facets.
* Query type hooks are generally used to process facet data and apply filters
* to the query for the selectd items. The query type is set in the facet
* definition, and the adapter module's hook_facetapi_query_QUERY_TYPE_prepare()
* implementation is invoked for each facet being built by the adapter.
* @param $searcher
* A string containing the machine readable name of the searcher module.
* @param &$data
* A mixed value containing any data that needs to be altered. For example,
* this may be the "params" array for Apache Solr or the query object for
* Search Lucene API.
* @param ...
* Any additional parameters passed to the hook.
function facetapi_query_type_hooks_invoke($searcher, &$data) {
if ($adapter = facetapi_adapter_load($searcher)) {
$facets = facetapi_enabled_facets_get($searcher);
foreach ($facets as $facet) {
$hook = 'facetapi_query_' . $facet['query type'] . '_prepare';
if (module_hook($adapter
->getModule(), $hook)) {
$function = $adapter
->getModule() . '_' . $hook;
$args = func_get_args();
$params = array_merge(array(
), array_slice($args, 2));
call_user_func_array($function, $params);
* Builds a facet realm, in other words converts the facet values to some
* normalized value.
* @param $searcher
* A string containing the machine readable name of the searcher module.
* @param $realm_name
* A string containing the machine readable name of the realm.
* @return
* The realm's render array.
function facetapi_realm_build($searcher, $realm_name) {
$build = array();
// Loads adapter and realm, adds JavaScript, builds render array.
if (($adapter = facetapi_adapter_load($searcher)) && ($realm = facetapi_realm_load($realm_name))) {
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'facetapi') . '/js/facetapi.js');
// Initializes render array.
$build['#adapter'] = $adapter;
$build['#realm'] = $realm;
// Builds each facet in the realm, merges into realm's render array.
foreach (facetapi_enabled_facets_get($searcher, $realm['name']) as $facet) {
$field_alias = $facet['field alias'];
$facet_build = $adapter
// Tries to be smart when merging the render arrays. Crazy things happen
// when merging facets with the same field alias such as taxonomy terms in
// the fieldset realm. We want to merge only the values.
foreach (element_children($facet_build) as $child) {
if (!isset($build[$child])) {
$build = array_merge_recursive($build, $facet_build);
else {
if (isset($build[$child][$field_alias]) && isset($facet_build[$child][$field_alias])) {
$build[$child][$field_alias] = array_merge_recursive($build[$child][$field_alias], $facet_build[$child][$field_alias]);
elseif (isset($build[$child]['#options']) && isset($facet_build[$child]['#options'])) {
$build[$child]['#options'] = array_merge_recursive($build[$child]['#options'], $facet_build[$child]['#options']);
else {
$build = array_merge_recursive($build, $facet_build);
// Allows modules to alter the entire realm's render array.
drupal_alter('facetapi_facets', $build, $adapter, $realm);
return $build;
* Recursive function that sets each item's theme hook dependent on whether the
* item is active or inactive.
* @param &$build
* A render array containing the facet items.
* @param $active_hook
* A string containing the theme hook to use when the facet is active.
* @param $inactive_hook
* A string containing the theme hook to use when the facet is inactive.
function facetapi_theme_hooks_set(array &$build, $active_hook = NULL, $inactive_hook = NULL) {
foreach ($build as $value => &$item) {
if (empty($item['#active']) && NULL !== $inactive_hook) {
$item['#theme'] = $inactive_hook;
if (!empty($item['#active']) && NULL !== $active_hook) {
$item['#theme'] = $active_hook;
if (!empty($item['#item_children'])) {
facetapi_theme_hooks_set($item['#item_children'], $active_hook, $inactive_hook);
* Loads a file in a facet or realm definition.
* @param $definition
* An array containing the full facet / realm definitions.
* @return
* A boolean, returns FALSE only when the specified file fails to load.
function facetapi_file_include(array $definition) {
if (!empty($definition['file']) && !empty($definition['file path'])) {
$filename = $definition['file path'] . '/' . $definition['file'];
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
return FALSE;
require_once $filename;
return TRUE;
* Adds weights to each facet, sorts the facet list.
* @param &$facets
* A reference to the array of facets being sorted.
* @param $searcher
* A string containing the machine readable name of the searcher module.
* @param $realm_name
* A string containing the machine readable name of the realm.
function facetapi_facets_sort(array &$facets, $searcher, $realm_name) {
foreach ($facets as $facet_name => &$facet) {
$facet['weight'] = (int) facetapi_setting_get('facet_weight', $searcher, $realm_name, $facet_name);
uasort($facets, 'facetapi_sort_weight');
* Useful as a uasort() callback to sort structured arrays by weight. Loose
* backport of the D7 drupal_sort_weight() function.
* @todo Remove in favor of drupal_sort_weight() in D7.
function facetapi_sort_weight(array $a, array $b) {
$a_weight = isset($a['weight']) ? $a['weight'] : 0;
$b_weight = isset($b['weight']) ? $b['weight'] : 0;
if ($a_weight == $b_weight) {
return 0;
return $a_weight < $b_weight ? -1 : 1;
* Tests whether a vocabulary is hierarchical.
* @param $vid
* An integer containing the vocabulary ID.
* @return
* A boolean flagging whether the vocabulary is hierarchical.
function facetapi_vocabulary_hierarchical($vid) {
$hierarchical = FALSE;
if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
$vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies();
if (isset($vocabularies[$vid])) {
// @todo Make this a setting in the facet's configuration page.
// $force_flat = variable_get('apachesolr_search_force_flat_vocabularies', array());
if ($vocabularies[$vid]->hierarchy != 2 && $vocabularies[$vid]->tags != 1) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Helper function to convert dates from Unix timestamps into ISO 8601 format.
* @param $timestamp
* An integer containing the Unix timestamp being converted.
* @param $gap
* A string containing the gap, see FACETAPI_DATE_* constants for valid
* values. Defaults to FACETAPI_DATE_SECOND.
* @return
* A string containing the date in ISO 8601 format.
function facetapi_isodate($timestamp, $gap = FACETAPI_DATE_SECOND) {
switch ($gap) {
$format = FACETAPI_DATE_ISO8601;
$format = 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:00\\Z';
$format = 'Y-m-d\\TH:00:00\\Z';
$format = 'Y-m-d\\T00:00:00\\Z';
$format = 'Y-m-01\\T00:00:00\\Z';
$format = 'Y-01-01\\T00:00:00\\Z';
$format = FACETAPI_DATE_ISO8601;
return gmdate($format, $timestamp);
* Return a date gap one increment smaller than the one passed.
* @param $gap
* A string containing the gap, see FACETAPI_DATE_* constants for valid
* values.
* @param $min_gap
* A string containing the the minimum gap that can be returned, defaults to
* FACETAPI_DATE_SECOND. This is useful for defining the smallest increment
* that can be used in a date drilldown.
* @return
* A string containing the smaller date gap, NULL if there is no smaller gap.
* See FACETAPI_DATE_* constants for valid values.
function facetapi_next_date_gap_get($gap, $min_gap = FACETAPI_DATE_SECOND) {
// Array of numbers used to determine whether the next gap is smaller than
// the minimum gap allowed in the drilldown.
$gap_numbers = array(
// Gets gap numbers for both the gap and minimum gap, checks if the next gap
// is within the limit set by the $min_gap parameter.
$gap_num = isset($gap_numbers[$gap]) ? $gap_numbers[$gap] : 6;
$min_num = isset($gap_numbers[$min_gap]) ? $gap_numbers[$min_gap] : 1;
if ($gap_num > $min_num) {
return array_search($gap_num - 1, $gap_numbers);
else {
return $min_gap;
* Determines the best search gap to use for an arbitrary date range.
* Generally, we use the maximum gap that fits between the start and end date.
* If they are more than a year apart, 1 year; if they are more than a month
* apart, 1 month; etc.
* This function uses Unix timestamps for its computation and so is not useful
* for dates outside that range.
* @param $start_date
* A string containing the start date as an ISO date string.
* @param $end_date
* A string containing the end date as an ISO date string.
* @return
* A string containing the gap, see FACETAPI_DATE_* constants for valid
* values. Returns FALSE of either of the dates cannot be converted to a
* timestamp.
function facetapi_timestamp_gap_get($start_time, $end_time) {
$time_diff = $end_time - $start_time;
switch (TRUE) {
// NOTE: 86400365 == 60 * 60 * 24 * 365
case $time_diff >= 86400365:
case date('Ym', $start_time) != date('Ym', $end_time):
case $time_diff >= 86400:
case $time_diff >= 3600:
case $time_diff >= 60:
* Converts ISO date strings to Unix timestamps, passes values to the
* facetapi_timestamp_gap_get() function to calculate the gap.
* @param $start_date
* A string containing the start date as an ISO date string.
* @param $end_date
* A string containing the end date as an ISO date string.
* @return
* A string containing the gap, see FACETAPI_DATE_* constants for valid
* values. Returns FALSE of either of the dates cannot be converted to a
* timestamp.
* @see facetapi_timestamp_gap_get()
function facetapi_date_gap_get($start_date, $end_date) {
$range = array(
// NOTE: Previous to PHP 5.1.0, this strtotime() returns -1 on failure.
if (!in_array(FALSE, $range, TRUE) && !in_array(-1, $range)) {
return facetapi_timestamp_gap_get($range[0], $range[1]);
return FALSE;
* Returns a formatted date based on the passed timestamp and gap.
* This function assumes that gaps less than one day will be displayed in a
* search context in which a larger containing gap including a day is already
* displayed. So, HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND gaps only display time information,
* without date.
* @param $timestamp
* An integer containing the Unix timestamp.
* @param $gap
* A string containing the gap, see FACETAPI_DATE_* constants for valid
* values, defaults to YEAR.
* @return
* A gap-appropriate display date used in the facet link.
function facetapi_timestamp_format($timestamp, $gap = FACETAPI_DATE_YEAR) {
switch ($gap) {
return format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'F Y', 0);
return format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'F j, Y', 0);
return format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'g A', 0);
return format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'g:i A', 0);
return format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'g:i:s A', 0);
return format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'Y', 0);
* Returns a formatted date based on the passed ISO date string and gap.
* @param $date
* A string containing the date as an ISO date string.
* @param $gap
* A string containing the gap, see FACETAPI_DATE_* constants for valid
* values, defaults to YEAR.
* @return
* A gap-appropriate display date used in the facet link.
function facetapi_date_format($date, $gap = FACETAPI_DATE_YEAR) {
$timestamp = strtotime($date);
return facetapi_timestamp_format($timestamp, $gap);
* Returns the next increment from the given ISO date and gap. This function is
* useful for getting the upper limit of a date range from the given start
* date.
* @param $date
* A string containing the date as an ISO date string.
* @param $gap
* A string containing the gap, see FACETAPI_DATE_* constants for valid
* values, defaults to YEAR.
* @return
* A string containing the date, FALSE if the passed date could not be parsed.
function facetapi_next_date_increment_get($date, $gap) {
if (preg_match(FACETAPI_REGEX_DATE, $date, $match)) {
// Increments the timestamp.
switch ($gap) {
$match[2] += 1;
$match[3] += 1;
$match[4] += 1;
$match[5] += 1;
$match[6] += 1;
$match[1] += 1;
// Gets the next incremenet.
return facetapi_isodate(gmmktime($match[4], $match[5], $match[6], $match[2], $match[3], $match[1]));
return FALSE;
* Implementation of hook_block().
function facetapi_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) {
switch ($op) {
case 'list':
module_load_include('inc', 'facetapi', 'facetapi.widget');
return facetapi_block_info();
case 'view':
module_load_include('inc', 'facetapi', 'facetapi.widget');
return facetapi_block_view($delta);
* Implementation of hook_FORM_ID_form_alter().
* Allows the "destination" query string variable to be used with the core block
* admin form so we can automatically redirect users back to the facet settings
* page when the form is submitted.
* @see block_admin_display_form()
function facetapi_form_block_admin_display_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
if (!empty($_REQUEST['destination'])) {
global $theme_key;
$path = 'admin/build/block';
$options = array(
'query' => array(
'destination' => $_REQUEST['destination'],
$form['#action'] = arg(4) ? url("{$path}/list/{$theme_key}", $options) : url($path, $options);
* Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function facetapi_form_search_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
// Makes sure we are dealing with a search that has a FacetAPI adapter.
if (!($adapter = facetapi_adapter_load($form['module']['#value']))) {
// Builds the facets as form elements.
$elements = facetapi_realm_build($form['module']['#value'], 'fieldset');
$children = element_children($elements);
if (!empty($children)) {
// If setting is enabled, expands fieldset if at least one facet is active.
$collapsed = TRUE;
if (facetapi_setting_get('expand_fieldset', $form['module']['#value'], 'fieldset')) {
foreach (facetapi_enabled_facets_get($form['module']['#value'], 'fieldset') as $facet) {
$items = $adapter
if (!empty($items)) {
$collapsed = FALSE;
$form['facets'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Faceted search'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => $collapsed,
'#attributes' => array(
'class' => 'search-advanced',
$form['facets'] = array_merge($form['facets'], $elements);
$form['facets']['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Search'),
'#prefix' => '<div class="action">',
'#suffix' => '</div>',
'#weight' => 100,
// Adds facet data container, validate and submit handlers.
$form['basic']['inline']['processed_facets'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => '',
$form['#validate'][] = 'facetapi_search_form_validate';
$form['#submit'][] = 'facetapi_search_form_submit';
* Validates search_form form submissions.
function facetapi_search_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
// Captures facet values passed through the form, appends the value to the
// facet definition so we have all the necessary information at hand.
$facets = array();
foreach (facetapi_enabled_facets_get($form['module']['#value']) as $facet) {
if (isset($form_state['values'][$facet['field alias']])) {
$value = $form_state['values'][$facet['field alias']];
$value = is_array($value) ? array_filter($value) : drupal_explode_tags($value);
if (!empty($value)) {
$facet['values'] = $value;
$facets[] = $facet;
// Stores facet definitions with passed values in the container.
form_set_value($form['basic']['inline']['processed_facets'], $facets, $form_state);
* Processes search_form form submissions.
function facetapi_search_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
if ($adapter = facetapi_adapter_load($form['module']['#value'])) {
$qstring = array();
if (!empty($form_state['values']['processed_facets'])) {
foreach ($form_state['values']['processed_facets'] as $facet) {
foreach ($facet['values'] as $value) {
if ('__all__' != $value) {
$qstring[$facet['field alias']][$value] = $value;
// Redirects to appropriate search page with facet information in the
// query string.
// @todo use adapter to get search keys.
$path = sprintf('search/%s/%s', $form['module']['#value'], facetapi_keys_encode(search_get_keys()));
if (!empty($qstring)) {
$form_state['redirect'] = array(
drupal_query_string_encode(array_map('array_values', $qstring), array(
else {
$form_state['redirect'] = $path;
* Implementation of hook_facetapi_realm_info().
function facetapi_facetapi_realm_info() {
$realms = array();
// Displays each facet in a separate block.
$realms['block'] = array(
'title' => t('Blocks'),
'weight' => -10,
'sortable' => FALSE,
'default widget' => 'facetapi_links',
'widget requirements' => array(
'description' => t('The <em>Blocks</em> realm displays each facet in a separate <a href="@block-page">block</a>. Users are able to refine their searches in a drill-down fassion similar to the Apache Solr Search Integration module\'s faceted search implementation.', array(
'@block-page' => url('admin/build/block/list', array(
'query' => array(
'destination' => $_GET['q'],
// Displays facets in a fieldset below the search form.
$realms['fieldset'] = array(
'title' => t('Fieldset'),
'weight' => -5,
'default widget' => 'facetapi_textfield',
'widget requirements' => array(
'description' => t('The <em>Fieldset</em> realm displays facets as form elements in a fieldset below the search form that is similar in appearance to the core Search module\'s <em>Advanced search</em> fieldset.'),
return $realms;
* Implementation of hook_facetapi_facet_info().
function facetapi_facetapi_facet_info($searcher, $type) {
$facets = array();
if ('node' == $type) {
$facets['type'] = array(
'title' => t('Content type'),
'description' => t('Filter by content type.'),
'map callback' => 'facetapi_callback_type_map',
'values callback' => 'facetapi_callback_type_values',
'widget requirements' => array(
'has default values',
'default widgets' => array(
'file' => 'facetapi.callbacks.inc',
$facets['author'] = array(
'title' => t('Author'),
'description' => t('Filter by author.'),
'field' => 'uid',
'data group' => 'user',
'widget requirements' => array(
'has default values',
'map callback' => 'facetapi_callback_uid_map',
'values callback' => 'facetapi_callback_user_values',
'file' => 'facetapi.callbacks.inc',
$facets['language'] = array(
'title' => t('Language'),
'description' => t('Filter by language.'),
'widget requirements' => array(
'has default values',
'default widgets' => array(
'map callback' => 'facetapi_callback_language_map',
'values callback' => 'facetapi_callback_language_values',
'file' => 'facetapi.callbacks.inc',
$facets['created'] = array(
'title' => t('Post date'),
'description' => t('Filter by the date the node was posted.'),
'widget requirements' => array(
'query type' => 'date',
'map callback' => 'facetapi_callback_date_map',
'min callback' => 'facetapi_callback_min_date',
'max callback' => 'facetapi_callback_max_date',
'file' => 'facetapi.callbacks.inc',
'default sorts' => array(
$facets['changed'] = array(
'title' => t('Updated date'),
'description' => t('Filter by the date the node was last modified.'),
'widget requirements' => array(
'query type' => 'date',
'map callback' => 'facetapi_callback_date_map',
'min callback' => 'facetapi_callback_min_date',
'max callback' => 'facetapi_callback_max_date',
'file' => 'facetapi.callbacks.inc',
'default sorts' => array(
// Adds taxonomy facets, breaks up into separate vocabularies.
if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
foreach (taxonomy_get_vocabularies() as $voc) {
$facet_name = 'vocabulary_' . $voc->vid;
$facets[$facet_name] = array(
'title' => $voc->name,
'field' => 'category',
'data group' => 'taxonomy',
'widget requirements' => array(
'has default values',
'default widgets' => array(
'map callback' => 'facetapi_callback_taxonomy_map',
'values callback' => 'facetapi_callback_taxonomy_values',
'file' => 'facetapi.callbacks.inc',
'description' => t('Filter by terms in the %vocabulary vocabulary.', array(
'%vocabulary' => $voc->name,
// Adds hierarchy callback to get parent information.
if (facetapi_vocabulary_hierarchical($voc->vid)) {
$facets[$facet_name]['hierarchy callback'] = 'facetapi_callback_taxonomy_hierarchy';
return $facets;
* Implementation of hook_facetapi_widget_info().
function facetapi_facetapi_widget_info() {
$widgets = array();
$widgets['facetapi_links'] = array(
'title' => t('Links'),
'callback' => 'facetapi_widget_links',
'widget requirements' => array(
'file' => 'facetapi.widget.inc',
'weight' => -10,
$widgets['facetapi_link_checkboxes'] = array(
'title' => t('Links with checkboxes'),
'callback' => 'facetapi_widget_link_checkboxes',
'widget requirements' => array(
'file' => 'facetapi.widget.inc',
'weight' => -9,
$widgets['facetapi_checkboxes'] = array(
'title' => t('Checkboxes'),
'callback' => 'facetapi_widget_checkboxes',
'widget requirements' => array(
'has default values',
'file' => 'facetapi.widget.inc',
'weight' => -10,
$widgets['facetapi_radios'] = array(
'title' => t('Radios'),
'callback' => 'facetapi_widget_radios',
'widget requirements' => array(
'has default values',
'file' => 'facetapi.widget.inc',
'weight' => -9,
$widgets['facetapi_select'] = array(
'title' => t('Select list'),
'callback' => 'facetapi_widget_select',
'widget requirements' => array(
'has default values',
'file' => 'facetapi.widget.inc',
'weight' => -8,
$widgets['facetapi_multiselect'] = array(
'title' => t('Multiple value select list'),
'callback' => 'facetapi_widget_multiselect',
'widget requirements' => array(
'has default values',
'file' => 'facetapi.widget.inc',
'weight' => -7,
$widgets['facetapi_textfield'] = array(
'title' => t('Text field'),
'callback' => 'facetapi_widget_textfield',
'widget requirements' => array(
'file' => 'facetapi.widget.inc',
'weight' => -6,
return $widgets;
* Implementation of hook_facetapi_sort_info().
function facetapi_facetapi_sort_info() {
$sorts = array();
$sorts['active'] = array(
'title' => t('Facet active'),
'callback' => 'facetapi_sort_active',
'description' => t('Sort by whether the facet is active or not.'),
'weight' => -50,
$sorts['count'] = array(
'title' => t('Count'),
'callback' => 'facetapi_sort_count',
'description' => t('Sort by the facet count.'),
'weight' => -49,
$sorts['display'] = array(
'title' => t('Display value'),
'callback' => 'facetapi_sort_display',
'description' => t('Sort by the value displayed to the user.'),
'weight' => -48,
$sorts['indexed'] = array(
'title' => t('Indexed value'),
'callback' => 'facetapi_sort_indexed',
'description' => t('Sort by the raw value stored in the index.'),
'weight' => -47,
return $sorts;
* Implementation of hook_facetapi_facets_alter().
* Changes title of grouped taxonomy form.
function facetapi_facetapi_facets_alter(&$build, $adapter, $realm) {
if ('fieldset' == $realm['name'] && 'node' == $adapter
->getType() && isset($build['tid'])) {
$build['tid']['#title'] = t('Only in the category(s)');
$build['tid']['#description'] = '';
Name![]() |
Description |
facetapi_adapter_info_get | Invokes hook_facetapi_adapter_info(), returns all adapter definitions. |
facetapi_adapter_load | Returns a searcher module's adapter class. |
facetapi_block | Implementation of hook_block(). |
facetapi_date_format | Returns a formatted date based on the passed ISO date string and gap. |
facetapi_date_gap_get | Converts ISO date strings to Unix timestamps, passes values to the facetapi_timestamp_gap_get() function to calculate the gap. |
facetapi_enabled_facets_get | Returns facets enabled in a given realm. If the realm name is NULL, all facets that are enabled in at least one realm will be returned. |
facetapi_facetapi_facets_alter | Implementation of hook_facetapi_facets_alter(). |
facetapi_facetapi_facet_info | Implementation of hook_facetapi_facet_info(). |
facetapi_facetapi_realm_info | Implementation of hook_facetapi_realm_info(). |
facetapi_facetapi_sort_info | Implementation of hook_facetapi_sort_info(). |
facetapi_facetapi_value_date_alter | Implementation of hook_facetapi_value_QUERY_TYPE_alter(). |
facetapi_facetapi_value_range_alter | Implementation of hook_facetapi_value_QUERY_TYPE_alter(). |
facetapi_facetapi_widget_info | Implementation of hook_facetapi_widget_info(). |
facetapi_facets_get | Invokes hook_facetapi_facet_info(), returns all defined facets. |
facetapi_facets_sort | Adds weights to each facet, sorts the facet list. |
facetapi_facet_disable | Disables a facet in the passed realm. |
facetapi_facet_enable | Enables a facet in the passed realm. |
facetapi_facet_enabled | Tests whether a single facet is enabled in a given realm. |
facetapi_facet_load | Loads a single facet definition. |
facetapi_facet_sorts_get | Returns sorts enabled for a facet in a realm. Sort definitions are returned in the order specified in the configurations settings. |
facetapi_facet_status_set | Sets the enabled/disabled status of a facet. It is recommended that the facetapi_facet_enable() and facetapi_facet_disable() functions are used in favor of calling this function directly. |
facetapi_facet_widget_get | Finds a facet's selected widget given the searcher and realm. |
facetapi_file_include | Loads a file in a facet or realm definition. |
facetapi_form_block_admin_display_form_alter | Implementation of hook_FORM_ID_form_alter(). |
facetapi_form_search_form_alter | Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
facetapi_isodate | Helper function to convert dates from Unix timestamps into ISO 8601 format. |
facetapi_keys_encode | Encodes search keys before submit to prevent plus signs from being converted to spaces. |
facetapi_l | Identical to the l() function, except the "active" class is not automatically set. This is useful for generating links that are displayed on the search page and link back to the search page. If we used l(), all facet links would be… |
facetapi_menu | Implementation of hook_menu(). |
facetapi_next_date_gap_get | Return a date gap one increment smaller than the one passed. |
facetapi_next_date_increment_get | Returns the next increment from the given ISO date and gap. This function is useful for getting the upper limit of a date range from the given start date. |
facetapi_preprocess_block | Process variables for block.tpl.php. |
facetapi_query_type_hooks_invoke | Invokes query type callbacks for all facets. |
facetapi_realms_get | Invokes hook_facetapi_realm_info(), returns realm definitions. |
facetapi_realm_build | Builds a facet realm, in other words converts the facet values to some normalized value. |
facetapi_realm_load | Returns a single realm definition. |
facetapi_search_form_submit | Processes search_form form submissions. |
facetapi_search_form_validate | Validates search_form form submissions. |
facetapi_setting_get | Returns a Facet API configuration setting. |
facetapi_setting_set | Sets a Facet API configuration setting. |
facetapi_sorts_get | Invokes hook_facetapi_sort_info(), returns all defined sorts. |
facetapi_sort_weight | Useful as a uasort() callback to sort structured arrays by weight. Loose backport of the D7 drupal_sort_weight() function. |
facetapi_theme | Implementation of hook_theme(). |
facetapi_theme_hooks_set | Recursive function that sets each item's theme hook dependent on whether the item is active or inactive. |
facetapi_timestamp_format | Returns a formatted date based on the passed timestamp and gap. |
facetapi_timestamp_gap_get | Determines the best search gap to use for an arbitrary date range. |
facetapi_vocabulary_hierarchical | Tests whether a vocabulary is hierarchical. |
facetapi_widgets_filter | Filters widgets by invoking their access callbacks. |
facetapi_widgets_get | Invokes hook_facetapi_widget_info(), returns all defined widgets. |
Name![]() |
Description |
FACETAPI_DATE_DAY | String that represents a time gap of a day between two dates. |
FACETAPI_DATE_HOUR | String that represents a time gap of an hour between two dates. |
FACETAPI_DATE_ISO8601 | Date string for ISO 8601 date formats. |
FACETAPI_DATE_MINUTE | String that represents a time gap of a minute between two dates. |
FACETAPI_DATE_MONTH | String that represents a time gap of a month between two dates. |
FACETAPI_DATE_SECOND | String that represents a time gap of a second between two dates. |
FACETAPI_DATE_YEAR | String that represents a time gap of a year between two dates. |
FACETAPI_OPERATOR_AND | Constant for the "AND" operator. |
FACETAPI_OPERATOR_OR | Constant for the "OR" operator. |
FACETAPI_REGEX_DATE | Regex pattern for date queries. |
FACETAPI_REGEX_DATE_RANGE | Regex pattern for date ranges. |
FACETAPI_REGEX_RANGE | Regex pattern for range queries. |