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function facetapi_widget_link_checkboxes in Facet API 6

Renders facets as links with checkboxes, useful for facets using the OR operator.


&$build: The facet's render array.

&$key: A string containing the key the facet's render array will be appended to.

&$settings: An array containing the JavaScript settings.

1 string reference to 'facetapi_widget_link_checkboxes'
facetapi_facetapi_widget_info in ./facetapi.module
Implementation of hook_facetapi_widget_info().


./, line 52
Widget callbacks and building functions.


function facetapi_widget_link_checkboxes(array &$build, &$key, &$settings) {
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'facetapi') . '/js/facetapi.checkboxes.js');
  facetapi_widget_links($build, $key, $settings);