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function form_set_value in Drupal 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 4 includes/ \form_set_value()
  2. 5 includes/ \form_set_value()
  3. 7 includes/ \form_set_value()

Change submitted form values during the form processing cycle.

Use this function to change the submitted value of a form item in the validation phase so that it persists in $form_state through to the submission handlers in the submission phase.

Since $form_state['values'] can either be a flat array of values, or a tree of nested values, some care must be taken when using this function. Specifically, $form_item['#parents'] is an array that describes the branch of the tree whose value should be updated. For example, if we wanted to update $form_state['values']['one']['two'] to 'new value', we'd pass in $form_item['#parents'] = array('one', 'two') and $value = 'new value'.


$form_item: The form item that should have its value updated. Keys used: #parents, #value. In most cases you can just pass in the right element from the $form array.

$value: The new value for the form item.

$form_state: The array where the value change should be recorded.

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includes/, line 1415


function form_set_value($form_item, $value, &$form_state) {
  _form_set_value($form_state['values'], $form_item, $form_item['#parents'], $value);