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function facetapi_setting_get in Facet API 6

Returns a Facet API configuration setting.

@reutrn A mixed value containing the setting.


$setting: A string containing the facet configuration setting name.

...: Additional arguments that define what the setting applies to. For example, optionally pass the machine readable name of the searcher, realm, and facet in that order to add granularity the setting applies to.

10 calls to facetapi_setting_get()
facetapi_apachesolr_facetapi_query_date_prepare in contrib/facetapi_apachesolr/facetapi_apachesolr.module
Implementation of hook_facetapi_query_QUERY_TYPE_prepare().
facetapi_apachesolr_facetapi_query_term_prepare in contrib/facetapi_apachesolr/facetapi_apachesolr.module
Implementation of hook_facetapi_query_QUERY_TYPE_prepare().
facetapi_enabled_facets_get in ./facetapi.module
Returns facets enabled in a given realm. If the realm name is NULL, all facets that are enabled in at least one realm will be returned.
facetapi_facets_sort in ./facetapi.module
Adds weights to each facet, sorts the facet list.
facetapi_facet_sorts_get in ./facetapi.module
Returns sorts enabled for a facet in a realm. Sort definitions are returned in the order specified in the configurations settings.

... See full list


./facetapi.module, line 792
An abstracted facet API that can be used by various search backens.


function facetapi_setting_get($setting) {
  $args = func_get_args();
  $variable = join(':', array_merge(array(
  ), $args));
  return variable_get($variable, NULL);