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function facetapi_date_format in Facet API 6

Returns a formatted date based on the passed ISO date string and gap.


$date: A string containing the date as an ISO date string.

$gap: A string containing the gap, see FACETAPI_DATE_* constants for valid values, defaults to YEAR.

Return value

A gap-appropriate display date used in the facet link.

1 call to facetapi_date_format()
facetapi_callback_date_map in ./
Converts date ranges to human readable dates.


./facetapi.module, line 1246
An abstracted facet API that can be used by various search backens.


function facetapi_date_format($date, $gap = FACETAPI_DATE_YEAR) {
  $timestamp = strtotime($date);
  return facetapi_timestamp_format($timestamp, $gap);