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class esi_panels_renderer_ipe in ESI: Edge Side Includes 7.3

Extend the panels_renderer_ipe class.


Expanded class hierarchy of esi_panels_renderer_ipe

1 string reference to 'esi_panels_renderer_ipe' in modules/esi_panels/plugins/display_renderers/


modules/esi_panels/plugins/display_renderers/esi_panels_renderer_ipe.class.php, line 10
Replacement for IPE editor.

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class esi_panels_renderer_ipe extends panels_renderer_ipe {

   * Prepare the list of panes to be rendered, accounting for visibility/access
   * settings and rendering order.
   * This method represents the standard approach for determining the list of
   * panes to be rendered that is compatible with all parts of the Panels
   * architecture. It first applies visibility checks, then sorts panes into
   * their proper rendering order, and returns the result as an array.
   * Inheriting classes should override this method if that renderer needs to
   * regularly make additions to the set of panes that will be rendered.
   * @param array $panes
   *   An associative array of pane data (stdClass objects), keyed on pane id.
   * @return array
   *    An associative array of panes to be rendered, keyed on pane id and sorted
   *    into proper rendering order.
  function prepare_panes($panes) {

    // Override parent::prepare_panes, so that any access-controls are not
    // applied to ESI panes. This ensures that panes are al

    // Use local variables as writing to them is very slightly faster
    $first = $normal = $last = array();

    // Prepare the list of panes to be rendered
    foreach ($panes as $pid => $pane) {
      if (empty($this->admin)) {

        // @TODO remove in 7.x and ensure the upgrade path weeds out any stragglers; it's been long enough
        $pane->shown = !empty($pane->shown);

        // guarantee this field exists.
        // If this pane is not displayed, skip out and do the next one.
        // Do not handle user-access controls here for ESI panes (handle in the
        // ESI rendering).
        if (!$this
          ->pane_should_be_rendered($pane)) {
      $content_type = ctools_get_content_type($pane->type);

      // If this pane wants to render last, add it to the $last array. We allow
      // this because some panes need to be rendered after other panes,
      // primarily so they can do things like the leftovers of forms.
      if (!empty($content_type['render last'])) {
        $last[$pid] = $pane;
      else {
        if (!empty($content_type['render first'])) {
          $first[$pid] = $pane;
        else {
          $normal[$pid] = $pane;
    $this->prepared['panes'] = $first + $normal + $last;
    return $this->prepared['panes'];

   * Test if a pane (or ESI tag) should be rendered. Normal panes are checked
   * for visibility and access-control rules. Panes rendered by ESI are just
   * checked for visibility.
  function pane_should_be_rendered($pane) {
    if (!$pane->shown) {
      return FALSE;
    elseif (!empty($pane->cache) && $pane->cache['method'] == 'esi') {

      // ESI panes are always rendered (access callbacks)
      return TRUE;
    return panels_pane_access($pane, $this->display);

   * Perform display/layout-level render operations.
   * This method triggers all the inner pane/region rendering processes, passes
   * that to the layout plugin's theme callback, and returns the rendered HTML.
   * If display-level caching is enabled and that cache is warm, this method
   * will not be called.
   * @return string
   *   The HTML string representing the entire rendered, themed panel.
  function render_layout() {
    if (empty($this->prep_run)) {

    // Get the default rendering of the panes.

    // Replace content with ESI tags, as needed.
    if ($this->admin && !empty($this->plugins['layout']['admin theme'])) {
      $theme = $this->plugins['layout']['admin theme'];
    else {
      $theme = $this->plugins['layout']['theme'];
    $this->rendered['layout'] = theme($theme, array(
      'css_id' => check_plain($this->display->css_id),
      'content' => $this->rendered['regions'],
      'settings' => $this->display->layout_settings,
      'display' => $this->display,
      'layout' => $this->plugins['layout'],
      'renderer' => $this,
    return $this->prefix . $this->rendered['layout'] . $this->suffix;

   * Parse the rendered panes, replacing the ESI-handled panes with ESI tags.
  function handle_esi() {
    foreach ($this->prepared['panes'] as $pid => $pane) {
      if (!empty($pane->cache) && $pane->cache['method'] == 'esi') {

   * Replace a pane's rendered content with ESI content.
  function handle_esi_pane($pane) {

    // Get the initial output.
    $url = url(esi_panels_url($pane, $this->display), array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    $render = array(
      '#type' => 'esi',
      '#url' => $url,
    $output = drupal_render($render);

    // If there are region locks, add them.
    if (!empty($pane->locks['type']) && $pane->locks['type'] == 'regions') {
      static $key = NULL;
      $javascript =& drupal_static('drupal_add_js', array());

      // drupal_add_js breaks as we add these, but we can't just lump them
      // together because panes can be rendered independently. So game the system:
      if (empty($key)) {
        $settings['Panels']['RegionLock'][$pane->pid] = $pane->locks['regions'];
        drupal_add_js($settings, 'setting');

        // These are just added via [] so we have to grab the last one
        // and reference it.
        $keys = array_keys($javascript['settings']['data']);
        $key = end($keys);
      else {
        $javascript['settings']['data'][$key]['Panels']['RegionLock'][$pane->pid] = $pane->locks['regions'];
    if (empty($pane->IPE_empty)) {

      // Add an inner layer wrapper to the pane content before placing it into
      // draggable portlet
      $output = "<div class=\"panels-ipe-portlet-content\">{$output}</div>";
    else {
      $output = "<div class=\"panels-ipe-portlet-content panels-ipe-empty-pane\">{$output}</div>";

    // Hand it off to the plugin/theme for placing draggers/buttons
    $output = theme('panels_ipe_pane_wrapper', array(
      'output' => $output,
      'pane' => $pane,
      'display' => $this->display,
      'renderer' => $this,
    if (!empty($pane->locks['type']) && $pane->locks['type'] == 'immovable') {
      return "<div id=\"panels-ipe-paneid-{$pane->pid}\" class=\"panels-ipe-nodrag panels-ipe-portlet-wrapper panels-ipe-portlet-marker\">" . $output . "</div>";
    $result = "<div id=\"panels-ipe-paneid-{$pane->pid}\" class=\"panels-ipe-portlet-wrapper panels-ipe-portlet-marker\">" . $output . "</div>";
    $this->rendered['panes'][$pane->pid] = $result;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
esi_panels_renderer_ipe::handle_esi function Parse the rendered panes, replacing the ESI-handled panes with ESI tags.
esi_panels_renderer_ipe::handle_esi_pane function Replace a pane's rendered content with ESI content.
esi_panels_renderer_ipe::pane_should_be_rendered function Test if a pane (or ESI tag) should be rendered. Normal panes are checked for visibility and access-control rules. Panes rendered by ESI are just checked for visibility.
esi_panels_renderer_ipe::prepare_panes function Prepare the list of panes to be rendered, accounting for visibility/access settings and rendering order. Overrides panels_renderer_ipe::prepare_panes
esi_panels_renderer_ipe::render_layout function Perform display/layout-level render operations. Overrides panels_renderer_standard::render_layout
panels_renderer_editor::$commands property An array of AJAX commands to return. If populated it will automatically be used by the AJAX router.
panels_renderer_editor::$no_edit_links property Set to true if edit links (for panes and regions) should not be displayed. This can be used for special edit modes such as layout change and layout builder that do not actually have real content.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_access_add_test function AJAX entry point for to add a visibility rule.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_access_configure_test function AJAX entry point for to configure vsibility rule.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_access_settings function AJAX entry point to configure access settings for a pane.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_add_pane function AJAX entry point to add a new pane.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_cache_method function AJAX entry point to configure the cache method for a pane or the display.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_cache_settings function AJAX entry point to configure the cache settings for a pane or the display.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_edit_pane function AJAX entry point to edit a pane.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_hide function AJAX command to show a pane.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_layout function AJAX Router function for layout owned AJAX calls.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_lock function AJAX entry point to configure CSS for a pane.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_panel_title function AJAX entry point to select which pane is currently the title.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_pane_css function AJAX entry point to configure CSS for a pane.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_select_content function AJAX command to present a dialog with a list of available content.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_show function AJAX command to show a pane.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_style function AJAX Router function for style owned AJAX calls.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_style_settings function AJAX entry point to configure the style for a display, region or pane.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_style_type function AJAX entry point to select the style for a display, region or pane.
panels_renderer_editor::command_update_display_links function Create a command to update the links on a display after a change was made.
panels_renderer_editor::command_update_region_links function Create a command to update the links on a region after a change was made.
panels_renderer_editor::edit function Display edit rendering.
panels_renderer_editor::get_categories function Create a list of categories from all of the content type.
panels_renderer_editor::get_category function Return the category name and the category key of a given content type.
panels_renderer_editor::get_display_links function Get the links for a panel display.
panels_renderer_editor::get_pane_links function Render the links to display when editing a pane.
panels_renderer_editor::get_region_links function Render the links to display when editing a region.
panels_renderer_editor::get_style function Get the appropriate style from the panel in the cache.
panels_renderer_editor::get_style_links function Get the style links.
panels_renderer_editor::get_url function Generate a URL path for the AJAX editor.
panels_renderer_ipe::$access property
panels_renderer_ipe::$admin property TRUE if this renderer is rendering in administrative mode which will allow layouts to have extra functionality. Overrides panels_renderer_editor::$admin
panels_renderer_ipe::access function
panels_renderer_ipe::add_meta function Attach out-of-band page metadata (e.g., CSS and JS). Overrides panels_renderer_editor::add_meta
panels_renderer_ipe::ajax_change_layout function AJAX entry point to create the controller form for an IPE.
panels_renderer_ipe::ajax_save_form function AJAX entry point to create the controller form for an IPE.
panels_renderer_ipe::ajax_set_layout function
panels_renderer_ipe::ajax_unlock_ipe function AJAX callback to unlock the IPE.
panels_renderer_ipe::command_add_pane function Create a command array to add a new pane. Overrides panels_renderer_editor::command_add_pane
panels_renderer_ipe::command_update_pane function Create a command array to redraw a pane. Overrides panels_renderer_editor::command_update_pane
panels_renderer_ipe::get_panels_storage_op_for_ajax function Get the Panels storage oparation for a given renderer AJAX method. Overrides panels_renderer_editor::get_panels_storage_op_for_ajax
panels_renderer_ipe::invoke_panels_ipe_access function
panels_renderer_ipe::ipe_test_lock function This is a generic lock test.
panels_renderer_ipe::render function Build inner content, then hand off to layout-specified theme function for final render step. Overrides panels_renderer_editor::render
panels_renderer_ipe::render_pane function Override & call the parent, then pass output through to the dnd wrapper theme function. Overrides panels_renderer_editor::render_pane
panels_renderer_ipe::render_pane_content function Render the interior contents of a single pane. Overrides panels_renderer_standard::render_pane_content
panels_renderer_ipe::render_region function Add an 'empty' pane placeholder above all the normal panes. Overrides panels_renderer_editor::render_region
panels_renderer_standard::$display property The fully-loaded Panels display object that is to be rendered. "Fully loaded" is defined as: 1. Having been produced by panels_load_displays(), whether or this page request or at some time in the past and the object was exported. 2. Having…
panels_renderer_standard::$meta_location property Where to add standard meta information. There are three possibilities:
panels_renderer_standard::$plugin property The plugin that defines this handler.
panels_renderer_standard::$plugins property An associative array of loaded plugins. Used primarily as a central location for storing plugins that require additional loading beyond reading the plugin definition, which is already statically cached by ctools_get_plugins(). An example is layout…
panels_renderer_standard::$prefix property Include rendered HTML prior to the layout.
panels_renderer_standard::$prepared property A multilevel array of data prepared for rendering. The first level of the array indicates the type of prepared data. The standard renderer populates and uses two top-level keys, 'panes' and 'regions':
panels_renderer_standard::$prep_run property Boolean state variable, indicating whether or not the prepare() method has been run.
panels_renderer_standard::$rendered property A multilevel array of rendered data. The first level of the array indicates the type of rendered data, typically with up to three keys: 'layout', 'regions', and 'panes'. The relevant rendered data is stored as the value…
panels_renderer_standard::$show_empty_layout property Boolean flag indicating whether to render the layout even if all rendered regions are blank. If FALSE, the layout renders as an empty string (without prefix or suffix) if not in administrative mode.
panels_renderer_standard::$suffix property Include rendered HTML after the layout.
panels_renderer_standard::add_css function Add CSS information to the renderer.
panels_renderer_standard::init function Receive and store the display object to be rendered.
panels_renderer_standard::prepare function Prepare the attached display for rendering. 1
panels_renderer_standard::prepare_regions function Prepare the list of regions to be rendered.
panels_renderer_standard::render_panes function Render all prepared panes, first by dispatching to their plugin's render callback, then handing that output off to the pane's style plugin. 1
panels_renderer_standard::render_regions function Render all prepared regions, placing already-rendered panes into their appropriate positions therein. 1