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class panels_renderer_editor in Panels 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php \panels_renderer_editor

@file Class file to control the main Panels editor.


Expanded class hierarchy of panels_renderer_editor

1 string reference to 'panels_renderer_editor' in plugins/display_renderers/


plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php, line 7
Class file to control the main Panels editor.

View source
class panels_renderer_editor extends panels_renderer_standard {

   * An array of AJAX commands to return. If populated it will automatically
   * be used by the AJAX router.
  var $commands = array();
  var $admin = TRUE;

   * Set to true if edit links (for panes and regions) should not be displayed.
   * This can be used for special edit modes such as layout change and layout
   * builder that do not actually have real content.
  var $no_edit_links = FALSE;

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------.

   * Display edit rendering.
  function edit() {
    $form_state = array(
      'display' => &$this->display,
      'renderer' => &$this,
      'content_types' => $this->cache->content_types,
      'no_redirect' => TRUE,
      'display_title' => !empty($this->cache->display_title),
      'cache key' => $this->display->cache_key,
    $output = drupal_build_form('panels_edit_display_form', $form_state);
    if (empty($form_state['executed']) || !empty($form_state['clicked_button']['preview'])) {
      return $output;
    if (!empty($form_state['clicked_button']['#save-display'])) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Panel content has been updated.'));
    else {
      drupal_set_message(t('Your changes have been discarded.'));
    panels_cache_clear('display', $this->display->did);
    return $this->display;
  function add_meta() {
    if ($this->admin) {
      ctools_add_js('panels-base', 'panels');
      ctools_add_js('display_editor', 'panels');
      ctools_add_css('panels_dnd', 'panels');
      ctools_add_css('panels_admin', 'panels');
      drupal_add_library('system', 'ui');
  function render() {

    // Pass through to normal rendering if not in admin mode.
    if (!$this->admin) {
      return parent::render();
    $output = '<div class="panels-dnd" id="panels-dnd-main">';
    $output .= $this
    $output .= '</div>';
    return $output;
  function render_region($region_id, $panes) {

    // Pass through to normal rendering if not in admin mode.
    if (!$this->admin) {
      return parent::render_region($region_id, $panes);
    $content = implode('', $panes);
    $panel_buttons = $this
    $output = "<div class='panel-region' id='panel-region-{$region_id}'>";
    $output .= $panel_buttons;
    $output .= "<h2 class='label'>" . check_plain($this->plugins['layout']['regions'][$region_id]) . "</h2>";
    $output .= $content;
    $output .= "</div>";
    return $output;
  function render_pane(&$pane) {

    // Pass through to normal rendering if not in admin mode.
    if (!$this->admin) {
      return parent::render_pane($pane);
    $content_type = ctools_get_content_type($pane->type);

    // This is just used for the title bar of the pane, not the content itself.
    // If we know the content type, use the appropriate title for that type,
    // otherwise, set the title using the content itself.
    $title = ctools_content_admin_title($content_type, $pane->subtype, $pane->configuration, $this->display->context);
    if (!$title) {
      $title = t('Deleted/missing content type @type', array(
        '@type' => $pane->type,
    $buttons = $this
      ->get_pane_links($pane, $content_type);

    // Render administrative buttons for the pane.
    $block = new stdClass();
    if (empty($content_type)) {
      $block->title = '<em>' . t('Missing content type') . '</em>';
      $block->content = t('This pane\'s content type is either missing or has been deleted. This pane will not render.');
    else {
      $block = ctools_content_admin_info($content_type, $pane->subtype, $pane->configuration, $this->display->context);
    $grabber_class = 'grab-title grabber';

    // If there are region locks, add them.
    if (!empty($pane->locks['type'])) {
      if ($pane->locks['type'] == 'regions') {
        $settings['Panels']['RegionLock'][$pane->pid] = $pane->locks['regions'];
        drupal_add_js($settings, 'setting');
      elseif ($pane->locks['type'] == 'immovable') {
        $grabber_class = 'grab-title not-grabber';
    $output = '';
    $class = 'panel-pane';
    if (empty($pane->shown)) {
      $class .= ' hidden-pane';
    if (isset($this->display->title_pane) && $this->display->title_pane == $pane->pid) {
      $class .= ' panel-pane-is-title';
    $output = '<div class="' . $class . '" id="panel-pane-' . $pane->pid . '">';
    if (empty($block->title)) {
      $block->title = t('No title');
    $output .= '<div class="' . $grabber_class . '">';
    if ($buttons) {
      $output .= '<span class="buttons">' . $buttons . '</span>';
    $output .= '<span class="text" title="' . check_plain($title) . '">' . $title . '</span>';
    $output .= '</div>';

    // Grabber.
    $output .= '<div class="panel-pane-collapsible">';
    $output .= '<div class="pane-title">' . $block->title . '</div>';
    $output .= '<div class="pane-content">' . filter_xss_admin(render($block->content)) . '</div>';
    $output .= '</div>';

    // panel-pane-collapsible.
    $output .= '</div>';

    // panel-pane.
    return $output;

   * Get the style links.
   * This is abstracted out since we have styles on both panes and regions.
  function get_style_links($type, $id = NULL) {
    $info = $this
      ->get_style($type, $id);
    $style = $info[0];
    $conf = $info[1];
    $style_title = isset($style['title']) ? $style['title'] : t('Default');
    $style_links['title'] = array(
      'title' => $style_title,
      'attributes' => array(
        'class' => array(
    $style_links['change'] = array(
      'title' => t('Change'),
      'href' => $this
        ->get_url('style-type', $type, $id),
      'attributes' => array(
        'class' => array(
    $function = $type != 'pane' ? 'settings form' : 'pane settings form';
    if (panels_plugin_get_function('styles', $style, $function)) {
      $style_links['settings'] = array(
        'title' => t('Settings'),
        'href' => $this
          ->get_url('style-settings', $type, $id),
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
    return $style_links;

   * Get the links for a panel display.
   * This is abstracted out for easy ajax replacement.
  function get_display_links() {
    $links = array();
    if (user_access('administer panels display styles')) {
      $style_links = $this
      $links[] = array(
        'title' => '<span class="dropdown-header">' . t('Style') . '</span>' . theme_links(array(
          'links' => $style_links,
          'attributes' => array(),
          'heading' => array(),
        'html' => TRUE,
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
    if (user_access('use panels caching features')) {
      $links[] = array(
        'title' => '<hr />',
        'html' => TRUE,
      $method = isset($this->display->cache['method']) ? $this->display->cache['method'] : 0;
      $info = panels_get_cache($method);
      $cache_method = isset($info['title']) ? $info['title'] : t('No caching');
      $cache_links[] = array(
        'title' => $cache_method,
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
      $cache_links[] = array(
        'title' => t('Change'),
        'href' => $this
          ->get_url('cache-method', 'display'),
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
      if (panels_plugin_get_function('cache', $info, 'settings form')) {
        $cache_links[] = array(
          'title' => t('Settings'),
          'href' => $this
            ->get_url('cache-settings', 'display'),
          'attributes' => array(
            'class' => array(
      $links[] = array(
        'title' => '<span class="dropdown-header">' . t('Caching') . '</span>' . theme_links(array(
          'links' => $cache_links,
          'attributes' => array(),
          'heading' => array(),
        'html' => TRUE,
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
    return theme('ctools_dropdown', array(
      'title' => t('Display settings'),
      'links' => $links,
      'class' => 'panels-display-links',

   * Render the links to display when editing a region.
  function get_region_links($region_id) {
    if (!empty($this->no_edit_links)) {
      return '';
    $links = array();
    $links[] = array(
      'title' => t('Add content'),
      'href' => $this
        ->get_url('select-content', $region_id),
      'attributes' => array(
        'class' => array(
    if (user_access('administer panels region styles')) {
      $links[] = array(
        'title' => '<hr />',
        'html' => TRUE,
      $style_links = $this
        ->get_style_links('region', $region_id);
      $links[] = array(
        'title' => '<span class="dropdown-header">' . t('Style') . '</span>' . theme_links(array(
          'links' => $style_links,
          'attributes' => array(),
          'heading' => array(),
        'html' => TRUE,
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
    return theme('ctools_dropdown', array(
      'title' => theme('image', array(
        'path' => ctools_image_path('icon-addcontent.png', 'panels'),
      'links' => $links,
      'image' => TRUE,
      'class' => 'pane-add-link panels-region-links-' . $region_id,

   * Render the links to display when editing a pane.
  function get_pane_links($pane, $content_type) {
    if (!empty($this->no_edit_links)) {
      return '';
    $links = array();
    if (!empty($pane->shown)) {
      $links['top']['disabled'] = array(
        'title' => t('Disable this pane'),
        'href' => $this
          ->get_url('hide', $pane->pid),
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
    else {
      $links['top']['enable'] = array(
        'title' => t('Enable this pane'),
        'href' => $this
          ->get_url('show', $pane->pid),
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
    if (isset($this->display->title_pane) && $this->display->title_pane == $pane->pid) {
      $links['top']['panels-set-title'] = array(
        'title' => t('&#x2713;Panel title'),
        'html' => TRUE,
    else {
      $links['top']['panels-set-title'] = array(
        'title' => t('Panel title'),
        'href' => $this
          ->get_url('panel-title', $pane->pid),
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
    $subtype = ctools_content_get_subtype($content_type, $pane->subtype);
    if (ctools_content_editable($content_type, $subtype, $pane->configuration)) {
      $links['top']['settings'] = array(
        'title' => isset($content_type['edit text']) ? $content_type['edit text'] : t('Settings'),
        'href' => $this
          ->get_url('edit-pane', $pane->pid),
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
    if (user_access('administer advanced pane settings')) {
      $links['top']['css'] = array(
        'title' => t('CSS properties'),
        'href' => $this
          ->get_url('pane-css', $pane->pid),
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
    if (user_access('administer panels pane styles')) {
      $links['style'] = $this
        ->get_style_links('pane', $pane->pid);
    if (user_access('administer pane access')) {
      $contexts = $this->display->context;

      // Make sure we have the logged in user context.
      if (!isset($contexts['logged-in-user'])) {
        $contexts['logged-in-user'] = ctools_access_get_loggedin_context();
      $visibility_links = array();
      if (!empty($pane->access['plugins'])) {
        foreach ($pane->access['plugins'] as $id => $test) {
          $plugin = ctools_get_access_plugin($test['name']);
          $access_title = isset($plugin['title']) ? $plugin['title'] : t('Broken/missing access plugin %plugin', array(
            '%plugin' => $test['name'],
          $access_description = ctools_access_summary($plugin, $contexts, $test);
          $visibility_links[] = array(
            'title' => $access_description,
            'href' => $this
              ->get_url('access-configure-test', $pane->pid, $id),
            'attributes' => array(
              'class' => array(
      if (empty($visibility_links)) {
        $visibility_links['no_rules'] = array(
          'title' => t('No rules'),
          'attributes' => array(
            'class' => array(
      $visibility_links['add_rule'] = array(
        'title' => t('Add new rule'),
        'href' => $this
          ->get_url('access-add-test', $pane->pid),
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
      $visibility_links['settings'] = array(
        'title' => t('Settings'),
        'href' => $this
          ->get_url('access-settings', $pane->pid),
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
      $links['visibility'] = $visibility_links;
    if (user_access('use panels locks')) {
      $lock_type = !empty($pane->locks['type']) ? $pane->locks['type'] : 'none';
      switch ($lock_type) {
        case 'immovable':
          $lock_method = t('Immovable');
        case 'regions':
          $lock_method = t('Regions');
        case 'none':
          $lock_method = t('No lock');
      $lock_links['lock'] = array(
        'title' => $lock_method,
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
      $lock_links['change'] = array(
        'title' => t('Change'),
        'href' => $this
          ->get_url('lock', $pane->pid),
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
      $links['lock'] = $lock_links;
    if (panels_get_caches() && user_access('use panels caching features')) {
      $method = isset($pane->cache['method']) ? $pane->cache['method'] : 0;
      $info = panels_get_cache($method);
      $cache_method = isset($info['title']) ? $info['title'] : t('No caching');
      $cache_links['title'] = array(
        'title' => $cache_method,
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
      $cache_links['change'] = array(
        'title' => t('Change'),
        'href' => $this
          ->get_url('cache-method', $pane->pid),
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
      if (panels_plugin_get_function('cache', $info, 'settings form')) {
        $cache_links['settings'] = array(
          'title' => t('Settings'),
          'href' => $this
            ->get_url('cache-settings', $pane->pid),
          'attributes' => array(
            'class' => array(
      $links['cache'] = $cache_links;
    $links['bottom']['remove'] = array(
      'title' => t('Remove'),
      'href' => '#',
      'attributes' => array(
        'class' => array(
        'id' => "pane-delete-panel-pane-{$pane->pid}",

    // Allow others to add/remove links from pane context menu.
    // Grouped by 'top', 'style', 'visibility', 'lock', 'cache' and 'bottom'.
    drupal_alter('get_pane_links', $links, $pane, $content_type);
    $dropdown_links = $links['top'];
    $category_labels = array(
      'style' => 'Style',
      'visibility' => 'Visibility rules',
      'lock' => 'Locking',
      'cache' => 'Caching',
    foreach ($category_labels as $category => $label) {
      if (array_key_exists($category, $links)) {
        $dropdown_links[] = array(
          'title' => '<hr />',
          'html' => TRUE,
        $dropdown_links[] = array(
          'title' => '<span class="dropdown-header">' . t($label) . '</span>' . theme_links(array(
            'links' => $links[$category],
            'attributes' => array(),
            'heading' => array(),
          'html' => TRUE,
          'attributes' => array(
            'class' => array(
    $dropdown_links[] = array(
      'title' => '<hr />',
      'html' => TRUE,
    $dropdown_links = array_merge($dropdown_links, $links['bottom']);
    return theme('ctools_dropdown', array(
      'title' => theme('image', array(
        'path' => ctools_image_path('icon-configure.png', 'panels'),
      'links' => $dropdown_links,
      'image' => TRUE,

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Display edit AJAX callbacks and helpers.

   * Generate a URL path for the AJAX editor.
  function get_url() {
    $args = func_get_args();
    $command = array_shift($args);
    $url = 'panels/ajax/' . $this->plugin['name'] . '/' . $command . '/' . $this->display->cache_key;
    if ($args) {
      $url .= '/' . implode('/', $args);
    return $url;

   * Get the Panels storage oparation for a given renderer AJAX method.
   * @param string $method
   *   The method name.
   * @return string
   *   The Panels storage op.
  function get_panels_storage_op_for_ajax($method) {
    switch ($method) {
      case 'ajax_show':
      case 'ajax_hide':
      case 'ajax_select_content':
      case 'ajax_add_pane':
      case 'ajax_edit_pane':
      case 'ajax_panel_title':
      case 'ajax_cache_method':
      case 'ajax_cache_settings':
      case 'ajax_style_type':
      case 'ajax_style_settings':
      case 'ajax_pane_css':
      case 'ajax_lock':
      case 'ajax_access_settings':
      case 'ajax_access_add_test':
      case 'ajax_access_configure_test':
      case 'ajax_layout':
      case 'ajax_style':
        return 'update';
    return parent::get_panels_storage_op_for_ajax($method);

   * AJAX command to show a pane.
  function ajax_show($pid = NULL) {
    if (empty($this->display->content[$pid])) {
      ctools_ajax_render_error(t('Invalid pane id.'));
    $this->display->content[$pid]->shown = TRUE;

   * AJAX command to show a pane.
  function ajax_hide($pid = NULL) {
    if (empty($this->display->content[$pid])) {
      ctools_ajax_render_error(t('Invalid pane id.'));
    $this->display->content[$pid]->shown = FALSE;

   * AJAX command to present a dialog with a list of available content.
  function ajax_select_content($region = NULL, $category = NULL) {
    if (!array_key_exists($region, $this->plugins['layout']['regions'])) {
      ctools_modal_render(t('Error'), t('Invalid input'));
    $title = t('Add content to !s', array(
      '!s' => $this->plugins['layout']['regions'][$region],
    $categories = $this
    if (empty($categories)) {
      $output = t('There are no content types you may add to this display.');
    else {
      $output = theme('panels_add_content_modal', array(
        'renderer' => $this,
        'categories' => $categories,
        'category' => $category,
        'region' => $region,
    $this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_display($title, $output);

    // Give keybord focus to the first item in the category we just loaded.
    if (!empty($category)) {
      $this->commands[] = ajax_command_invoke(".panels-add-content-modal .panels-section-columns :focusable:first", 'focus');

   * Return the category name and the category key of a given content
   * type.
   * @todo -- this should be in CTools.
  function get_category($content_type) {
    if (!empty($content_type['top level'])) {
      $category = 'root';
    elseif (isset($content_type['category'])) {
      if (is_array($content_type['category'])) {
        $category = reset($content_type['category']);
      else {
        $category = $content_type['category'];
    else {
      $category = t('Uncategorized');
    return array(
      preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/', '-', strtolower($category)),

   * Create a list of categories from all of the content type.
   * @return array
   *   An array of categories. Each entry in the array will also be an array
   *   with 'title' as the printable title of the category, and 'content'
   *   being an array of all content in the category. Each item in the 'content'
   *   array contain the array plugin definition so that it can be later
   *   found in the content array. They will be keyed by the title so that they
   *   can be sorted.
  function get_categories($content_types) {
    $categories = array();
    $category_names = array();
    foreach ($content_types as $type_name => $subtypes) {
      foreach ($subtypes as $subtype_name => $content_type) {
        list($category_key, $category) = $this
        if (empty($categories[$category_key])) {
          $categories[$category_key] = array(
            'title' => $category,
            'content' => array(),
          $category_names[$category_key] = $category;
        $content_title = filter_xss_admin($content_type['title']);

        // Ensure content with the same title doesn't overwrite each other.
        while (isset($categories[$category_key]['content'][$content_title])) {
          $content_title .= '-';
        $categories[$category_key]['content'][$content_title] = $content_type;
        $categories[$category_key]['content'][$content_title]['type_name'] = $type_name;
        $categories[$category_key]['content'][$content_title]['subtype_name'] = $subtype_name;

    // Now sort.
    foreach ($category_names as $category => $name) {
      $output[$category] = $categories[$category];
    return $output;

   * AJAX entry point to add a new pane.
  function ajax_add_pane($region = NULL, $type_name = NULL, $subtype_name = NULL, $step = NULL) {
    $content_type = ctools_get_content_type($type_name);
    $subtype = ctools_content_get_subtype($content_type, $subtype_name);

    // Determine if we are adding a different pane than previously cached. This
    // is used to load the different pane into cache so that multistep forms
    // have the correct context instead of a previously cached version that
    // does not match the pane currently being added.
    $is_different_pane = FALSE;
    if (isset($this->cache) && isset($this->cache->new_pane)) {
      $diff_type = $type_name != $this->cache->new_pane->type;
      $diff_subtype = $subtype_name != $this->cache->new_pane->subtype;
      $is_different_pane = $diff_type || $diff_subtype;
    if (!isset($step) || !isset($this->cache->new_pane) || $is_different_pane) {
      $pane = panels_new_pane($type_name, $subtype_name, TRUE);
      $this->cache->new_pane =& $pane;
    else {
      $pane =& $this->cache->new_pane;
    $form_state = array(
      'display' => &$this->cache->display,
      'contexts' => $this->cache->display->context,
      'pane' => &$pane,
      'cache_key' => $this->display->cache_key,
      'display cache' => &$this->cache,
      'ajax' => TRUE,
      'modal' => TRUE,
      // This will force the system to not automatically render.
      'modal return' => TRUE,
      'commands' => array(),
    $form_info = array(
      'path' => $this
        ->get_url('add-pane', $region, $type_name, $subtype_name, '%step'),
      'show cancel' => TRUE,
      'next callback' => 'panels_ajax_edit_pane_next',
      'finish callback' => 'panels_ajax_edit_pane_finish',
      'cancel callback' => 'panels_ajax_edit_pane_cancel',
    $output = ctools_content_form('add', $form_info, $form_state, $content_type, $pane->subtype, $subtype, $pane->configuration, $step);

    // If $rc is FALSE, there was no actual form.
    if ($output === FALSE || !empty($form_state['complete'])) {

      // References get blown away with AJAX caching. This will fix that.
      $pane = $form_state['pane'];

      // Add the pane to the display.
        ->add_pane($pane, $region);

      // Tell the client to draw the pane.

      // Dismiss the modal.
      $this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();
    elseif (!empty($form_state['cancel'])) {

      // If cancelling, return to the activity.
      list($category_key, $category) = $this
        ->ajax_select_content($region, $category_key);
    else {

      // This overwrites any previous commands.
      $this->commands = ctools_modal_form_render($form_state, $output);

   * AJAX entry point to edit a pane.
  function ajax_edit_pane($pid = NULL, $step = NULL) {
    if (empty($this->cache->display->content[$pid])) {
      ctools_modal_render(t('Error'), t('Invalid pane id.'));
    $pane =& $this->cache->display->content[$pid];
    $content_type = ctools_get_content_type($pane->type);
    $subtype = ctools_content_get_subtype($content_type, $pane->subtype);
    $form_state = array(
      'display' => &$this->cache->display,
      'contexts' => $this->cache->display->context,
      'pane' => &$pane,
      'display cache' => &$this->cache,
      'ajax' => TRUE,
      'modal' => TRUE,
      'modal return' => TRUE,
      'commands' => array(),
    $form_info = array(
      'path' => $this
        ->get_url('edit-pane', $pid, '%step'),
      'show cancel' => TRUE,
      'next callback' => 'panels_ajax_edit_pane_next',
      'finish callback' => 'panels_ajax_edit_pane_finish',
      'cancel callback' => 'panels_ajax_edit_pane_cancel',
    $output = ctools_content_form('edit', $form_info, $form_state, $content_type, $pane->subtype, $subtype, $pane->configuration, $step);

    // If $rc is FALSE, there was no actual form.
    if ($output === FALSE || !empty($form_state['cancel'])) {

      // Dismiss the modal.
      $this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();
    elseif (!empty($form_state['complete'])) {

      // References get blown away with AJAX caching. This will fix that.
      $this->cache->display->content[$pid] = $form_state['pane'];

      // Conditionally overwrite the context for this panel if present in the form state.
      if (!empty($form_state['display_cache']->display->context)) {
        $this->cache->display->context = $form_state['display_cache']->display->context;
      $this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();
    else {

      // This overwrites any previous commands.
      $this->commands = ctools_modal_form_render($form_state, $output);

   * AJAX entry point to select which pane is currently the title.
   * @param string $pid
   *   The pane id for the pane object whose title state we're setting.
  function ajax_panel_title($pid = NULL) {
    if (empty($this->display->content[$pid])) {
      ctools_ajax_render_error(t('Invalid pane id.'));
    $pane =& $this->display->content[$pid];
    $old_title = !empty($this->display->title_pane) ? $this->display->title_pane : NULL;
    $this->display->title_pane = $pid;
    if ($old_title && !empty($this->cache->display->content[$old_title])) {

   * AJAX entry point to configure the cache method for a pane or the display.
   * @param string $pid
   *   Either a pane id for a pane in the display, or 'display' to edit the
   *   display cache settings.
  function ajax_cache_method($pid = NULL) {

    // This lets us choose whether we're doing the display's cache or
    // a pane's.
    if ($pid == 'display') {
      $conf =& $this->display->cache;
      $title = t('Cache method for this display');
    elseif (!empty($this->display->content[$pid])) {
      $pane =& $this->display->content[$pid];
      $subtype = ctools_content_get_subtype($pane->type, $pane->subtype);
      $conf =& $pane->cache;
      $title = t('Cache method for !subtype_title', array(
        '!subtype_title' => $subtype['title'],
    else {
      ctools_modal_render(t('Error'), t('Invalid pane id.'));
    $form_state = array(
      'display' => &$this->display,
      'conf' => &$conf,
      'title' => $title,
      'ajax' => TRUE,
    $output = ctools_modal_form_wrapper('panels_edit_cache_method_form', $form_state);
    if (empty($form_state['executed'])) {
      $this->commands = $output;

    // Preserve this; this way we don't actually change the method until they
    // have saved the form.
    $info = panels_get_cache($form_state['method']);
    $function = panels_plugin_get_function('cache', $info, 'settings form');
    if (!$function) {
      $conf['method'] = $form_state['method'];
      $conf['settings'] = array();
      $this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();
      if ($pid != 'display') {
      else {
    else {
      $this->cache->method = $form_state['method'];

      // Send them to next form.
      return $this

   * AJAX entry point to configure the cache settings for a pane or the display.
   * @param string $pid
   *   Either a pane id for a pane in the display, or 'display' to edit the
   *   display cache settings.
  function ajax_cache_settings($pid = 0) {

    // This lets us choose whether we're doing the display's cache or
    // a pane's.
    if ($pid == 'display') {
      $conf =& $this->display->cache;
      $title = t('Cache settings for this display');
    elseif (!empty($this->display->content[$pid])) {
      $pane =& $this->display->content[$pid];
      $subtype = ctools_content_get_subtype($pane->type, $pane->subtype);
      $conf =& $pane->cache;
      $title = t('Cache settings for !subtype_title', array(
        '!subtype_title' => $subtype['title'],
    else {
      ctools_modal_render(t('Error'), t('Invalid pane id.'));
    if (isset($this->cache->method) && (empty($conf['method']) || $conf['method'] != $this->cache->method)) {
      $conf['method'] = $this->cache->method;
      $info = panels_get_cache($conf['method']);
      $conf['settings'] = isset($info['defaults']) ? $info['defaults'] : array();
    $form_state = array(
      'display' => &$this->display,
      'pid' => $pid,
      'conf' => &$conf,
      'ajax' => TRUE,
      'title' => $title,
      'url' => url($this
        ->get_url('cache-settings', $pid), array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
    $output = ctools_modal_form_wrapper('panels_edit_cache_settings_form', $form_state);
    if (empty($form_state['executed'])) {
      $this->commands = $output;
    $this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();
    if ($pid != 'display') {
    else {

   * AJAX entry point to select the style for a display, region or pane.
   * @param string $type
   *   Either display, region or pane
   * @param $pid
   *   The pane id, if a pane. The region id, if a region.
  function ajax_style_type($type, $pid = NULL) {

    // This lets us choose whether we're doing the display's cache or
    // a pane's.
    switch ($type) {
      case 'display':
        $style = isset($this->display->panel_settings['style']) ? $this->display->panel_settings['style'] : 'default';
        $title = t('Default style for this display');
      case 'region':
        $style = isset($this->display->panel_settings[$pid]['style']) ? $this->display->panel_settings[$pid]['style'] : '-1';

        // -1 signifies to use the default setting.
        $title = t('Panel style for region "!region"', array(
          '!region' => $this->plugins['layout']['regions'][$pid],
      case 'pane':
        $pane =& $this->display->content[$pid];
        $style = isset($pane->style['style']) ? $pane->style['style'] : 'default';
        $title = ctools_content_admin_title($pane->type, $pane->subtype, $pane->configuration, $this->display->context);
        if (!$title) {
          $title = $pane->type;
        $title = t('Pane style for "!title"', array(
          '!title' => $title,
        ctools_modal_render(t('Error'), t('Invalid pane id.'));
    $info = $this
      ->get_style($type, $pid);
    $style_plugin = $info[0];
    $style_settings = $info[1];

    // Backward compatibility: Translate old-style stylizer to new style
    // stylizer.
    if ($style == 'stylizer' && !empty($style_settings['style']) && $style_settings['style'] != '$') {
      $style = 'stylizer:' . $style_settings['style'];
    $form_state = array(
      'display' => &$this->display,
      'style' => $style,
      'pane' => $type == 'pane' ? $this->display->content[$pid] : NULL,
      'title' => $title,
      'ajax' => TRUE,
      'type' => $type,
    $output = ctools_modal_form_wrapper('panels_edit_style_type_form', $form_state);
    if (empty($form_state['executed'])) {
      $this->commands = $output;

    // Preserve this; this way we don't actually change the method until they
    // have saved the form.
    $style = panels_get_style($form_state['style']);
    $function = panels_plugin_get_function('styles', $style, $type == 'pane' ? 'pane settings form' : 'settings form');
    if (!$function) {
      if (isset($this->cache->style)) {

      // If there's no settings form, just change the style and exit.
      switch ($type) {
        case 'display':
          $this->display->panel_settings['style'] = $form_state['style'];
          if (isset($this->display->panel_settings['style_settings']['default'])) {
        case 'region':
          $this->display->panel_settings[$pid]['style'] = $form_state['style'];
          if (isset($this->display->panel_settings['style_settings'][$pid])) {
        case 'pane':
          $pane->style['style'] = $form_state['style'];
          if (isset($pane->style['settings'])) {
            $pane->style['settings'] = NULL;
      $this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();
      if ($type == 'pane') {
      elseif ($type == 'region') {
      else {
    else {
      if ($form_state['style'] != $form_state['old_style']) {
        $this->cache->style = $form_state['style'];

      // Send them to next form.
      return $this
        ->ajax_style_settings($type, $pid);

   * Get the appropriate style from the panel in the cache.
   * Since we have styles for regions, panes and the display itself, and
   * they are stored differently, we use this method to simplify getting
   * style information into a way that's easy to cope with.
  function get_style($type, $pid = '') {
    if (isset($this->cache->style)) {
      $style = panels_get_style($this->cache->style);
      $defaults = isset($style['defaults']) ? $style['defaults'] : array();

      // Get the &$conf variable based upon whose style we're editing.
      switch ($type) {
        case 'display':
          $this->display->panel_settings['style'] = $this->cache->style;
          $this->display->panel_settings['style_settings']['default'] = $defaults;
        case 'region':
          $this->display->panel_settings[$pid]['style'] = $this->cache->style;
          $this->display->panel_settings['style_settings'][$pid] = $defaults;
        case 'pane':
          $pane =& $this->display->content[$pid];
          $pane->style['style'] = $this->cache->style;
          $pane->style['settings'] = $defaults;
          $conf =& $pane->style['settings'];
    else {
      switch ($type) {
        case 'display':
          $style = panels_get_style(!empty($this->display->panel_settings['style']) ? $this->display->panel_settings['style'] : 'default');
        case 'region':
          $style = panels_get_style(!empty($this->display->panel_settings[$pid]['style']) ? $this->display->panel_settings[$pid]['style'] : '-1');
        case 'pane':
          $pane =& $this->display->content[$pid];
          $style = panels_get_style(!empty($pane->style['style']) ? $pane->style['style'] : 'default');

    // Set up our $conf reference.
    switch ($type) {
      case 'display':
        $conf =& $this->display->panel_settings['style_settings']['default'];
      case 'region':
        $conf =& $this->display->panel_settings['style_settings'][$pid];
      case 'pane':
        $pane =& $this->display->content[$pid];
        $conf =& $pane->style['settings'];

    // Backward compatibility: Translate old-style stylizer to new style
    // stylizer.
    if (isset($style['name']) && $style['name'] == 'stylizer' && !empty($conf['style']) && $conf['style'] != '$') {
      $style = panels_get_style('stylizer:' . $conf['style']);
    return array(

   * AJAX entry point to configure the style for a display, region or pane.
   * @param string $type
   *   Either display, region or pane
   * @param $pid
   *   The pane id, if a pane. The region id, if a region.
  function ajax_style_settings($type, $pid = '') {
    $info = $this
      ->get_style($type, $pid);
    $style = $info[0];
    $conf =& $info[1];
    switch ($type) {
      case 'display':
        $title = t('Style settings for @style (display)', array(
          '@style' => $style['title'],
      case 'region':
        $title = t('Style settings for style @style (Region "!region")', array(
          '@style' => $style['title'],
          '!region' => $this->plugins['layout']['regions'][$pid],
      case 'pane':
        $pane =& $this->display->content[$pid];
        $subtype = ctools_content_get_subtype($pane->type, $pane->subtype);
        $title = t('Style settings for style @style (Pane "!pane")', array(
          '@style' => $style['title'],
          '!pane' => $subtype['title'],
    $form_state = array(
      'display' => &$this->display,
      'type' => $type,
      'pid' => $pid,
      'conf' => &$conf,
      'style' => $style,
      'ajax' => TRUE,
      'title' => $title,
      'url' => url($this
        ->get_url('style-settings', $type, $pid), array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
      'renderer' => &$this,
    $output = ctools_modal_form_wrapper('panels_edit_style_settings_form', $form_state);
    if (empty($form_state['executed'])) {
      $this->commands = $output;
    if (isset($this->cache->style)) {
    if (!empty($form_state['cancel'])) {

      // The cache must be saved prior to dismissing the modal.
      $this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();

    // Copy settings from form state back into the cache.
    if (!empty($form_state['values']['settings'])) {
      if ($type == 'pane') {
        $this->cache->display->content[$pid]->style['settings'] = $form_state['values']['settings'];
      elseif ($type == 'region') {
        $this->cache->display->panel_settings['style_settings'][$pid] = $form_state['values']['settings'];
    $this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();
    if ($type == 'pane') {
    elseif ($type == 'region') {
    else {

   * AJAX entry point to configure CSS for a pane.
   * @param $pid
   *   The pane id to edit.
  function ajax_pane_css($pid = NULL) {
    if (empty($this->display->content[$pid])) {
      ctools_modal_render(t('Error'), t('Invalid pane id.'));
    $pane =& $this->display->content[$pid];
    $subtype = ctools_content_get_subtype($pane->type, $pane->subtype);
    $form_state = array(
      'display' => &$this->display,
      'pane' => &$pane,
      'ajax' => TRUE,
      'title' => t('Configure CSS on !subtype_title', array(
        '!subtype_title' => $subtype['title'],
    $output = ctools_modal_form_wrapper('panels_edit_configure_pane_css_form', $form_state);
    if (empty($form_state['executed'])) {
      $this->commands = $output;
    $this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();

   * AJAX entry point to configure CSS for a pane.
   * @param $pid
   *   The pane id to edit.
  function ajax_lock($pid = NULL) {
    if (empty($this->display->content[$pid])) {
      ctools_modal_render(t('Error'), t('Invalid pane id.'));
    $pane =& $this->display->content[$pid];
    $subtype = ctools_content_get_subtype($pane->type, $pane->subtype);
    $form_state = array(
      'display' => &$this->display,
      'pane' => &$pane,
      'ajax' => TRUE,
      'title' => t('Configure lock on !subtype_title', array(
        '!subtype_title' => $subtype['title'],
    $output = ctools_modal_form_wrapper('panels_edit_configure_pane_lock_form', $form_state);
    if (empty($form_state['executed'])) {
      $this->commands = $output;
    $this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();

   * AJAX entry point to configure access settings for a pane.
   * @param $pid
   *   The pane id to edit.
  function ajax_access_settings($pid = NULL) {
    if (empty($this->display->content[$pid])) {
      ctools_modal_render(t('Error'), t('Invalid pane id.'));
    $pane =& $this->display->content[$pid];
    $subtype = ctools_content_get_subtype($pane->type, $pane->subtype);
    $form_state = array(
      'display' => &$this->display,
      'pane' => &$pane,
      'ajax' => TRUE,
      'title' => t('Access settings on !subtype_title', array(
        '!subtype_title' => $subtype['title'],
    $output = ctools_modal_form_wrapper('panels_edit_configure_access_settings_form', $form_state);
    if (empty($form_state['executed'])) {
      $this->commands = $output;
    $this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();

   * AJAX entry point for to add a visibility rule.
  function ajax_access_add_test($pid = NULL) {
    if (empty($this->display->content[$pid])) {
      ctools_modal_render(t('Error'), t('Invalid pane id.'));
    $pane =& $this->display->content[$pid];
    $subtype = ctools_content_get_subtype($pane->type, $pane->subtype);
    $form_state = array(
      'display' => &$this->display,
      'pane' => &$pane,
      'ajax' => TRUE,
      'title' => t('Add visibility rule for !subtype_title', array(
        '!subtype_title' => $subtype['title'],
    $output = ctools_modal_form_wrapper('panels_edit_add_access_test_form', $form_state);
    if (!empty($form_state['executed'])) {

      // Set up the plugin in cache.
      $plugin = ctools_get_access_plugin($form_state['values']['type']);
      $this->cache->new_plugin = ctools_access_new_test($plugin);

      // Go to the next step.
      return $this
        ->ajax_access_configure_test($pid, 'add');
    $this->commands = $output;

   * AJAX entry point for to configure vsibility rule.
  function ajax_access_configure_test($pid = NULL, $id = NULL) {
    if (empty($this->display->content[$pid])) {
      ctools_modal_render(t('Error'), t('Invalid pane id.'));
    $pane =& $this->display->content[$pid];
    $subtype = ctools_content_get_subtype($pane->type, $pane->subtype);

    // Set this up here because $id gets changed later.
    $url = $this
      ->get_url('access-configure-test', $pid, $id);

    // If we're adding a new one, get the stored data from cache and
    // add it. It's stored as a cache so that if this is closed
    // we don't accidentally add an unconfigured plugin.
    if ($id == 'add') {
      $pane->access['plugins'][] = $this->cache->new_plugin;
      $id = max(array_keys($pane->access['plugins']));
    elseif (empty($pane->access['plugins'][$id])) {
      ctools_modal_render(t('Error'), t('Invalid test id.'));
    $form_state = array(
      'display' => &$this->display,
      'pane' => &$pane,
      'ajax' => TRUE,
      'title' => t('Configure visibility rule for !subtype_title', array(
        '!subtype_title' => $subtype['title'],
      'test' => &$pane->access['plugins'][$id],
      'plugin' => ctools_get_access_plugin($pane->access['plugins'][$id]['name']),
      'url' => url($url, array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
    $output = ctools_modal_form_wrapper('panels_edit_configure_access_test_form', $form_state);
    $pane->access['plugins'][$id] = $form_state['test'];
    if (empty($form_state['executed'])) {
      $this->commands = $output;

    // Unset the new plugin.
    if (isset($this->cache->new_plugin)) {
    if (!empty($form_state['remove'])) {
    $this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();

   * AJAX Router function for layout owned AJAX calls.
   * Layouts like the flexible layout builder need callbacks of their own.
   * This allows those layouts to simply declare their callbacks and use
   * them with $this->get_url('layout', $command).
  function ajax_layout() {
    $args = func_get_args();
    if (empty($args)) {
      return MENU_NOT_FOUND;
    $command = array_shift($args);
    if (empty($this->plugins['layout']['ajax'][$command]) || !function_exists($this->plugins['layout']['ajax'][$command])) {
      return MENU_NOT_FOUND;

    // Make sure the this is always available to the called functions.
    array_unshift($args, $this);
    return call_user_func_array($this->plugins['layout']['ajax'][$command], $args);

   * AJAX Router function for style owned AJAX calls.
   * Styles like the stylizer need AJAX callbacks of their own. This
   * allows the system to figure out which style is being referenced,
   * load it, and execute the callback.
   * This allows those layouts to simply declare their callbacks and use
   * them using $this->get_url('style', $command, $type, $pid).
  function ajax_style() {
    $args = func_get_args();
    if (count($args) < 3) {
      return MENU_NOT_FOUND;
    $command = array_shift($args);
    $type = array_shift($args);
    $pid = array_shift($args);
    $info = $this
      ->get_style($type, $pid);
    $style = $info[0];
    $conf =& $info[1];
    if (empty($style['ajax'][$command]) || !function_exists($style['ajax'][$command])) {
      return MENU_NOT_FOUND;

    // Make sure the this is always available to the called functions.
    $args = array_merge(array(
    ), $args);
    return call_user_func_array($style['ajax'][$command], $args);

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // AJAX command generators
  // These are used to make sure that child implementations can control their
  // own AJAX commands as needed.

   * Create a command array to redraw a pane.
  function command_update_pane($pid) {
    if (is_object($pid)) {
      $pane = $pid;
    else {
      $pane = $this->display->content[$pid];
    $this->commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#panel-pane-{$pane->pid}", $this
    $this->commands[] = ajax_command_changed("#panel-pane-{$pane->pid}", "div.grab-title span.text");

   * Create a command array to add a new pane.
  function command_add_pane($pid) {
    if (is_object($pid)) {
      $pane = $pid;
    else {
      $pane = $this->display->content[$pid];
    $this->commands[] = ajax_command_append("#panel-region-{$pane->panel}", $this
    $this->commands[] = ajax_command_changed("#panel-pane-{$pane->pid}", "div.grab-title span.text");

   * Create a command to update the links on a display after a change was made.
  function command_update_display_links() {
    $this->commands[] = ajax_command_replace('.panels-display-links', $this

   * Create a command to update the links on a region after a change was made.
  function command_update_region_links($id) {
    $this->commands[] = ajax_command_replace('.panels-region-links-' . $id, $this



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
panels_renderer_editor::$admin property TRUE if this renderer is rendering in administrative mode which will allow layouts to have extra functionality. Overrides panels_renderer_standard::$admin 1
panels_renderer_editor::$commands property An array of AJAX commands to return. If populated it will automatically be used by the AJAX router.
panels_renderer_editor::$no_edit_links property Set to true if edit links (for panes and regions) should not be displayed. This can be used for special edit modes such as layout change and layout builder that do not actually have real content.
panels_renderer_editor::add_meta function Attach out-of-band page metadata (e.g., CSS and JS). Overrides panels_renderer_standard::add_meta 1
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_access_add_test function AJAX entry point for to add a visibility rule.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_access_configure_test function AJAX entry point for to configure vsibility rule.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_access_settings function AJAX entry point to configure access settings for a pane.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_add_pane function AJAX entry point to add a new pane.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_cache_method function AJAX entry point to configure the cache method for a pane or the display.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_cache_settings function AJAX entry point to configure the cache settings for a pane or the display.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_edit_pane function AJAX entry point to edit a pane.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_hide function AJAX command to show a pane.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_layout function AJAX Router function for layout owned AJAX calls.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_lock function AJAX entry point to configure CSS for a pane.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_panel_title function AJAX entry point to select which pane is currently the title.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_pane_css function AJAX entry point to configure CSS for a pane.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_select_content function AJAX command to present a dialog with a list of available content.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_show function AJAX command to show a pane.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_style function AJAX Router function for style owned AJAX calls.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_style_settings function AJAX entry point to configure the style for a display, region or pane.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_style_type function AJAX entry point to select the style for a display, region or pane.
panels_renderer_editor::command_add_pane function Create a command array to add a new pane. 1
panels_renderer_editor::command_update_display_links function Create a command to update the links on a display after a change was made.
panels_renderer_editor::command_update_pane function Create a command array to redraw a pane. 1
panels_renderer_editor::command_update_region_links function Create a command to update the links on a region after a change was made.
panels_renderer_editor::edit function Display edit rendering.
panels_renderer_editor::get_categories function Create a list of categories from all of the content type.
panels_renderer_editor::get_category function Return the category name and the category key of a given content type.
panels_renderer_editor::get_display_links function Get the links for a panel display.
panels_renderer_editor::get_panels_storage_op_for_ajax function Get the Panels storage oparation for a given renderer AJAX method. Overrides panels_renderer_standard::get_panels_storage_op_for_ajax 1
panels_renderer_editor::get_pane_links function Render the links to display when editing a pane.
panels_renderer_editor::get_region_links function Render the links to display when editing a region.
panels_renderer_editor::get_style function Get the appropriate style from the panel in the cache.
panels_renderer_editor::get_style_links function Get the style links.
panels_renderer_editor::get_url function Generate a URL path for the AJAX editor.
panels_renderer_editor::render function Build inner content, then hand off to layout-specified theme function for final render step. Overrides panels_renderer_standard::render 1
panels_renderer_editor::render_pane function Render a pane using its designated style. Overrides panels_renderer_standard::render_pane 1
panels_renderer_editor::render_region function Render a single panel region. Overrides panels_renderer_standard::render_region 1
panels_renderer_standard::$display property The fully-loaded Panels display object that is to be rendered. "Fully loaded" is defined as: 1. Having been produced by panels_load_displays(), whether or this page request or at some time in the past and the object was exported. 2. Having…
panels_renderer_standard::$meta_location property Where to add standard meta information. There are three possibilities:
panels_renderer_standard::$plugin property The plugin that defines this handler.
panels_renderer_standard::$plugins property An associative array of loaded plugins. Used primarily as a central location for storing plugins that require additional loading beyond reading the plugin definition, which is already statically cached by ctools_get_plugins(). An example is layout…
panels_renderer_standard::$prefix property Include rendered HTML prior to the layout.
panels_renderer_standard::$prepared property A multilevel array of data prepared for rendering. The first level of the array indicates the type of prepared data. The standard renderer populates and uses two top-level keys, 'panes' and 'regions':
panels_renderer_standard::$prep_run property Boolean state variable, indicating whether or not the prepare() method has been run.
panels_renderer_standard::$rendered property A multilevel array of rendered data. The first level of the array indicates the type of rendered data, typically with up to three keys: 'layout', 'regions', and 'panes'. The relevant rendered data is stored as the value…
panels_renderer_standard::$show_empty_layout property Boolean flag indicating whether to render the layout even if all rendered regions are blank. If FALSE, the layout renders as an empty string (without prefix or suffix) if not in administrative mode.
panels_renderer_standard::$suffix property Include rendered HTML after the layout.
panels_renderer_standard::add_css function Add CSS information to the renderer.
panels_renderer_standard::init function Receive and store the display object to be rendered.
panels_renderer_standard::prepare function Prepare the attached display for rendering. 1
panels_renderer_standard::prepare_panes function Prepare the list of panes to be rendered, accounting for visibility/access settings and rendering order. 1
panels_renderer_standard::prepare_regions function Prepare the list of regions to be rendered.
panels_renderer_standard::render_layout function Perform display/layout-level render operations.
panels_renderer_standard::render_panes function Render all prepared panes, first by dispatching to their plugin's render callback, then handing that output off to the pane's style plugin. 1
panels_renderer_standard::render_pane_content function Render the interior contents of a single pane. 1
panels_renderer_standard::render_regions function Render all prepared regions, placing already-rendered panes into their appropriate positions therein. 1