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function esi_panels_url in ESI: Edge Side Includes 7.3

Build the URL to use for this ESI component.

Return value

string The internal URL. Generate a fully-qualified path by running through url().

2 calls to esi_panels_url()
esi_panels_renderer_ipe::handle_esi_pane in modules/esi_panels/plugins/display_renderers/esi_panels_renderer_ipe.class.php
Replace a pane's rendered content with ESI content.
esi_panels_renderer_standard::handle_esi_pane in modules/esi_panels/plugins/display_renderers/esi_panels_renderer_standard.class.php
Replace a pane's rendered content with ESI content.


modules/esi_panels/esi_panels.module, line 201
ESI handler for panel panes.


function esi_panels_url($pane, $display) {

  // ESI 6.x-1.x and 6.x-2.x used the URL patterns:
  // Default:                esi/panels_pane/theme:display_id:pane_id
  // With context:           esi/panels_pane/theme:display_id:pane_id/[base64($_GET['q'])]/task_name/context
  // ESI 7.x-3.x uses the URL prefixes:
  // Default:                esi/panels_pane/theme:display_id:pane_id
  // With context:           esi/panels_pane/theme:display_id:pane_id/task_name
  // All display arguments, and the original page URL (Base64-encoded) are
  // appended to the URL prefix.
  // Examples:
  // - esi/panels_pane/bartik%3A4%3A9/page-page_user_test/1/dXNlci8xL215X3Rlc3Q%3D
  // - esi/panels_pane/bartik%3A3%3A8/user_view/2/dXNlci8y
  // - esi/panels_pane/bartik%3A3%3A8/user_view/1/dXNlci8x
  $url = "esi/panels_pane/";
  global $theme;
  $url .= implode(':', array(
    !empty($pane->did) ? $pane->did : NULL,

  // The did and pid are used to identify which pane content_type to load.
  // Other available data to pass into the URL:
  // - $display->args       Are *always* passed.
  // - $display->context    A pane can only accept a single context.
  // - $display->cache_key  The cache key provides the name of the task/subtask.
  if (!empty($pane->configuration['context'])) {

    // If the context originates from the *TASK* plugin (which is typical), the
    // task name is required in order to generate the task contexts
    // ($base_context in panels_panel_context_render()).
    // Additional contexts may be supplied directly by the display.
    if ($task_name = _esi_panels__get_taskname($display->cache_key)) {
      $url .= "/{$task_name}";

  // Add all the display arguments to the end of the URL.
  if ($display->args) {
    foreach ($display->args as $arg) {
      if (is_string($arg)) {
        $url .= '/' . $arg;

  // Add vid as an argument for panes requiring node revisions,
  // such as workbench_display with Panelizer.
  if ($pane->type == 'workbench_display' && isset($display->context['panelizer'])) {
    $url .= '/' . $display->context['panelizer']->data->vid;

  // Always add the current page URL.
  $url .= '/' . base64_encode($_GET['q']);

  // Set the CACHE mode.
  $cache_mode = isset($pane->cache['settings']['override_context']['esi_overridden_context__user']) ? $pane->cache['settings']['override_context']['esi_overridden_context__user'] : DRUPAL_CACHE_GLOBAL;
  switch ($cache_mode) {
      $cache_string = 'ROLE';
      $cache_string = 'USER';
      $cache_string = 'AUTH';
      $cache_string = 'PAGE';
  $url .= '/CACHE=' . $cache_string;

  // Allow other modules to alter the ESI URL (or respond to it).
  // Pass in $pane and $display objects in an associative array for
  // use as context. Clone objects to ensure they are not edited.
  // @see hook_esi_block_url_alter().
  $context = array(
    'pane' => clone $pane,
    'display' => clone $display,
  drupal_alter('esi_panels_url', $url, $context);
  return $url;