function panels_renderer_editor::ajax_cache_settings in Panels 7.3
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 6.3 plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php \panels_renderer_editor::ajax_cache_settings()
AJAX entry point to configure the cache settings for a pane or the display.
string $pid: Either a pane id for a pane in the display, or 'display' to edit the display cache settings.
1 call to panels_renderer_editor::ajax_cache_settings()
- panels_renderer_editor::ajax_cache_method in plugins/
display_renderers/ panels_renderer_editor.class.php - AJAX entry point to configure the cache method for a pane or the display.
- plugins/
display_renderers/ panels_renderer_editor.class.php, line 912 - Class file to control the main Panels editor.
- panels_renderer_editor
- @file Class file to control the main Panels editor.
function ajax_cache_settings($pid = 0) {
// This lets us choose whether we're doing the display's cache or
// a pane's.
if ($pid == 'display') {
$conf =& $this->display->cache;
$title = t('Cache settings for this display');
elseif (!empty($this->display->content[$pid])) {
$pane =& $this->display->content[$pid];
$subtype = ctools_content_get_subtype($pane->type, $pane->subtype);
$conf =& $pane->cache;
$title = t('Cache settings for !subtype_title', array(
'!subtype_title' => $subtype['title'],
else {
ctools_modal_render(t('Error'), t('Invalid pane id.'));
if (isset($this->cache->method) && (empty($conf['method']) || $conf['method'] != $this->cache->method)) {
$conf['method'] = $this->cache->method;
$info = panels_get_cache($conf['method']);
$conf['settings'] = isset($info['defaults']) ? $info['defaults'] : array();
$form_state = array(
'display' => &$this->display,
'pid' => $pid,
'conf' => &$conf,
'ajax' => TRUE,
'title' => $title,
'url' => url($this
->get_url('cache-settings', $pid), array(
'absolute' => TRUE,
$output = ctools_modal_form_wrapper('panels_edit_cache_settings_form', $form_state);
if (empty($form_state['executed'])) {
$this->commands = $output;
$this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();
if ($pid != 'display') {
else {