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function date_week_value in Date 5

Compute min and max dates for a week

based on ISO weeks, which start counting on the first Monday in a week that has at least 4 days in the current year

@value - an argument in the format 2006-W20 (year + -W + week number)

Return value

an array of ISO dates representing the first and last day in the week

1 call to date_week_value()
date_views_date_range in ./


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function date_week_value($value) {
  include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'date_api') . '/';
  $parts = explode('-W', $value);
  $year = $parts[0];

  // subtract 1 from week number so we don't double-count the final week
  $weeks = intval($parts[1] - 1);

  // get a unix value for the first day of the year
  $first_day_of_year = date_iso2unix($year . '-01-01T00:00:00');

  // get to the day of week of the first day of the year, 0 is Sunday
  $dow = date_gmdate('w', $first_day_of_year);

  // ISO week counts actual first week only if it has at least 4 days in it
  if ($dow > 2) {
    $weeks += 1;

  // calc adjustment from first day of year dow back or forward to Monday
  $shift = intval((1 - $dow) * 86400);

  // the day we want is $weeks away from first day of year, adjusted to the Monday of that week by $shift
  $first_day_of_week = $first_day_of_year + $weeks * 604800 + $shift;
  $last_day_of_week = $first_day_of_week + 604800 - 1;

  // convert the unix dates back to iso
  return array(