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function date_iso2unix in Date 5

8 calls to date_iso2unix()
date_custom2unix in ./
date_iso2array in ./
date_iso_week_range in ./
Compute min and max dates for an ISO week
date_set_date in ./
Function to set local and db date parts in the date object
date_text2unix in ./

... See full list


./, line 1213
Date/time API functions


function date_iso2unix($iso) {
  if (!date_preg($iso)) {
    return 'ERROR';
  if (!date_is_valid($iso, DATE_ISO)) {
    return 'ERROR';

  // A unix date requires a year, month, and day.
  // Make sure not to set '0' for month or day since that will revert to
  // the previous month or day.
  if (date_iso_year($iso)) {
    $array = array(
      'hours' => date_iso_hours($iso),
      'minutes' => date_iso_minutes($iso),
      'seconds' => date_iso_seconds($iso),
      'mon' => max(1, date_iso_mon($iso)),
      'mday' => max(1, date_iso_day($iso)),
      'year' => date_iso_year($iso),

    // using gmmktime instead of mktime so no server timezone adjustment is made
    $unix = date_gmmktime($array);

    // php versions earlier than 5.1 return -1 for a false response, convert that to 'ERROR'
    if ($unix == -1) {
      return 'ERROR';
    return $unix;
  else {
    return NULL;