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function date_unix2iso in Date 5

7 calls to date_unix2iso()
date_copy_convert_events in ./date_copy.module
date_default_value in ./date.module
Set the date default values.
date_ical_parse_duration in ./
Parse the duration of the event.
date_select_input in ./
Flexible Date/Time Drop-Down Selector
date_set_date in ./
Function to set local and db date parts in the date object

... See full list


./, line 1207
Date/time API functions


function date_unix2iso($unix) {
  if (!date_is_valid($unix, DATE_UNIX)) {
    return 'ERROR';

  // using gmdate instead of date so no server timezone adjustment is made
  return date_gmdate(DATE_STRING_ISO, $unix);