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function date_views_date_range in Date 5

4 calls to date_views_date_range()
date_views_browser_navigation in ./
Navigation links for the full view
date_views_browser_period_start_stamp in ./
Find the timestamp for the beginning of the period of the analyzed date arg
_date_views_argument_range_handler in ./
_date_views_query_alter in ./
Implementation of hook_views_query() Used to make sure view defaults to current date if no date selected


./, line 374


function date_views_date_range($arg, $field = NULL) {
  if (stristr($arg, 'P')) {

    // for a date plus value, get the min and max values
    $range = date_plus_period($arg);
    $min_date = $range[0];
    $max_date = $range[1];
  elseif (stristr($arg, '-W') && !stristr($arg, '--')) {

    // for a specified week, get the min and max values
    $range = date_week_value($arg);
    $min_date = $range[0];
    $max_date = $range[1];
  else {

    // for all other get the date range from the supplied argument
    $range = (array) explode('--', $arg);
    $min_date = date_range_value($range[0], 'min');
    $max_date = date_range_value($range[1] ? $range[1] : $range[0], 'max');
  if (isset($field)) {
    $min_date = date_unset_granularity($min_date, date_granularity_array($field), $field['type']);
    $max_date = date_unset_granularity($max_date, date_granularity_array($field), $field['type']);
  return array(