class DateRRuleCalc in Date 8
- class \Drupal\date_repeat\DateRRuleCalc
Expanded class hierarchy of DateRRuleCalc
5 files declare their use of DateRRuleCalc
- DateRRuleCalcTest.php in date_repeat/
lib/ Drupal/ date_repeat/ Tests/ DateRRuleCalcTest.php - Test Date Repeat calculations.
- date_repeat.module in date_repeat/
date_repeat.module - This module creates a form element that allows users to select repeat rules for a date, and reworks the result into an iCal RRULE string that can be stored in the database.
- in date_repeat_field/ - date_repeat_field.module in date_repeat_field/
date_repeat_field.module - Creates the option of Repeating date fields and manages Date fields that use the Date Repeat API.
- in date_repeat/ - Code to add a date repeat selection form to a date field and create an iCal RRULE from the chosen selections.
- date_repeat/
lib/ Drupal/ date_repeat/ DateRRuleCalc.php, line 28 - Code to compute the dates that match an iCal RRULE.
Drupal\date_repeatView source
class DateRRuleCalc {
* Map the abbreviation used in iCal day names
* to the day name usable by DateTime and DateInterval.
public static $day_names = array(
'SU' => 'Sunday',
'MO' => 'Monday',
'TU' => 'Tuesday',
'WE' => 'Wednesday',
'TH' => 'Thursday',
'FR' => 'Friday',
'SA' => 'Saturday',
* Map some common iCal direction values to the text that
* works more reliably in DateTime::modify().
public static $date_order = array(
'+1' => 'First',
'+2' => 'Second',
'+3' => 'Third',
'+4' => 'Fourth',
'+5' => 'Fifth',
'-1' => 'Last',
'-2' => '-2',
'-3' => '-3',
'-4' => '-4',
'-5' => '-5',
* The format to use when creating and comparing dates.
public $default_format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
* The name of the timezone to use in these computations.
public $timezone_name = 'UTC';
* The time that will be used for all the created dates.
public $time_string = '00:00:00';
* An array of RRULE parts, as parsed by the DateiCalParse.
public $rrule = array();
* A date object for the start of the series.
public $start_date = NULL;
* A date object for the start of the series.
public $end_date = NULL;
* An optional limit on the number of results, as set in the RRULE.
public $max_count = NULL;
* The array of days that match the criteria.
public $result = array();
* The current day, as we iterate through the RRULE.
public $current_day = NULL;
* An array of dates that should not be selected.
public $exceptions = array();
* An array of dates that should be added.
public $additions = array();
* The start day of the week.
public $week_start_day = 'MO';
* A DateInterval representing the amount of time to jump
* after each iteration of the calculation.
public $jump = NULL;
* The maximum number of times to cycle through this code.
* Needed to avoid endless loops that check for a COUNT
* without finding any results. This checks the number of
* times that $this->is_finished() gets called.
public $max_cycles = 10000000;
* Compute dates that match the requested rule, within a specified
* date range.
* @param string $rrule
* A string RRULE, in the standard iCal format.
* @param object $start
* A date object to start the series.
* @param object $end
* A date object to end the series, if not ended earlier by UNTIL
* or COUNT. Requred unless a COUNT is provided.
* @param array $this->exceptions
* Optional array of exception dates, each in the standard ISO format
* of YYYY-MM-DD.
* @param array $additions
* Optional array of additional dates, each in the standard ISO format
* of YYYY-MM-DD.
function __construct($rrule, $start, $end = NULL, $exceptions = array(), $additions = array()) {
// Get the parsed array of rule values.
$this->rrule = DateiCalParse::parse_rrule($rrule);
// Create a date object for the start and end dates, if valid.
$this->start_date = $start;
$this->end_date = $end;
$this->timezone_name = $this->start_date
// Make sure we have something we can work with.
if (!$this
->isValid()) {
return FALSE;
// If the rule has an UNTIL, see if that is earlier than the end date.
if (!empty($this->rrule['UNTIL'])) {
$until_date = DateiCalParse::ical_date($this->rrule['UNTIL'], $this->timezone_name);
if (empty($this->end_date) || $until_date < $this->end_date) {
$this->end_date = $until_date;
// Versions of PHP greater than PHP 5.3.5 require that we set an
// explicit time when using date_modify() or the time may not match
// the original value. Adding this modifier gives us the same
// results in both older and newer versions of PHP.
$this->time_string = ' ' . $this->start_date
$this->max_count = isset($this->rrule['COUNT']) ? $this->rrule['COUNT'] : NULL;
$this->exceptions = $exceptions;
$this->additions = $additions;
* Basic validation for an RRULE we can do something with.
protected function isValid() {
// We alwqys need a start date.
if (!$this->start_date instanceof \DateTime) {
return FALSE;
// The only valid option for an empty end date is when we have a count.
if (!$this->end_date instanceof \DateTime && empty($this->rrule['COUNT'])) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
public function compute() {
// Make sure we have something we can work with.
if (!$this
->isValid()) {
return FALSE;
if (empty($this->rrule['FREQ'])) {
$this->rrule['FREQ'] = 'DAILY';
// These default values indicate there is no RRULE here.
if ($this->rrule['FREQ'] == 'NONE' || isset($this->rrule['INTERVAL']) && $this->rrule['INTERVAL'] == 0) {
return array();
// Get an integer value for the interval, if none given, '1'
// is implied.
if (empty($this->rrule['INTERVAL'])) {
$this->rrule['INTERVAL'] = 1;
$interval = max(1, $this->rrule['INTERVAL']);
// Make sure DAILY frequency isn't used in places it won't work;
if (!empty($this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY']) && !in_array($this->rrule['FREQ'], array(
))) {
$this->rrule['FREQ'] = 'MONTHLY';
elseif (!empty($this->rrule['BYDAY']) && !in_array($this->rrule['FREQ'], array(
))) {
$this->rrule['FREQ'] = 'WEEKLY';
// Find the time period to jump forward between dates.
switch ($this->rrule['FREQ']) {
case 'DAILY':
$jump_interval = 'P' . $interval . 'D';
case 'WEEKLY':
$jump_interval = 'P' . $interval . 'W';
case 'MONTHLY':
$jump_interval = 'P' . $interval . 'M';
case 'YEARLY':
$jump_interval = 'P' . $interval . 'Y';
$this->jump = new \DateInterval($jump_interval);
// Make sure the rrule array has all the values we expect.
// The start date always goes into the results, whether or not
// it meets the rules. RFC 2445 includes examples where the start
// date DOES NOT meet the rules, but the expected results always
// include the start date.
$this->result[] = date_format($this->start_date, $this->default_format);
// BYMONTHDAY will look for specific days of the month in one or
// more months. This process is only valid when frequency is
// monthly or yearly.
if (!empty($this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY'])) {
elseif (empty($this->rrule['BYDAY'])) {
else {
// Add additional dates, if any.
foreach ($this->additions as $addition) {
$date = new DrupalDateTime($addition . ' ' . $this->time_string, $this->timezone_name);
$this->result[] = date_format($date, $this->default_format);
// Sort and return the result.
return $this->result;
* Processing other than BYDAY or BYMONTHDAY.
* This is the simple fallback case, not looking for any specific day,
* just repeating the start date. The complete_rrule() code ensures this
* will only test TRUE for a DAILY or less frequency (like HOURLY).
protected function get_other_results() {
$this->current_day = clone $this->start_date;
$finished = FALSE;
$months = !empty($this->rrule['BYMONTH']) ? $this->rrule['BYMONTH'] : array();
while (!$finished) {
$finished = $this
* Processing for BYMONTHDAY values.
* BYMONTHDAY will look for specific days of the month in one or more
* months. This process is only valid when frequency is monthly or yearly.
* BYMONTHDAY values will look like '11' (the 11th day) or '-1'
* (the last day) or '10,11,12' (the 10th, 11th, and 12th days).
protected function get_bymonthday_results() {
$finished = FALSE;
$time = $this->time_string;
$this->current_day = clone $this->start_date;
$month_days = array();
// Deconstruct the day in case it has a negative modifier.
foreach ($this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY'] as $day) {
preg_match("@(-)?([0-9]{1,2})@", $day, $regs);
if (!empty($regs[2])) {
// Convert parameters into count, and direction.
$month_days[$day] = array(
'direction' => !empty($regs[1]) ? $regs[1] : '+',
'count' => $regs[2],
while (!$finished) {
$year_finished = FALSE;
while (!$year_finished) {
// Check each requested day in the month.
foreach ($this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY'] as $monthday) {
$day = $month_days[$monthday];
if ($this
->set_month_day(NULL, $day['count'], $day['direction'])) {
if ($finished = $this
->is_finished()) {
$year_finished = TRUE;
switch ($this->rrule['FREQ']) {
case 'MONTHLY':
// If it's monthly, keep looping through months.
if ($finished = $this
->is_finished()) {
$year_finished = TRUE;
// Back up to first of month and jump.
->modify("first day of this month {$time}");
case 'YEARLY':
// If it's yearly, break out of the loop at the
// end of every year.
if ($this->current_day
->format('n') == 12) {
$year_finished = TRUE;
else {
// Jump to first day of next month.
->modify("first day of next month {$time}");
if ($this->rrule['FREQ'] == 'YEARLY') {
// Back up to first of year and jump to next year.
->modify("this year January 1");
$finished = $this
* Processing for BYDAY values.
* More complex searches for day names and criteria like '-1SU'
* or '2TU,2TH', require that we interate through the whole time
* period checking each day selected in BYDAY.
protected function get_byday_results() {
// Create helper array to pull day names out of iCal day strings.
$day_names = self::$day_names;
$this->days_of_week = array_keys($day_names);
// Parse out information about the BYDAYs and separate them
// depending on whether they have directional parameters
// like -1SU or 2TH.
$week_days = array();
// Find the right first day of the week to use, iCal rules say
// Monday should be used if none is specified.
$week_start_rule = !empty($this->rrule['WKST']) ? trim($this->rrule['WKST']) : 'MO';
$this->week_start_day = $day_names[$week_start_rule];
// Make sure the week days array is sorted into week order,
// we use the $ordered_keys to get the right values into the key
// and force the array to that order. Needed later when we
// iterate through each week looking for days so we don't
// jump to the next week when we hit a day out of order.
$ordered = date_repeat_days_ordered($week_start_rule);
$ordered_keys = array_flip($ordered);
foreach ($this->rrule['BYDAY'] as $day) {
preg_match("@(-)?([0-9]+)?([SU|MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA]{2})@", trim($day), $regs);
if (!empty($regs[2])) {
// Convert parameters into full day name, count, and direction.
$relative_days[] = array(
'day' => $day_names[$regs[3]],
'direction' => !empty($regs[1]) ? $regs[1] : '+',
'direction_count' => $regs[2],
else {
$week_days[$ordered_keys[$regs[3]]] = $day_names[$regs[3]];
// Get BYDAYs with parameters like -1SU (last Sun) or
// 2TH (second Thur).
if (!empty($relative_days) && in_array($this->rrule['FREQ'], array(
))) {
// Get BYDAYs without parameters,like TU,TH (every
// Tues and Thur).
if (!empty($week_days) && in_array($this->rrule['FREQ'], array(
))) {
* Get results for relative BYDAY values.
* BYDAYs with parameters like -1SU (last Sun) or
* 2TH (second Thur) need to be processed one month or
* year at a time.
protected function get_relative_bydays($relative_days) {
$finished = FALSE;
$this->current_day = clone $this->start_date;
while (!$finished) {
foreach ($relative_days as $day) {
// Find the BYDAY date in the current period.
switch ($this->rrule['FREQ']) {
case 'MONTHLY':
if ($this
->set_month_day($day['day'], $day['direction_count'], $day['direction'])) {
case 'YEARLY':
if ($this
->set_year_day($day['day'], $day['direction_count'], $day['direction'])) {
$finished = $this
// Reset to beginning of period before jumping to next period.
// Needed especially when working with values like 'last
// Saturday' to be sure we don't skip months like February.
$year = $this->current_day
$month = $this->current_day
switch ($this->rrule['FREQ']) {
case 'MONTHLY':
date_date_set($this->current_day, $year, $month, 1);
case 'YEARLY':
date_date_set($this->current_day, $year, 1, 1);
// Jump to the next period.
* Get values for absolute BYDAYs.
* For BYDAYs without parameters,like TU,TH (every Tues and Thur),
* we look for every one of those days during the frequency period.
* Iterate through periods of a WEEK, MONTH, or YEAR, checking for
* the days of the week that match our criteria for each week in the
* period, then jumping ahead to the next week, month, or year,
* an INTERVAL at a time.
protected function get_absolute_bydays($week_days) {
$finished = FALSE;
$this->current_day = clone $this->start_date;
$format = $this->rrule['FREQ'] == 'YEARLY' ? 'Y' : 'n';
$current_period = $this->current_day
// Back up to the beginning of the week in case we are somewhere
// in the middle of the possible week days, needed so we don't
// prematurely jump to the next week. The add_dates() function
// will keep dates outside the range from getting added.
if ($this->current_day
->format('l') != $this->week_start_day) {
date_modify($this->current_day, 'last ' . $this->week_start_day . $this->time_string);
while (!$finished) {
$period_finished = FALSE;
while (!$period_finished) {
$moved = FALSE;
foreach ($week_days as $delta => $day) {
// Find the next occurence of each day in this week, only
// add it if we are still in the current month or year. The
// add_current_date() function is insufficient to test whether
// to include this date if we are using a rule like 'every
// other month', so we must explicitly test it here.
// If we're already on the right day, don't jump or we
// will prematurely move into the next week.
if ($this->current_day
->format('l') != $day) {
date_modify($this->current_day, '+1 ' . $day . $this->time_string);
$moved = TRUE;
if ($this->rrule['FREQ'] == 'WEEKLY' || $this->current_day
->format($format) == $current_period) {
$finished = $this
// Make sure we don't get stuck in endless loop if the current
// day never got changed above.
if (!$moved) {
date_modify($this->current_day, '+1 day' . $this->time_string);
// If this is a WEEKLY frequency, stop after each week,
// otherwise, stop when we've moved outside the current period.
// Jump to the end of the week, then test the period.
if ($finished || $this->rrule['FREQ'] == 'WEEKLY') {
$period_finished = TRUE;
elseif ($this->rrule['FREQ'] != 'WEEKLY' && $this->current_day
->format($format) != $current_period) {
$period_finished = TRUE;
if ($finished) {
// We'll be at the end of a week, month, or year when
// we get to this point in the code.
// Go back to the beginning of this period before we jump, to
// ensure we jump to the first day of the next period.
switch ($this->rrule['FREQ']) {
case 'WEEKLY':
date_modify($this->current_day, '+1 ' . $this->week_start_day . $this->time_string);
date_modify($this->current_day, '-1 week' . $this->time_string);
case 'MONTHLY':
date_modify($this->current_day, '-' . ($this->current_day
->format('j') - 1) . ' days' . $this->time_string);
date_modify($this->current_day, '-1 month' . $this->time_string);
case 'YEARLY':
date_modify($this->current_day, '-' . $this->current_day
->format('z') . ' days' . $this->time_string);
date_modify($this->current_day, '-1 year' . $this->time_string);
// Jump ahead to the next period to be evaluated.
$current_period = $this->current_day
$finished = $this
* See if the RRULE needs some imputed values added to it.
protected function complete_rrule() {
// If this is not a valid value, do nothing;
if (empty($this->rrule) || empty($this->rrule['FREQ'])) {
return FALSE;
// RFC 2445 says if no day or monthday is specified when creating repeats
// for weeks, months, or years, impute the value from the start date.
if (empty($this->rrule['BYDAY']) && $this->rrule['FREQ'] == 'WEEKLY') {
$this->rrule['BYDAY'] = array(
elseif (empty($this->rrule['BYDAY']) && empty($this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY']) && $this->rrule['FREQ'] == 'MONTHLY') {
$this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY'] = array(
elseif (empty($this->rrule['BYDAY']) && empty($this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY']) && empty($this->rrule['BYYEARDAY']) && $this->rrule['FREQ'] == 'YEARLY') {
$this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY'] = array(
if (empty($this->rrule['BYMONTH'])) {
$this->rrule['BYMONTH'] = array(
elseif (!empty($this->rrule['BYDAY']) && !in_array($this->rrule['FREQ'], array(
))) {
foreach ($this->rrule['BYDAY'] as $delta => $BYDAY) {
$this->rrule['BYDAY'][$delta] = substr($BYDAY, -2);
* Helper function to add current date to the $dates array.
* Check that the date to be added is between the start and end date
* and that it is not in the $this->exceptions, nor already in the
* $this->result array, and that it meets other criteria in the RRULE.
protected function add_current_day() {
if (!empty($this->max_count) && sizeof($this->result) >= $this->max_count) {
return FALSE;
if (!empty($this->end_date) && $this->current_day > $this->end_date) {
return FALSE;
if ($this->current_day < $this->start_date) {
return FALSE;
if (in_array($this->current_day
->format('Y-m-d'), $this->exceptions)) {
return FALSE;
if (!empty($this->rrule['BYDAY'])) {
$BYDAYS = $this->rrule['BYDAY'];
foreach ($BYDAYS as $delta => $BYDAY) {
$BYDAYS[$delta] = substr($BYDAY, -2);
if (!in_array(date_repeat_dow2day($this->current_day
->format('w')), $BYDAYS)) {
return FALSE;
if (!empty($this->rrule['BYYEAR']) && !in_array($this->current_day
->format('Y'), $this->rrule['BYYEAR'])) {
return FALSE;
if (!empty($this->rrule['BYMONTH']) && !in_array($this->current_day
->format('n'), $this->rrule['BYMONTH'])) {
return FALSE;
if (!empty($this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY'])) {
// Test month days, but only if there are no negative numbers.
$test = TRUE;
$BYMONTHDAYS = array();
foreach ($this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY'] as $day) {
if ($day > 0) {
$BYMONTHDAYS[] = $day;
else {
$test = FALSE;
if ($test && !empty($BYMONTHDAYS) && !in_array($this->current_day
->format('j'), $BYMONTHDAYS)) {
return FALSE;
// Don't add a day if it is already saved so we don't throw the count off.
$formatted = $this->current_day
if (in_array($formatted, $this->result)) {
return TRUE;
else {
$this->result[] = $formatted;
* Stop when $this->current_day is greater than $this->end_date
* or $this->max_count is reached.
protected function is_finished() {
static $cycles;
if (!empty($this->max_count) && sizeof($this->result) >= $this->max_count) {
return TRUE;
elseif (!empty($this->end_date) && $this->current_day > $this->end_date) {
return TRUE;
elseif ($cycles >= $this->max_cycles) {
return TRUE;
// Nothing tells us we are finished.
return FALSE;
* Set a date object to a specific day of the month.
* Example,
* set_month_day('Sunday', 2, '-')
* will reset $date to the second to last Sunday in the month.
* If $day is empty, will set to the number of days from the
* beginning or end of the month.
protected function set_month_day($day, $count = 1, $direction = '+') {
$time = $this->time_string;
$current_month = $this->current_day
// Create a clone and reset.
$date = clone $this->current_day;
if ($direction == '-') {
// For negative search, start from just outside the end
// of the month, so we can catch the last day of the month.
->modify("first day of next month {$time}");
else {
// For positive search, back up one day to get outside the
// current month, so we can catch the first of the month.
->modify("last day of last month {$time}");
if (empty($day)) {
->modify("{$direction} {$count} days {$time}");
else {
// Use the English text for order, like First Sunday
// instead of +1 Sunday to overcome PHP5 bug, (see #369020).
$order = self::$date_order;
$step = $count <= 5 ? $order[$direction . $count] : $direction . $count;
->modify("{$step} {$day} {$time}");
// If that takes us outside the current month, don't go there,
// only reset the date if it's in the current month.
if ($date
->format('n') == $current_month) {
$this->current_day = $date;
return TRUE;
else {
return FALSE;
* Set a date object to a specific day of the year.
* Example,
* date_set_year_day($date, 'Sunday', 2, '-')
* will reset $date to the second to last Sunday in the year.
* If $day is empty, will set to the number of days from the
* beginning or end of the year.
protected function set_year_day($day, $count = 1, $direction = '+') {
$time = $this->time_string;
$current_year = $this->current_day
// Create a clone and reset.
$date = clone $this->current_day;
if ($direction == '-') {
// For negative search, start from the end of the year.
// It is important to set year before month for some reason.
->modify("next year January 1 {$time}");
else {
// For positive search, back up one day to get outside the
// current year, so we can catch the first of the year.
// It is important to set year before month for some reason.
->modify("last year December 31 {$time}");
if (empty($day)) {
->modify("{$direction} {$count} days {$time}");
else {
// Use the English text for order, like First Sunday
// instead of +1 Sunday to overcome PHP5 bug, (see #369020).
$order = self::$date_order;
$step = $count <= 5 ? $order[$direction . $count] : $direction . $count;
->modify("{$step} {$day} {$time}");
// If that takes us outside the current year, don't go there.
if ($date
->format('Y') == $current_year) {
$this->current_day = $date;
return TRUE;
else {
return FALSE;
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
public | property | An array of dates that should be added. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
public | property | The current day, as we iterate through the RRULE. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
public static | property | Map some common iCal direction values to the text that works more reliably in DateTime::modify(). | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
public static | property | Map the abbreviation used in iCal day names to the day name usable by DateTime and DateInterval. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
public | property | The format to use when creating and comparing dates. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
public | property | A date object for the start of the series. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
public | property | An array of dates that should not be selected. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
public | property | A DateInterval representing the amount of time to jump after each iteration of the calculation. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
public | property | An optional limit on the number of results, as set in the RRULE. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
public | property | The maximum number of times to cycle through this code. Needed to avoid endless loops that check for a COUNT without finding any results. This checks the number of times that $this->is_finished() gets called. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
public | property | The array of days that match the criteria. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
public | property | An array of RRULE parts, as parsed by the DateiCalParse. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
public | property | A date object for the start of the series. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
public | property | The name of the timezone to use in these computations. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
public | property | The time that will be used for all the created dates. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
public | property | The start day of the week. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
protected | function | Helper function to add current date to the $dates array. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
protected | function | See if the RRULE needs some imputed values added to it. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
public | function | ||
DateRRuleCalc:: |
protected | function | Get values for absolute BYDAYs. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
protected | function | Processing for BYDAY values. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
protected | function | Processing for BYMONTHDAY values. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
protected | function | Processing other than BYDAY or BYMONTHDAY. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
protected | function | Get results for relative BYDAY values. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
protected | function | Basic validation for an RRULE we can do something with. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
protected | function | Stop when $this->current_day is greater than $this->end_date or $this->max_count is reached. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
protected | function | Set a date object to a specific day of the month. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
protected | function | Set a date object to a specific day of the year. | |
DateRRuleCalc:: |
function | Compute dates that match the requested rule, within a specified date range. |