class DateiCalParse in Date 8
Return an array of iCalendar information from an iCalendar file.
No timezone adjustment is performed in the import since the timezone conversion needed will vary depending on whether the value is being imported into the database (when it needs to be converted to UTC), is being viewed on a site that has user-configurable timezones (when it needs to be converted to the user's timezone), if it needs to be converted to the site timezone, or if it is a date without a timezone which should not have any timezone conversion applied.
Properties that have dates and times are converted to sub-arrays like: 'datetime' => date in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format, not timezone adjusted 'all_day' => whether this is an all-day event 'tz' => the timezone of the date, could be blank for absolute times that should get no timezone conversion.
Exception dates can have muliple values and are returned as arrays like the above for each exception date.
Most other properties are returned as PROPERTY => VALUE.
Each item in the VCALENDAR will return an array like: [0] => Array ( [TYPE] => VEVENT [UID] => 104 [SUMMARY] => An example event [URL] => [DTSTART] => Array ( [datetime] => 1997-09-07 09:00:00 [all_day] => 0 [tz] => US/Eastern ) [DTEND] => Array ( [datetime] => 1997-09-07 11:00:00 [all_day] => 0 [tz] => US/Eastern ) [RRULE] => Array ( [FREQ] => Array ( [0] => MONTHLY ) [BYDAY] => Array ( [0] => 1SU [1] => -1SU ) ) [EXDATE] => Array ( [0] = Array ( [datetime] => 1997-09-21 09:00:00 [all_day] => 0 [tz] => US/Eastern ) [1] = Array ( [datetime] => 1997-10-05 09:00:00 [all_day] => 0 [tz] => US/Eastern ) ) [RDATE] => Array ( [0] = Array ( [datetime] => 1997-09-21 09:00:00 [all_day] => 0 [tz] => US/Eastern ) [1] = Array ( [datetime] => 1997-10-05 09:00:00 [all_day] => 0 [tz] => US/Eastern ) ) )
@todo figure out how to handle this if subgroups are nested, like a VALARM nested inside a VEVENT.
- class \Drupal\date_api\DateiCalParse
Expanded class hierarchy of DateiCalParse
7 files declare their use of DateiCalParse
- in date_migrate/ - Support for migration into Date fields.
- DateRRuleCalc.php in date_repeat/
lib/ Drupal/ date_repeat/ DateRRuleCalc.php - Code to compute the dates that match an iCal RRULE.
- DateRRuleCalcTest.php in date_repeat/
lib/ Drupal/ date_repeat/ Tests/ DateRRuleCalcTest.php - Test Date Repeat calculations.
- date_repeat.module in date_repeat/
date_repeat.module - This module creates a form element that allows users to select repeat rules for a date, and reworks the result into an iCal RRULE string that can be stored in the database.
- in date_repeat_field/
- date_api/
lib/ Drupal/ date_api/ DateiCalParse.php, line 94 - Parse iCal data.
Drupal\date_apiView source
class DateiCalParse {
* A regex string that will extract date parts from an ical date.
public static $regex_ical_date = '/(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})/';
* A regex string that will extract date and time parts from an ical datetime.
public static $regex_ical_datetime = '/(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})T(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(Z)?/';
* A regex string that will extract date and time parts from either
* a datetime string or an iso string, with or without missing date
* and time values.
public static $regex_loose = '/(\\d{4})-?(\\d{1,2})-?(\\d{1,2})([T\\s]?(\\d{2}):?(\\d{2}):?(\\d{2})?(\\.\\d+)?(Z|[\\+\\-]\\d{2}:?\\d{2})?)?/';
* The start day of the week.
public static $week_start_day = 'MO';
* The name of the timezone to use in these computations.
public static $timezone_name = 'UTC';
public function import($filename) {
// Fetch the iCal data. If file is a URL, use drupal_http_request. fopen
// isn't always configured to allow network connections.
if (substr($filename, 0, 4) == 'http') {
// Fetch the ical data from the specified network location.
$icaldatafetch = drupal_http_request($filename);
// Check the return result.
if ($icaldatafetch->error) {
watchdog('date ical', 'HTTP Request Error importing %filename: @error', array(
'%filename' => $filename,
'@error' => $icaldatafetch->error,
return FALSE;
// Break the return result into one array entry per lines.
$icaldatafolded = explode("\n", $icaldatafetch->data);
else {
$icaldatafolded = @file($filename, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
if ($icaldatafolded === FALSE) {
watchdog('date ical', 'Failed to open file: %filename', array(
'%filename' => $filename,
return FALSE;
// Verify this is iCal data.
if (trim($icaldatafolded[0]) != 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR') {
watchdog('date ical', 'Invalid calendar file: %filename', array(
'%filename' => $filename,
return FALSE;
return $this
* Returns an array of iCalendar information from an iCalendar file.
* As date_ical_import() but different param.
* @param array $icaldatafolded
* An array of lines from an ical feed.
* @return array
* An array with all the elements from the ical.
public function parse($icaldatafolded = array()) {
$items = array();
// Verify this is iCal data.
if (trim($icaldatafolded[0]) != 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR') {
watchdog('date ical', 'Invalid calendar file.');
return FALSE;
// "Unfold" wrapped lines.
$icaldata = array();
foreach ($icaldatafolded as $line) {
$out = array();
// See if this looks like the beginning of a new property or value. If not,
// it is a continuation of the previous line. The regex is to ensure that
// wrapped QUOTED-PRINTABLE data is kept intact.
if (!preg_match('/([A-Z]+)[:;](.*)/', $line, $out)) {
// Trim up to 1 leading space from wrapped line per iCalendar standard.
$line = array_pop($icaldata) . (ltrim(substr($line, 0, 1)) . substr($line, 1));
$icaldata[] = $line;
// Parse the iCal information.
$parents = array();
$subgroups = array();
$vcal = '';
foreach ($icaldata as $line) {
$line = trim($line);
$vcal .= $line . "\n";
// Deal with begin/end tags separately.
if (preg_match('/(BEGIN|END):V(\\S+)/', $line, $matches)) {
$closure = $matches[1];
$type = 'V' . $matches[2];
if ($closure == 'BEGIN') {
array_push($parents, $type);
array_push($subgroups, array());
elseif ($closure == 'END') {
$subgroup =& $subgroups[key($subgroups)];
switch ($type) {
if (prev($subgroups) == FALSE) {
$items[] = array_pop($subgroups);
else {
$parent[array_pop($parents)][] = array_pop($subgroups);
// Add the timezones in with their index their TZID.
$subgroup = end($subgroups);
$id = $subgroup['TZID'];
// Append this subgroup onto the one above it.
$parent =& $subgroups[key($subgroups)];
$parent[$type][$id] = $subgroup;
// Do some fun stuff with durations and all_day events and then append
// to parent.
case 'VEVENT':
case 'VALARM':
case 'VTODO':
case 'VJOURNAL':
case 'VVENUE':
// Can't be sure whether DTSTART is before or after DURATION, so
// parse DURATION at the end.
if (isset($subgroup['DURATION'])) {
self::parse_duration($subgroup, 'DURATION');
// Add a top-level indication for the 'All day' condition. Leave it
// in the individual date components, too, so it is always available
// even when you are working with only a portion of the VEVENT
// array, like in Feed API parsers.
$subgroup['all_day'] = FALSE;
// iCal spec states 'The "DTEND" property for a "VEVENT" calendar
// component specifies the non-inclusive end of the event'. Adjust
// multi-day events to remove the extra day because the Date code
// assumes the end date is inclusive.
if (!empty($subgroup['DTEND']) && !empty($subgroup['DTEND']['all_day'])) {
// Make the end date one day earlier.
$date = new DrupalDateTime($subgroup['DTEND']['datetime'] . ' 00:00:00', $subgroup['DTEND']['tz']);
date_modify($date, '-1 day');
$subgroup['DTEND']['datetime'] = date_format($date, 'Y-m-d');
// If a start datetime is defined AND there is no definition for
// the end datetime THEN make the end datetime equal the start
// datetime and if it is an all day event define the entire event
// as a single all day event.
if (!empty($subgroup['DTSTART']) && (empty($subgroup['DTEND']) && empty($subgroup['RRULE']) && empty($subgroup['RRULE']['COUNT']))) {
$subgroup['DTEND'] = $subgroup['DTSTART'];
// Add this element to the parent as an array under the component
// name.
if (!empty($subgroup['DTSTART']['all_day'])) {
$subgroup['all_day'] = TRUE;
// Add this element to the parent as an array under the
$parent =& $subgroups[key($subgroups)];
$parent[$type][] = $subgroup;
else {
// Grab current subgroup.
$subgroup =& $subgroups[key($subgroups)];
// Split up the line into nice pieces for PROPERTYNAME,
preg_match('/([^;:]+)(?:;([^:]*))?:(.+)/', $line, $matches);
$name = !empty($matches[1]) ? strtoupper(trim($matches[1])) : '';
$field = !empty($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : '';
$data = !empty($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : '';
$parse_result = '';
switch ($name) {
// Keep blank lines out of the results.
case '':
// Lots of properties have date values that must be parsed out.
case 'CREATED':
case 'DTSTART':
case 'DTEND':
case 'DTSTAMP':
case 'FREEBUSY':
case 'DUE':
$parse_result = self::parse_date($data, $field);
case 'EXDATE':
case 'RDATE':
$parse_result = self::parse_exceptions($data, $field);
case 'TRIGGER':
// A TRIGGER can either be a date or in the form -PT1H.
if (!empty($field)) {
$parse_result = self::parse_date($data, $field);
else {
$parse_result = array(
'DATA' => $data,
case 'DURATION':
// Can't be sure whether DTSTART is before or after DURATION in
// the VEVENT, so store the data and parse it at the end.
$parse_result = array(
'DATA' => $data,
case 'RRULE':
case 'EXRULE':
$parse_result = self::parse_rrule($data, $field);
case 'STATUS':
case 'SUMMARY':
$parse_result = self::parse_text($data, $field);
case 'LOCATION':
$parse_result = self::parse_location($data, $field);
// For all other properties, just store the property and the value.
// This can be expanded on in the future if other properties should
// be given special treatment.
$parse_result = $data;
// Store the result of our parsing.
$subgroup[$name] = $parse_result;
return $items;
* Parses a ical date element.
* Possible formats to parse include:
* The property and the colon before the date are removed in the import
* process above and we are left with $field and $data.
* @param string $field
* The text before the colon and the date, i.e.
* @param string $data
* The date itself, after the colon, in the format YYYYMMDD[T][HH][MM][SS][Z]
* 'Z', if supplied, means the date is in UTC.
* @return array
* $items array, consisting of:
* 'datetime' => date in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format, not timezone adjusted
* 'all_day' => whether this is an all-day event with no time
* 'tz' => the timezone of the date, could be blank if the ical
* has no timezone; the ical specs say no timezone
* conversion should be done if no timezone info is
* supplied
* @todo
* Another option for dates is the format PROPERTY;VALUE=PERIOD:XXXX. The
* period may include a duration, or a date and a duration, or two dates, so
* would have to be split into parts and run through date_ical_parse_date()
* and date_ical_parse_duration(). This is not commonly used, so ignored for
* now. It will take more work to figure how to support that.
public static function parse_date($data, $field = 'DATE:') {
$items = array(
'datetime' => '',
'all_day' => '',
'tz' => '',
if (empty($data)) {
return $items;
// Make this a little more whitespace independent.
$data = trim($data);
// Turn the properties into a nice indexed array of
$field_parts = preg_split('/[;:]/', $field);
$properties = array();
foreach ($field_parts as $part) {
if (strpos($part, '=') !== FALSE) {
$tmp = explode('=', $part);
$properties[$tmp[0]] = $tmp[1];
// Make this a little more whitespace independent.
$data = trim($data);
// Record if a time has been found.
$has_time = FALSE;
// If a format is specified, parse it according to that format.
if (isset($properties['VALUE'])) {
switch ($properties['VALUE']) {
case 'DATE':
preg_match(self::$regex_ical_date, $data, $regs);
// Date.
$datetime = DrupalDateTime::datePad($regs[1]) . '-' . DrupalDateTime::datePad($regs[2]) . '-' . DrupalDateTime::datePad($regs[3]);
case 'DATE-TIME':
preg_match(self::$regex_ical_datetime, $data, $regs);
// Date.
$datetime = DrupalDateTime::datePad($regs[1]) . '-' . DrupalDateTime::datePad($regs[2]) . '-' . DrupalDateTime::datePad($regs[3]);
// Time.
$datetime .= ' ' . DrupalDateTime::datePad($regs[4]) . ':' . DrupalDateTime::datePad($regs[5]) . ':' . DrupalDateTime::datePad($regs[6]);
$has_time = TRUE;
else {
preg_match(self::$regex_loose, $data, $regs);
if (!empty($regs) && count($regs) > 2) {
// Date.
$datetime = DrupalDateTime::datePad($regs[1]) . '-' . DrupalDateTime::datePad($regs[2]) . '-' . DrupalDateTime::datePad($regs[3]);
if (isset($regs[4])) {
$has_time = TRUE;
// Time.
$datetime .= ' ' . (!empty($regs[5]) ? DrupalDateTime::datePad($regs[5]) : '00') . ':' . (!empty($regs[6]) ? DrupalDateTime::datePad($regs[6]) : '00') . ':' . (!empty($regs[7]) ? DrupalDateTime::datePad($regs[7]) : '00');
// Use timezone if explicitly declared.
if (isset($properties['TZID'])) {
$tz = $properties['TZID'];
// Fix alternatives like US-Eastern which should be US/Eastern.
$tz = str_replace('-', '/', $tz);
// Unset invalid timezone names.
module_load_include('inc', 'date_api', 'date_api.admin');
$tz = _date_timezone_replacement($tz);
if (!in_array($tz, array_keys(system_time_zones()))) {
$tz = '';
elseif (strpos($data, 'Z') !== FALSE) {
$tz = 'UTC';
else {
$tz = '';
$items['datetime'] = $datetime;
$items['all_day'] = $has_time ? FALSE : TRUE;
$items['tz'] = $tz;
return $items;
* Parse exception dates (can be multiple values).
* @return array
* an array of date value arrays.
public static function parse_exceptions($data, $field = 'EXDATE:') {
$data = str_replace($field . ':', '', $data);
$items = array(
'DATA' => $data,
$ex_dates = explode(',', $data);
foreach ($ex_dates as $ex_date) {
$items[] = self::parse_date($ex_date);
return $items;
* Parses the duration of the event.
* Example:
* @param array $subgroup
* Array of other values in the vevent so we can check for DTSTART.
public static function parse_duration(&$subgroup, $field = 'DURATION') {
$items = $subgroup[$field];
$data = $items['DATA'];
$interval = new \DateInterval($data);
$start_date = array_key_exists('DTSTART', $subgroup) ? $subgroup['DTSTART']['datetime'] : date_format(new DrupalDateTime(), DATE_FORMAT_ISO);
$timezone = array_key_exists('DTSTART', $subgroup) ? $subgroup['DTSTART']['tz'] : $this->timezone_name;
if (empty($timezone)) {
$timezone = 'UTC';
$date = new DrupalDateTime($start_date, $timezone);
$date2 = clone $date;
$format = isset($subgroup['DTSTART']['type']) && $subgroup['DTSTART']['type'] == 'DATE' ? 'Y-m-d' : 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
$subgroup['DTEND'] = array(
'datetime' => date_format($date2, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME),
'all_day' => isset($subgroup['DTSTART']['all_day']) ? $subgroup['DTSTART']['all_day'] : 0,
'tz' => $timezone,
$duration = date_format($date2, 'U') - date_format($date, 'U');
$subgroup['DURATION'] = array(
'DATA' => $data,
'DURATION' => $duration,
* Parse and clean up ical text elements.
public static function parse_text($data, $field = '') {
if (strstr($field, 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE')) {
$data = quoted_printable_decode($data);
// Strip line breaks within element.
$data = str_replace(array(
"\r\n ",
"\n ",
"\r ",
), '', $data);
// Put in line breaks where encoded.
$data = str_replace(array(
), "\n", $data);
// Remove other escaping.
$data = stripslashes($data);
return $data;
* Parse location elements.
* Catch situations like the feed that uses
* LOCATION;VENUE-UID="":First Street..
* or more normal LOCATION;UID=123:111 First Street...
* Upcoming feed would have been improperly broken on the ':' in http://
* so we paste the $field and $data back together first.
* Use non-greedy check for ':' in case there are more of them in the address.
public static function parse_location($data, $field = 'LOCATION:') {
if (preg_match('/UID=[?"](.+)[?"][*?:](.+)/', $field . ':' . $data, $matches)) {
$location = array();
$location['UID'] = $matches[1];
$location['DESCRIPTION'] = stripslashes($matches[2]);
return $location;
else {
// Remove other escaping.
$location = stripslashes($data);
return $location;
* Return a date object for the ical date, adjusted to its local timezone.
* @param array $ical_date
* An array of ical date information created in the ical import.
* @param string $to_tz
* The timezone to convert the date's value to.
* @return object
* A timezone-adjusted date object.
public static function ical_date($ical_date, $to_tz = FALSE) {
// If the ical date has no timezone, must assume it is stateless
// so treat it as a local date.
if (empty($ical_date['datetime'])) {
return NULL;
elseif (empty($ical_date['tz'])) {
$from_tz = drupal_get_user_timezone();
else {
$from_tz = $ical_date['tz'];
if (strlen($ical_date['datetime']) < 11) {
$ical_date['datetime'] .= ' 00:00:00';
$date = new DrupalDateTime($ical_date['datetime'], new \DateTimeZone($from_tz));
if ($to_tz && $ical_date['tz'] != '' && $to_tz != $ical_date['tz']) {
date_timezone_set($date, timezone_open($to_tz));
return $date;
* Escape #text elements for safe iCal use.
* @param string $text
* Text to escape
* @return string
* Escaped text
public static function escape_text($text) {
$text = drupal_html_to_text($text);
$text = trim($text);
// TODO Per #38130 the iCal specs don't want : and " escaped
// but there was some reason for adding this in. Need to watch
// this and see if anything breaks.
// $text = str_replace('"', '\"', $text);
// $text = str_replace(":", "\:", $text);
$text = preg_replace("/\\\\b/", "\\\\", $text);
$text = str_replace(",", "\\,", $text);
$text = str_replace(";", "\\;", $text);
$text = str_replace("\n", "\\n ", $text);
return trim($text);
* Explode a multiline entry into its lines.
public static function split_multiline_entry($entry) {
return explode("\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $entry));
* Extract the RRULE from a multiline entry.
public static function extract_rrule_string($rrule) {
$parts = self::split_multiline_entry($rrule);
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if (strstr($part, 'RRULE')) {
$rrule = $part;
return $rrule;
* Parse an iCal rule into a parsed RRULE array, along with EXDATE
* and RDATE arrays.
public static function split_rrule($rrule) {
$parts = self::split_multiline_entry($rrule);
$rrule = array();
$exceptions = array();
$additions = array();
$additions = array();
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if (strstr($part, 'RRULE')) {
$RRULE = str_replace('RRULE:', '', $part);
$rrule = (array) self::parse_rrule($RRULE);
elseif (strstr($part, 'EXDATE')) {
$EXDATE = str_replace('EXDATE:', '', $part);
$exceptions = (array) DateiCalParse::parse_exceptions($EXDATE);
elseif (strstr($part, 'RDATE')) {
$RDATE = str_replace('RDATE:', '', $part);
$additions = (array) DateiCalParse::parse_exceptions($RDATE);
return array(
* Parse an ical repeat rule.
* @return array
* Array in the form of PROPERTY => array(VALUES)
public static function parse_rrule($data, $field = 'RRULE:') {
$data = preg_replace("/RRULE.*:/", '', $data);
$items = array(
'DATA' => $data,
$rrule = explode(';', $data);
foreach ($rrule as $key => $value) {
$param = explode('=', $value);
// Must be some kind of invalid data.
if (count($param) != 2) {
if ($param[0] == 'UNTIL') {
$values = self::parse_date($param[1]);
else {
$values = explode(',', $param[1]);
// Treat items differently if they have multiple or single values.
if (in_array($param[0], array(
))) {
$items[$param[0]] = $param[1];
else {
$items[$param[0]] = $values;
return $items;
* The reverse of the parse_rrule() function.
* Build a string RRULE from the array structure created by parsing
* a RRule.
* @param array $ical_array
* An array constructed like the one created by parse_rrule().
* [RRULE] => Array (
* [FREQ] => Array (
* [0] => MONTHLY
* )
* [BYDAY] => Array (
* [0] => 1SU
* [1] => -1SU
* )
* [UNTIL] => Array (
* [datetime] => 1997-21-31 09:00:00
* [all_day] => 0
* [tz] => US/Eastern
* )
* )
* [EXDATE] => Array (
* [0] = Array (
* [datetime] => 1997-09-21 09:00:00
* [all_day] => 0
* [tz] => US/Eastern
* )
* [1] = Array (
* [datetime] => 1997-10-05 09:00:00
* [all_day] => 0
* [tz] => US/Eastern
* )
* )
* [RDATE] => Array (
* [0] = Array (
* [datetime] => 1997-09-21 09:00:00
* [all_day] => 0
* [tz] => US/Eastern
* )
* [1] = Array (
* [datetime] => 1997-10-05 09:00:00
* [all_day] => 0
* [tz] => US/Eastern
* )
* )
public static function build_rrule($ical_array) {
$RRULE = '';
if (empty($ical_array) || !is_array($ical_array)) {
return $RRULE;
// Grab the RRULE data and put them into iCal RRULE format.
$RRULE .= 'RRULE:FREQ=' . (!array_key_exists('FREQ', $ical_array) ? 'DAILY' : $ical_array['FREQ']);
$RRULE .= ';INTERVAL=' . (!array_key_exists('INTERVAL', $ical_array) ? 1 : $ical_array['INTERVAL']);
// Unset the empty 'All' values.
if (array_key_exists('BYDAY', $ical_array) && is_array($ical_array['BYDAY'])) {
if (array_key_exists('BYMONTH', $ical_array) && is_array($ical_array['BYMONTH'])) {
if (array_key_exists('BYMONTHDAY', $ical_array) && is_array($ical_array['BYMONTHDAY'])) {
if (array_key_exists('BYDAY', $ical_array) && is_array($ical_array['BYDAY']) && ($BYDAY = implode(",", $ical_array['BYDAY']))) {
if (array_key_exists('BYMONTH', $ical_array) && is_array($ical_array['BYMONTH']) && ($BYMONTH = implode(",", $ical_array['BYMONTH']))) {
if (array_key_exists('BYMONTHDAY', $ical_array) && is_array($ical_array['BYMONTHDAY']) && ($BYMONTHDAY = implode(",", $ical_array['BYMONTHDAY']))) {
// The UNTIL date is supposed to always be expressed in UTC.
// The input date values may already have been converted to a
// date object on a previous pass, so check for that.
if (array_key_exists('UNTIL', $ical_array) && array_key_exists('datetime', $ical_array['UNTIL']) && !empty($ical_array['UNTIL']['datetime'])) {
// We only collect a date for UNTIL, but we need it to be
// inclusive, so force it to a full datetime element at the
// last second of the day.
if (!$ical_array['UNTIL']['datetime'] instanceof DrupalDateTime) {
// If this is a date without time, give it time.
if (strlen($ical_array['UNTIL']['datetime']) < 11) {
$ical_array['UNTIL']['datetime'] .= ' 23:59:59';
$ical_array['UNTIL']['granularity'] = serialize(drupal_map_assoc(array(
$ical_array['UNTIL']['all_day'] = FALSE;
$until = self::ical_date($ical_array['UNTIL'], 'UTC');
else {
$until = $ical_array['UNTIL']['datetime'];
$RRULE .= ';UNTIL=' . date_format($until, DATE_FORMAT_ICAL) . 'Z';
// Our form doesn't allow a value for COUNT, but it may be needed by
// modules using the API, so add it to the rule.
if (array_key_exists('COUNT', $ical_array)) {
$RRULE .= ';COUNT=' . $ical_array['COUNT'];
// iCal rules presume the week starts on Monday unless otherwise
// specified, so we'll specify it.
if (array_key_exists('WKST', $ical_array)) {
$RRULE .= ';WKST=' . $ical_array['WKST'];
else {
$RRULE .= ';WKST=' . self::$week_start_day;
// Exceptions dates go last, on their own line.
// The input date values may already have been converted to a date
// object on a previous pass, so check for that.
if (isset($ical_array['EXDATE']) && is_array($ical_array['EXDATE'])) {
$ex_dates = array();
foreach ($ical_array['EXDATE'] as $value) {
if (!empty($value['datetime'])) {
$date = !$value['datetime'] instanceof DrupalDateTime ? self::ical_date($value, 'UTC') : $value['datetime'];
$ex_date = !empty($date) ? date_format($date, DATE_FORMAT_ICAL) . 'Z' : '';
if (!empty($ex_date)) {
$ex_dates[] = $ex_date;
if (!empty($ex_dates)) {
$RRULE .= chr(13) . chr(10) . 'EXDATE:' . implode(',', $ex_dates);
elseif (!empty($ical_array['EXDATE'])) {
$RRULE .= chr(13) . chr(10) . 'EXDATE:' . $ical_array['EXDATE'];
// Exceptions dates go last, on their own line.
if (isset($ical_array['RDATE']) && is_array($ical_array['RDATE'])) {
$ex_dates = array();
foreach ($ical_array['RDATE'] as $value) {
$date = !$value['datetime'] instanceof DrupalDateTime ? self::ical_date($value, 'UTC') : $value['datetime'];
$ex_date = !empty($date) ? date_format($date, DATE_FORMAT_ICAL) . 'Z' : '';
if (!empty($ex_date)) {
$ex_dates[] = $ex_date;
if (!empty($ex_dates)) {
$RRULE .= chr(13) . chr(10) . 'RDATE:' . implode(',', $ex_dates);
elseif (!empty($ical_array['RDATE'])) {
$RRULE .= chr(13) . chr(10) . 'RDATE:' . $ical_array['RDATE'];
return $RRULE;
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
DateiCalParse:: |
public static | property | A regex string that will extract date parts from an ical date. | |
DateiCalParse:: |
public static | property | A regex string that will extract date and time parts from an ical datetime. | |
DateiCalParse:: |
public static | property | A regex string that will extract date and time parts from either a datetime string or an iso string, with or without missing date and time values. | |
DateiCalParse:: |
public static | property | The name of the timezone to use in these computations. | |
DateiCalParse:: |
public static | property | The start day of the week. | |
DateiCalParse:: |
public static | function | The reverse of the parse_rrule() function. | |
DateiCalParse:: |
public static | function | Escape #text elements for safe iCal use. | |
DateiCalParse:: |
public static | function | Extract the RRULE from a multiline entry. | |
DateiCalParse:: |
public static | function | Return a date object for the ical date, adjusted to its local timezone. | |
DateiCalParse:: |
public | function | ||
DateiCalParse:: |
public | function | Returns an array of iCalendar information from an iCalendar file. | |
DateiCalParse:: |
public static | function | Parses a ical date element. | |
DateiCalParse:: |
public static | function | Parses the duration of the event. | |
DateiCalParse:: |
public static | function | Parse exception dates (can be multiple values). | |
DateiCalParse:: |
public static | function | Parse location elements. | |
DateiCalParse:: |
public static | function | Parse an ical repeat rule. | |
DateiCalParse:: |
public static | function | Parse and clean up ical text elements. | |
DateiCalParse:: |
public static | function | Explode a multiline entry into its lines. | |
DateiCalParse:: |
public static | function | Parse an iCal rule into a parsed RRULE array, along with EXDATE and RDATE arrays. |