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protected function DateRRuleCalc::get_byday_results in Date 8

Processing for BYDAY values.

More complex searches for day names and criteria like '-1SU' or '2TU,2TH', require that we interate through the whole time period checking each day selected in BYDAY.

1 call to DateRRuleCalc::get_byday_results()
DateRRuleCalc::compute in date_repeat/lib/Drupal/date_repeat/DateRRuleCalc.php


date_repeat/lib/Drupal/date_repeat/DateRRuleCalc.php, line 395
Code to compute the dates that match an iCal RRULE.






protected function get_byday_results() {

  // Create helper array to pull day names out of iCal day strings.
  $day_names = self::$day_names;
  $this->days_of_week = array_keys($day_names);

  // Parse out information about the BYDAYs and separate them
  // depending on whether they have directional parameters
  // like -1SU or 2TH.
  $week_days = array();

  // Find the right first day of the week to use, iCal rules say
  // Monday should be used if none is specified.
  $week_start_rule = !empty($this->rrule['WKST']) ? trim($this->rrule['WKST']) : 'MO';
  $this->week_start_day = $day_names[$week_start_rule];

  // Make sure the week days array is sorted into week order,
  // we use the $ordered_keys to get the right values into the key
  // and force the array to that order. Needed later when we
  // iterate through each week looking for days so we don't
  // jump to the next week when we hit a day out of order.
  $ordered = date_repeat_days_ordered($week_start_rule);
  $ordered_keys = array_flip($ordered);
  foreach ($this->rrule['BYDAY'] as $day) {
    preg_match("@(-)?([0-9]+)?([SU|MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA]{2})@", trim($day), $regs);
    if (!empty($regs[2])) {

      // Convert parameters into full day name, count, and direction.
      $relative_days[] = array(
        'day' => $day_names[$regs[3]],
        'direction' => !empty($regs[1]) ? $regs[1] : '+',
        'direction_count' => $regs[2],
    else {
      $week_days[$ordered_keys[$regs[3]]] = $day_names[$regs[3]];

  // Get BYDAYs with parameters like -1SU (last Sun) or
  // 2TH (second Thur).
  if (!empty($relative_days) && in_array($this->rrule['FREQ'], array(
  ))) {

  // Get BYDAYs without parameters,like TU,TH (every
  // Tues and Thur).
  if (!empty($week_days) && in_array($this->rrule['FREQ'], array(
  ))) {