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DateRRuleCalc.php in Date 8

Code to compute the dates that match an iCal RRULE.

Extensive simpletests have been created to test the RRULE calculation results against official examples from RFC 2445.

These calculations are expensive and results should be stored or cached so the calculation code is not called more often than necessary.



BYSETPOS Seldom used anywhere, so no reason to complicated the code.




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 * @file
 * Code to compute the dates that match an iCal RRULE.
 * Extensive simpletests have been created to test the RRULE calculation
 * results against official examples from RFC 2445.
 * These calculations are expensive and results should be stored or cached
 * so the calculation code is not called more often than necessary.
 * Currently implemented:
 * Not implemented:
 *   Seldom used anywhere, so no reason to complicated the code.
namespace Drupal\date_repeat;

use Drupal\Core\Datetime\DrupalDateTime;
use Drupal\date_api\DateiCalParse;
class DateRRuleCalc {

   * Map the abbreviation used in iCal day names
   * to the day name usable by DateTime and DateInterval.
  public static $day_names = array(
    'SU' => 'Sunday',
    'MO' => 'Monday',
    'TU' => 'Tuesday',
    'WE' => 'Wednesday',
    'TH' => 'Thursday',
    'FR' => 'Friday',
    'SA' => 'Saturday',

   * Map some common iCal direction values to the text that
   * works more reliably in DateTime::modify().
  public static $date_order = array(
    '+1' => 'First',
    '+2' => 'Second',
    '+3' => 'Third',
    '+4' => 'Fourth',
    '+5' => 'Fifth',
    '-1' => 'Last',
    '-2' => '-2',
    '-3' => '-3',
    '-4' => '-4',
    '-5' => '-5',

   * The format to use when creating and comparing dates.
  public $default_format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';

   * The name of the timezone to use in these computations.
  public $timezone_name = 'UTC';

   * The time that will be used for all the created dates.
  public $time_string = '00:00:00';

   * An array of RRULE parts, as parsed by the DateiCalParse.
  public $rrule = array();

   * A date object for the start of the series.
  public $start_date = NULL;

   * A date object for the start of the series.
  public $end_date = NULL;

   * An optional limit on the number of results, as set in the RRULE.
  public $max_count = NULL;

   * The array of days that match the criteria.
  public $result = array();

   * The current day, as we iterate through the RRULE.
  public $current_day = NULL;

   * An array of dates that should not be selected.
  public $exceptions = array();

   * An array of dates that should be added.
  public $additions = array();

   * The start day of the week.
  public $week_start_day = 'MO';

   * A DateInterval representing the amount of time to jump
   * after each iteration of the calculation.
  public $jump = NULL;

   * The maximum number of times to cycle through this code.
   * Needed to avoid endless loops that check for a COUNT
   * without finding any results. This checks the number of
   * times that $this->is_finished() gets called.
  public $max_cycles = 10000000;

   * Compute dates that match the requested rule, within a specified
   * date range.
   * @param string $rrule
   *   A string RRULE, in the standard iCal format.
   * @param object $start
   *   A date object to start the series.
   * @param object $end
   *   A date object to end the series, if not ended earlier by UNTIL
   *   or COUNT. Requred unless a COUNT is provided.
   * @param array $this->exceptions
   *   Optional array of exception dates, each in the standard ISO format
   *   of YYYY-MM-DD.
   * @param array $additions
   *   Optional array of additional dates, each in the standard ISO format
   *   of YYYY-MM-DD.
  function __construct($rrule, $start, $end = NULL, $exceptions = array(), $additions = array()) {

    // Get the parsed array of rule values.
    $this->rrule = DateiCalParse::parse_rrule($rrule);

    // Create a date object for the start and end dates, if valid.
    $this->start_date = $start;
    $this->end_date = $end;
    $this->timezone_name = $this->start_date

    // Make sure we have something we can work with.
    if (!$this
      ->isValid()) {
      return FALSE;

    // If the rule has an UNTIL, see if that is earlier than the end date.
    if (!empty($this->rrule['UNTIL'])) {
      $until_date = DateiCalParse::ical_date($this->rrule['UNTIL'], $this->timezone_name);
      if (empty($this->end_date) || $until_date < $this->end_date) {
        $this->end_date = $until_date;

    // Versions of PHP greater than PHP 5.3.5 require that we set an
    // explicit time when using date_modify() or the time may not match
    // the original value. Adding this modifier gives us the same
    // results in both older and newer versions of PHP.
    $this->time_string = ' ' . $this->start_date
    $this->max_count = isset($this->rrule['COUNT']) ? $this->rrule['COUNT'] : NULL;
    $this->exceptions = $exceptions;
    $this->additions = $additions;

   * Basic validation for an RRULE we can do something with.
  protected function isValid() {

    // We alwqys need a start date.
    if (!$this->start_date instanceof \DateTime) {
      return FALSE;

    // The only valid option for an empty end date is when we have a count.
    if (!$this->end_date instanceof \DateTime && empty($this->rrule['COUNT'])) {
      return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
  public function compute() {

    // Make sure we have something we can work with.
    if (!$this
      ->isValid()) {
      return FALSE;
    if (empty($this->rrule['FREQ'])) {
      $this->rrule['FREQ'] = 'DAILY';

    // These default values indicate there is no RRULE here.
    if ($this->rrule['FREQ'] == 'NONE' || isset($this->rrule['INTERVAL']) && $this->rrule['INTERVAL'] == 0) {
      return array();

    // Get an integer value for the interval, if none given, '1'
    // is implied.
    if (empty($this->rrule['INTERVAL'])) {
      $this->rrule['INTERVAL'] = 1;
    $interval = max(1, $this->rrule['INTERVAL']);

    // Make sure DAILY frequency isn't used in places it won't work;
    if (!empty($this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY']) && !in_array($this->rrule['FREQ'], array(
    ))) {
      $this->rrule['FREQ'] = 'MONTHLY';
    elseif (!empty($this->rrule['BYDAY']) && !in_array($this->rrule['FREQ'], array(
    ))) {
      $this->rrule['FREQ'] = 'WEEKLY';

    // Find the time period to jump forward between dates.
    switch ($this->rrule['FREQ']) {
      case 'DAILY':
        $jump_interval = 'P' . $interval . 'D';
      case 'WEEKLY':
        $jump_interval = 'P' . $interval . 'W';
      case 'MONTHLY':
        $jump_interval = 'P' . $interval . 'M';
      case 'YEARLY':
        $jump_interval = 'P' . $interval . 'Y';
    $this->jump = new \DateInterval($jump_interval);

    // Make sure the rrule array has all the values we expect.

    // The start date always goes into the results, whether or not
    // it meets the rules. RFC 2445 includes examples where the start
    // date DOES NOT meet the rules, but the expected results always
    // include the start date.
    $this->result[] = date_format($this->start_date, $this->default_format);

    // BYMONTHDAY will look for specific days of the month in one or
    // more months. This process is only valid when frequency is
    // monthly or yearly.
    if (!empty($this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY'])) {
    elseif (empty($this->rrule['BYDAY'])) {
    else {

    // Add additional dates, if any.
    foreach ($this->additions as $addition) {
      $date = new DrupalDateTime($addition . ' ' . $this->time_string, $this->timezone_name);
      $this->result[] = date_format($date, $this->default_format);

    // Sort and return the result.
    return $this->result;

   * Processing other than BYDAY or BYMONTHDAY.
   * This is the simple fallback case, not looking for any specific day,
   * just repeating the start date. The complete_rrule() code ensures this
   * will only test TRUE for a DAILY or less frequency (like HOURLY).
  protected function get_other_results() {
    $this->current_day = clone $this->start_date;
    $finished = FALSE;
    $months = !empty($this->rrule['BYMONTH']) ? $this->rrule['BYMONTH'] : array();
    while (!$finished) {
      $finished = $this

   * Processing for BYMONTHDAY values.
   * BYMONTHDAY will look for specific days of the month in one or more
   * months. This process is only valid when frequency is monthly or yearly.
   * BYMONTHDAY values will look like '11' (the 11th day) or '-1'
   * (the last day) or '10,11,12' (the 10th, 11th, and 12th days).
  protected function get_bymonthday_results() {
    $finished = FALSE;
    $time = $this->time_string;
    $this->current_day = clone $this->start_date;
    $month_days = array();

    // Deconstruct the day in case it has a negative modifier.
    foreach ($this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY'] as $day) {
      preg_match("@(-)?([0-9]{1,2})@", $day, $regs);
      if (!empty($regs[2])) {

        // Convert parameters into count, and direction.
        $month_days[$day] = array(
          'direction' => !empty($regs[1]) ? $regs[1] : '+',
          'count' => $regs[2],
    while (!$finished) {
      $year_finished = FALSE;
      while (!$year_finished) {

        // Check each requested day in the month.
        foreach ($this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY'] as $monthday) {
          $day = $month_days[$monthday];
          if ($this
            ->set_month_day(NULL, $day['count'], $day['direction'])) {
          if ($finished = $this
            ->is_finished()) {
            $year_finished = TRUE;
        switch ($this->rrule['FREQ']) {
          case 'MONTHLY':

            // If it's monthly, keep looping through months.
            if ($finished = $this
              ->is_finished()) {
              $year_finished = TRUE;

            // Back up to first of month and jump.
              ->modify("first day of this month {$time}");
          case 'YEARLY':

            // If it's yearly, break out of the loop at the
            // end of every year.
            if ($this->current_day
              ->format('n') == 12) {
              $year_finished = TRUE;
            else {

              // Jump to first day of next month.
                ->modify("first day of next month {$time}");
      if ($this->rrule['FREQ'] == 'YEARLY') {

        // Back up to first of year and jump to next year.
          ->modify("this year January 1");
      $finished = $this

   * Processing for BYDAY values.
   * More complex searches for day names and criteria like '-1SU'
   * or '2TU,2TH', require that we interate through the whole time
   * period checking each day selected in BYDAY.
  protected function get_byday_results() {

    // Create helper array to pull day names out of iCal day strings.
    $day_names = self::$day_names;
    $this->days_of_week = array_keys($day_names);

    // Parse out information about the BYDAYs and separate them
    // depending on whether they have directional parameters
    // like -1SU or 2TH.
    $week_days = array();

    // Find the right first day of the week to use, iCal rules say
    // Monday should be used if none is specified.
    $week_start_rule = !empty($this->rrule['WKST']) ? trim($this->rrule['WKST']) : 'MO';
    $this->week_start_day = $day_names[$week_start_rule];

    // Make sure the week days array is sorted into week order,
    // we use the $ordered_keys to get the right values into the key
    // and force the array to that order. Needed later when we
    // iterate through each week looking for days so we don't
    // jump to the next week when we hit a day out of order.
    $ordered = date_repeat_days_ordered($week_start_rule);
    $ordered_keys = array_flip($ordered);
    foreach ($this->rrule['BYDAY'] as $day) {
      preg_match("@(-)?([0-9]+)?([SU|MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA]{2})@", trim($day), $regs);
      if (!empty($regs[2])) {

        // Convert parameters into full day name, count, and direction.
        $relative_days[] = array(
          'day' => $day_names[$regs[3]],
          'direction' => !empty($regs[1]) ? $regs[1] : '+',
          'direction_count' => $regs[2],
      else {
        $week_days[$ordered_keys[$regs[3]]] = $day_names[$regs[3]];

    // Get BYDAYs with parameters like -1SU (last Sun) or
    // 2TH (second Thur).
    if (!empty($relative_days) && in_array($this->rrule['FREQ'], array(
    ))) {

    // Get BYDAYs without parameters,like TU,TH (every
    // Tues and Thur).
    if (!empty($week_days) && in_array($this->rrule['FREQ'], array(
    ))) {

   * Get results for relative BYDAY values.
   * BYDAYs with parameters like -1SU (last Sun) or
   * 2TH (second Thur) need to be processed one month or
   * year at a time.
  protected function get_relative_bydays($relative_days) {
    $finished = FALSE;
    $this->current_day = clone $this->start_date;
    while (!$finished) {
      foreach ($relative_days as $day) {

        // Find the BYDAY date in the current period.
        switch ($this->rrule['FREQ']) {
          case 'MONTHLY':
            if ($this
              ->set_month_day($day['day'], $day['direction_count'], $day['direction'])) {
          case 'YEARLY':
            if ($this
              ->set_year_day($day['day'], $day['direction_count'], $day['direction'])) {
      $finished = $this

      // Reset to beginning of period before jumping to next period.
      // Needed especially when working with values like 'last
      // Saturday' to be sure we don't skip months like February.
      $year = $this->current_day
      $month = $this->current_day
      switch ($this->rrule['FREQ']) {
        case 'MONTHLY':
          date_date_set($this->current_day, $year, $month, 1);
        case 'YEARLY':
          date_date_set($this->current_day, $year, 1, 1);

      // Jump to the next period.

   * Get values for absolute BYDAYs.
   * For BYDAYs without parameters,like TU,TH (every Tues and Thur),
   * we look for every one of those days during the frequency period.
   * Iterate through periods of a WEEK, MONTH, or YEAR, checking for
   * the days of the week that match our criteria for each week in the
   * period, then jumping ahead to the next week, month, or year,
   * an INTERVAL at a time.
  protected function get_absolute_bydays($week_days) {
    $finished = FALSE;
    $this->current_day = clone $this->start_date;
    $format = $this->rrule['FREQ'] == 'YEARLY' ? 'Y' : 'n';
    $current_period = $this->current_day

    // Back up to the beginning of the week in case we are somewhere
    // in the middle of the possible week days, needed so we don't
    // prematurely jump to the next week. The add_dates() function
    // will keep dates outside the range from getting added.
    if ($this->current_day
      ->format('l') != $this->week_start_day) {
      date_modify($this->current_day, 'last ' . $this->week_start_day . $this->time_string);
    while (!$finished) {
      $period_finished = FALSE;
      while (!$period_finished) {
        $moved = FALSE;
        foreach ($week_days as $delta => $day) {

          // Find the next occurence of each day in this week, only
          // add it if we are still in the current month or year. The
          // add_current_date() function is insufficient to test whether
          // to include this date if we are using a rule like 'every
          // other month', so we must explicitly test it here.
          // If we're already on the right day, don't jump or we
          // will prematurely move into the next week.
          if ($this->current_day
            ->format('l') != $day) {
            date_modify($this->current_day, '+1 ' . $day . $this->time_string);
            $moved = TRUE;
          if ($this->rrule['FREQ'] == 'WEEKLY' || $this->current_day
            ->format($format) == $current_period) {
        $finished = $this

        // Make sure we don't get stuck in endless loop if the current
        // day never got changed above.
        if (!$moved) {
          date_modify($this->current_day, '+1 day' . $this->time_string);

        // If this is a WEEKLY frequency, stop after each week,
        // otherwise, stop when we've moved outside the current period.
        // Jump to the end of the week, then test the period.
        if ($finished || $this->rrule['FREQ'] == 'WEEKLY') {
          $period_finished = TRUE;
        elseif ($this->rrule['FREQ'] != 'WEEKLY' && $this->current_day
          ->format($format) != $current_period) {
          $period_finished = TRUE;
      if ($finished) {

      // We'll be at the end of a week, month, or year when
      // we get to this point in the code.
      // Go back to the beginning of this period before we jump, to
      // ensure we jump to the first day of the next period.
      switch ($this->rrule['FREQ']) {
        case 'WEEKLY':
          date_modify($this->current_day, '+1 ' . $this->week_start_day . $this->time_string);
          date_modify($this->current_day, '-1 week' . $this->time_string);
        case 'MONTHLY':
          date_modify($this->current_day, '-' . ($this->current_day
            ->format('j') - 1) . ' days' . $this->time_string);
          date_modify($this->current_day, '-1 month' . $this->time_string);
        case 'YEARLY':
          date_modify($this->current_day, '-' . $this->current_day
            ->format('z') . ' days' . $this->time_string);
          date_modify($this->current_day, '-1 year' . $this->time_string);

      // Jump ahead to the next period to be evaluated.
      $current_period = $this->current_day
      $finished = $this

   * See if the RRULE needs some imputed values added to it.
  protected function complete_rrule() {

    // If this is not a valid value, do nothing;
    if (empty($this->rrule) || empty($this->rrule['FREQ'])) {
      return FALSE;

    // RFC 2445 says if no day or monthday is specified when creating repeats
    // for weeks, months, or years, impute the value from the start date.
    if (empty($this->rrule['BYDAY']) && $this->rrule['FREQ'] == 'WEEKLY') {
      $this->rrule['BYDAY'] = array(
    elseif (empty($this->rrule['BYDAY']) && empty($this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY']) && $this->rrule['FREQ'] == 'MONTHLY') {
      $this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY'] = array(
    elseif (empty($this->rrule['BYDAY']) && empty($this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY']) && empty($this->rrule['BYYEARDAY']) && $this->rrule['FREQ'] == 'YEARLY') {
      $this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY'] = array(
      if (empty($this->rrule['BYMONTH'])) {
        $this->rrule['BYMONTH'] = array(
    elseif (!empty($this->rrule['BYDAY']) && !in_array($this->rrule['FREQ'], array(
    ))) {
      foreach ($this->rrule['BYDAY'] as $delta => $BYDAY) {
        $this->rrule['BYDAY'][$delta] = substr($BYDAY, -2);

   * Helper function to add current date to the $dates array.
   * Check that the date to be added is between the start and end date
   * and that it is not in the $this->exceptions, nor already in the
   * $this->result array, and that it meets other criteria in the RRULE.
  protected function add_current_day() {
    if (!empty($this->max_count) && sizeof($this->result) >= $this->max_count) {
      return FALSE;
    if (!empty($this->end_date) && $this->current_day > $this->end_date) {
      return FALSE;
    if ($this->current_day < $this->start_date) {
      return FALSE;
    if (in_array($this->current_day
      ->format('Y-m-d'), $this->exceptions)) {
      return FALSE;
    if (!empty($this->rrule['BYDAY'])) {
      $BYDAYS = $this->rrule['BYDAY'];
      foreach ($BYDAYS as $delta => $BYDAY) {
        $BYDAYS[$delta] = substr($BYDAY, -2);
      if (!in_array(date_repeat_dow2day($this->current_day
        ->format('w')), $BYDAYS)) {
        return FALSE;
    if (!empty($this->rrule['BYYEAR']) && !in_array($this->current_day
      ->format('Y'), $this->rrule['BYYEAR'])) {
      return FALSE;
    if (!empty($this->rrule['BYMONTH']) && !in_array($this->current_day
      ->format('n'), $this->rrule['BYMONTH'])) {
      return FALSE;
    if (!empty($this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY'])) {

      // Test month days, but only if there are no negative numbers.
      $test = TRUE;
      $BYMONTHDAYS = array();
      foreach ($this->rrule['BYMONTHDAY'] as $day) {
        if ($day > 0) {
          $BYMONTHDAYS[] = $day;
        else {
          $test = FALSE;
      if ($test && !empty($BYMONTHDAYS) && !in_array($this->current_day
        ->format('j'), $BYMONTHDAYS)) {
        return FALSE;

    // Don't add a day if it is already saved so we don't throw the count off.
    $formatted = $this->current_day
    if (in_array($formatted, $this->result)) {
      return TRUE;
    else {
      $this->result[] = $formatted;

   * Stop when $this->current_day is greater than $this->end_date
   * or $this->max_count is reached.
  protected function is_finished() {
    static $cycles;
    if (!empty($this->max_count) && sizeof($this->result) >= $this->max_count) {
      return TRUE;
    elseif (!empty($this->end_date) && $this->current_day > $this->end_date) {
      return TRUE;
    elseif ($cycles >= $this->max_cycles) {
      return TRUE;

    // Nothing tells us we are finished.
    return FALSE;

   * Set a date object to a specific day of the month.
   * Example,
   *   set_month_day('Sunday', 2, '-')
   *   will reset $date to the second to last Sunday in the month.
   *   If $day is empty, will set to the number of days from the
   *   beginning or end of the month.
  protected function set_month_day($day, $count = 1, $direction = '+') {
    $time = $this->time_string;
    $current_month = $this->current_day

    // Create a clone and reset.
    $date = clone $this->current_day;
    if ($direction == '-') {

      // For negative search, start from just outside the end
      // of the month, so we can catch the last day of the month.
        ->modify("first day of next month {$time}");
    else {

      // For positive search, back up one day to get outside the
      // current month, so we can catch the first of the month.
        ->modify("last day of last month {$time}");
    if (empty($day)) {
        ->modify("{$direction} {$count} days {$time}");
    else {

      // Use the English text for order, like First Sunday
      // instead of +1 Sunday to overcome PHP5 bug, (see #369020).
      $order = self::$date_order;
      $step = $count <= 5 ? $order[$direction . $count] : $direction . $count;
        ->modify("{$step} {$day} {$time}");

    // If that takes us outside the current month, don't go there,
    // only reset the date if it's in the current month.
    if ($date
      ->format('n') == $current_month) {
      $this->current_day = $date;
      return TRUE;
    else {
      return FALSE;

   * Set a date object to a specific day of the year.
   * Example,
   *   date_set_year_day($date, 'Sunday', 2, '-')
   *   will reset $date to the second to last Sunday in the year.
   *   If $day is empty, will set to the number of days from the
   *   beginning or end of the year.
  protected function set_year_day($day, $count = 1, $direction = '+') {
    $time = $this->time_string;
    $current_year = $this->current_day

    // Create a clone and reset.
    $date = clone $this->current_day;
    if ($direction == '-') {

      // For negative search, start from the end of the year.
      // It is important to set year before month for some reason.
        ->modify("next year January 1 {$time}");
    else {

      // For positive search, back up one day to get outside the
      // current year, so we can catch the first of the year.
      // It is important to set year before month for some reason.
        ->modify("last year December 31 {$time}");
    if (empty($day)) {
        ->modify("{$direction} {$count} days {$time}");
    else {

      // Use the English text for order, like First Sunday
      // instead of +1 Sunday to overcome PHP5 bug, (see #369020).
      $order = self::$date_order;
      $step = $count <= 5 ? $order[$direction . $count] : $direction . $count;
        ->modify("{$step} {$day} {$time}");

    // If that takes us outside the current year, don't go there.
    if ($date
      ->format('Y') == $current_year) {
      $this->current_day = $date;
      return TRUE;
    else {
      return FALSE;



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