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function views_content_context_view_get_children in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 7

1 string reference to 'views_content_context_view_get_children' in views_content/plugins/contexts/
Plugin to provide a node context. A node context is a node wrapped in a context object that can be utilized by anything that accepts contexts.


views_content/plugins/contexts/, line 50
Plugin to provide a node context. A node context is a node wrapped in a context object that can be utilized by anything that accepts contexts.


function views_content_context_view_get_children($plugin, $parent) {
  $types = array(
    'view' => $plugin,

  // We're keeping the 'view' context around for legacy reasons but
  // we want to disable the UI so you can't add it that way anymore.
  $types['view']['no ui'] = TRUE;
  $views = views_get_applicable_views('returns context');
  foreach ($views as $data) {
    list($view, $id) = $data;
    $info = _views_content_get_context_from_display($view, $id, $parent, FALSE);
    if ($info) {
      $info['no required context ui'] = TRUE;
      $types[$info['name']] = $info;
  return $types;