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function views_get_applicable_views in Views (for Drupal 7) 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 views.module \views_get_applicable_views()
  2. 6.3 views.module \views_get_applicable_views()
  3. 6.2 views.module \views_get_applicable_views()

Get applicable views.

Return a list of all views and display IDs that have a particular setting in their display's plugin settings.

Return value

array An array with the following structure. array( array($view, $display_id), array($view, $display_id), );

1 call to views_get_applicable_views()
views_menu_alter in ./views.module
Implements hook_menu_alter().


./views.module, line 1559
Primarily Drupal hooks and global API functions to manipulate views.


function views_get_applicable_views($type) {

  // @todo Use a smarter flagging system so that we don't have to
  // load every view for this.
  $result = array();
  $views = views_get_all_views();
  foreach ($views as $view) {

    // Skip disabled views.
    if (!empty($view->disabled)) {
    if (empty($view->display)) {

      // Skip this view as it is broken.
      vsm(t("Skipping broken view @view", array(
        '@view' => $view->name,

    // Loop on array keys because something seems to muck with $view->display
    // a bit in PHP4.
    foreach (array_keys($view->display) as $id) {
      $plugin = views_fetch_plugin_data('display', $view->display[$id]->display_plugin);
      if (!empty($plugin[$type])) {

        // This view uses hook menu. Clone it so that different handlers
        // don't trip over each other, and add it to the list.
        $v = $view
        if ($v
          ->set_display($id) && $v->display_handler
          ->get_option('enabled')) {
          $result[] = array(

        // In PHP 4.4.7 and presumably earlier, if we do not unset $v
        // here, we will find that it actually overwrites references
        // possibly due to shallow copying issues.
  return $result;