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CTools' replacements for Drupal's form functions.

Primarily, ctools_build_form is meant to be a replacement for drupal_get_form().

Instead of sending arguments through to the form builder, a form state array is passed through. This form_state can contain any arguments needed, and it can also be used to return data to the calling function.

This can allow cleaner separation of the form from the storage mechanism.


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 * @file
 * CTools' replacements for Drupal's form functions.
 * Primarily, ctools_build_form is meant to be a replacement for drupal_get_form().
 * Instead of sending arguments through to the form builder, a form state array
 * is passed through. This form_state can contain any arguments needed, and it can
 * also be used to return data to the calling function.
 * This can allow cleaner separation of the form from the storage mechanism.

 * Build a form, similar to drupal_get_form(). However, arguments
 * to the form builder are not sent through. Instead, the $form_state
 * can be given all the necessary data to fully utilize the form.
function ctools_build_form($form_id, &$form_state) {

  // Ensure that we have some defaults.
  // These are defaults only; if already set they will not be overridden.
  $form_state += array(
    'storage' => NULL,
    'submitted' => FALSE,
    'input' => $_POST,
    'method' => 'post',
  $args = isset($form_state['args']) ? $form_state['args'] : array();
  $cacheable = FALSE;
  if (isset($_SESSION['batch_form_state'])) {

    // We've been redirected here after a batch processing : the form has
    // already been processed, so we grab the post-process $form_state value
    // and move on to form display. See _batch_finished() function.
    $form_state = $_SESSION['batch_form_state'];
  else {

    // If the incoming $form_state['input'] contains a form_build_id, we'll check the
    // cache for a copy of the form in question. If it's there, we don't
    // have to rebuild the form to proceed. In addition, if there is stored
    // form_state data from a previous step, we'll retrieve it so it can
    // be passed on to the form processing code.
    if (isset($form_state['input']['form_id']) && $form_state['input']['form_id'] == $form_id && !empty($form_state['input']['form_build_id'])) {
      $form_build_id = $form_state['input']['form_build_id'];
      $form = form_get_cache($form_build_id, $form_state);
      if (!empty($form['#no_cache']) || empty($form)) {

    // If the previous bit of code didn't result in a populated $form
    // object, we're hitting the form for the first time and we need
    // to build it from scratch.
    if (!isset($form)) {
      $form_state['post'] = $form_state['input'];

      // This allows us to do some interesting form embedding stuff without
      // messing up the form IDs too badly.
      if (isset($form_state['wrapper callback']) && function_exists($form_state['wrapper callback'])) {

        // If there is a wrapper callback, we do not use drupal_retrieve_form.
        // Instead, we call $form_id builder function directly. This means the args
        // are *different* for forms used this way, which may not be ideal but
        // is necessary right now.
        $form = array();
        $form_state['wrapper callback']($form, $form_state);
        if (function_exists($form_id)) {
          $form_id($form, $form_state);
      else {

        // Use a copy of the function's arguments for manipulation
        $args_temp = $args;
        array_unshift($args_temp, 'placeholder');
        $args_temp[0] =& $form_state;

        // replaces the placeholder.
        array_unshift($args_temp, $form_id);
        $form = call_user_func_array('drupal_retrieve_form', $args_temp);
      $form_build_id = 'form-' . md5(mt_rand());
      $form['#build_id'] = $form_build_id;
      if ($form_state['method'] == 'get' && !isset($form['#method'])) {
        $form['#method'] = 'get';
      drupal_prepare_form($form_id, $form, $form_state);

      // Store a copy of the unprocessed form for caching and indicate that it
      // is cacheable if #cache will be set.
      $original_form = $form;
      $cacheable = TRUE;
    $form['#post'] = $form_state['input'];

    // Now that we know we have a form, we'll process it (validating,
    // submitting, and handling the results returned by its submission
    // handlers. Submit handlers accumulate data in the form_state by
    // altering the $form_state variable, which is passed into them by
    // reference.
    ctools_process_form($form_id, $form, $form_state);

    // If we were told not to redirect, but not told to re-render, return
    // here.
    if (!empty($form_state['executed']) && empty($form_state['rerender'])) {
    if ($cacheable && !empty($form['#cache']) && empty($form['#no_cache'])) {

      // Caching is done past drupal_process_form so #process callbacks can
      // set #cache. By not sending the form state, we avoid storing
      // $form_state['storage'].
      form_set_cache($form_build_id, $original_form, NULL);

  // Most simple, single-step forms will be finished by this point --
  // drupal_process_form() usually redirects to another page (or to
  // a 'fresh' copy of the form) once processing is complete. If one
  // of the form's handlers has set $form_state['redirect'] to FALSE,
  // the form will simply be re-rendered with the values still in its
  // fields.
  // If $form_state['storage'] or $form_state['rebuild'] have been
  // set by any submit or validate handlers, however, we know that
  // we're in a complex multi-part process of some sort and the form's
  // workflow is NOT complete. We need to construct a fresh copy of
  // the form, passing in the latest $form_state in addition to any
  // other variables passed into drupal_get_form().
  // If this function is being used to perform an '#ahah' callback
  // to rebuild some or all of a ctools wizard form step, be sure that
  // $form_state['wrapper callback'], $form_state['form_info'],
  // $form_state['step'], $form_state['no_redirect'], and $form_state['rebuild']
  // are properly set.
  if (!empty($form_state['rebuild']) || !empty($form_state['storage'])) {
    $form = ctools_rebuild_form($form_id, $form_state, $args, $form_build_id);

  // If whoever is calling this wants the $form array (so that it can render it
  // another way, for example) then return it.
  if (!empty($form_state['want form'])) {
    return $form;

  // Do not render certain items if requested not to:
  if (!empty($form_state['drop tokens'])) {

  // If we haven't redirected to a new location by now, we want to
  // render whatever form array is currently in hand.
  // Do not render certain items if requested not to:
  if (!empty($form_state['drop tokens'])) {
  return drupal_render_form($form_id, $form);

 * ctools' replacement of drupal_rebuild_form.
 * This change merely respects a form's wishes not to be cached.
function ctools_rebuild_form($form_id, &$form_state, $args, $form_build_id = NULL) {

  // Remove the first argument. This is $form_id.when called from
  // drupal_get_form and the original $form_state when called from some AHAH
  // callback. Neither is needed. After that, put in the current state.
  array_unshift($args, 'placeholder');
  $args[0] =& $form_state;

  // Replaces placeholder.
  // And the form_id.
  array_unshift($args, $form_id);
  if (isset($form_state['wrapper callback']) && function_exists($form_state['wrapper callback'])) {

    // If there is a wrapper callback, we do not use drupal_retrieve_form.
    // Instead, we call $form_id builder function directly. This means the args
    // are *different* for forms used this way, which may not be ideal but
    // is necessary right now.
    $form = array();
    $form_state['wrapper callback']($form, $form_state);
    if (function_exists($form_id)) {
      $form_id($form, $form_state);
  else {
    $form = call_user_func_array('drupal_retrieve_form', $args);
  if (!isset($form_build_id)) {

    // We need a new build_id for the new version of the form.
    $form_build_id = 'form-' . md5(mt_rand());
  $form['#build_id'] = $form_build_id;

  // Flush form ID element cache because we may be rebuilding
  // a form in a way that Drupal's FAPI isn't used to which
  // causes unnecessary form ID changes.
  form_clean_id(NULL, TRUE);
  drupal_prepare_form($form_id, $form, $form_state);
  if (empty($form['#no_cache'])) {

    // Now, we cache the form structure so it can be retrieved later for
    // validation. If $form_state['storage'] is populated, we'll also cache
    // it so that it can be used to resume complex multi-step processes.
    form_set_cache($form_build_id, $form, $form_state);

  // Originally this called drupal_process_form, but all that happens there
  // is form_builder and then submission; and the rebuilt form is not
  // allowed to submit. Therefore, just do this:
  $form['#post'] = $form_state['input'];
  $form = form_builder($form_id, $form, $form_state);
  return $form;

 * ctools' replacement for drupal_process_form that accepts commands
 * not to redirect, as well as forcing processing of 'get' method forms.
function ctools_process_form($form_id, &$form, &$form_state) {

  // submitting, and handling the results returned by its submission
  // handlers. Submit handlers accumulate data in the form_state by
  // altering the $form_state variable, which is passed into them by
  // reference.
  $form_state['values'] = array();

  // With $_GET, these forms are always submitted.
  if ($form_state['method'] == 'get') {
    if (!isset($form['#post']['form_build_id'])) {
      $form['#post']['form_build_id'] = $form['#build_id'];
    if (!isset($form['#post']['form_id'])) {
      $form['#post']['form_id'] = $form_id;
    if (!isset($form['#post']['form_token']) && isset($form['#token'])) {
      $form['#post']['form_token'] = drupal_get_token($form['#token']);
  $form = form_builder($form_id, $form, $form_state);

  // Only process the form if it is programmed or the form_id coming
  // from the POST data is set and matches the current form_id.
  if (!empty($form['#programmed']) || !empty($form['#post']) && (isset($form['#post']['form_id']) && $form['#post']['form_id'] == $form_id)) {
    ctools_validate_form($form_id, $form, $form_state);

    // form_clean_id() maintains a cache of element IDs it has seen,
    // so it can prevent duplicates. We want to be sure we reset that
    // cache when a form is processed, so scenerios that result in
    // the form being built behind the scenes and again for the
    // browser don't increment all the element IDs needlessly.
    form_clean_id(NULL, TRUE);
    if (!empty($form_state['submitted']) && !form_get_errors() && empty($form_state['rebuild'])) {
      $form_state['redirect'] = NULL;
      form_execute_handlers('submit', $form, $form_state);

      // We'll clear out the cached copies of the form and its stored data
      // here, as we've finished with them. The in-memory copies are still
      // here, though.
      if (variable_get('cache', CACHE_DISABLED) == CACHE_DISABLED && !empty($form_state['values']['form_build_id'])) {
        cache_clear_all('form_' . $form_state['values']['form_build_id'], 'cache_form');
        cache_clear_all('storage_' . $form_state['values']['form_build_id'], 'cache_form');

      // If batches were set in the submit handlers, we process them now,
      // possibly ending execution. We make sure we do not react to the batch
      // that is already being processed (if a batch operation performs a
      // drupal_execute).
      if (($batch =& batch_get()) && !isset($batch['current_set'])) {

        // The batch uses its own copies of $form and $form_state for
        // late execution of submit handers and post-batch redirection.
        $batch['form'] = $form;
        $batch['form_state'] = $form_state;
        $batch['progressive'] = !$form['#programmed'];

        // Execution continues only for programmatic forms.
        // For 'regular' forms, we get redirected to the batch processing
        // page. Form redirection will be handled in _batch_finished(),
        // after the batch is processed.

      // If no submit handlers have populated the $form_state['storage']
      // bundle, and the $form_state['rebuild'] flag has not been set,
      // we're finished and should redirect to a new destination page
      // if one has been set (and a fresh, unpopulated copy of the form
      // if one hasn't). If the form was called by drupal_execute(),
      // however, we'll skip this and let the calling function examine
      // the resulting $form_state bundle itself.
      if (!$form['#programmed'] && empty($form_state['rebuild']) && empty($form_state['storage'])) {
        if (!empty($form_state['no_redirect'])) {
          $form_state['executed'] = TRUE;
        else {
          drupal_redirect_form($form, $form_state['redirect']);

 * The original version of drupal_validate_form does not have an override for
 * the static check to only validate a form id once. Unfortunately, we need
 * to be able to override this.
function ctools_validate_form($form_id, $form, &$form_state) {
  static $validated_forms = array();
  if (isset($validated_forms[$form_id]) && empty($form_state['must_validate'])) {

  // If the session token was set by drupal_prepare_form(), ensure that it
  // matches the current user's session.
  if (isset($form['#token'])) {
    if (!drupal_valid_token($form_state['values']['form_token'], $form['#token'])) {

      // Setting this error will cause the form to fail validation.
      form_set_error('form_token', t('Validation error, please try again. If this error persists, please contact the site administrator.'));
  if (!empty($form_state['clicked_button']['#skip validation'])) {
  _form_validate($form, $form_state, $form_id);
  $validated_forms[$form_id] = TRUE;


Namesort descending Description
ctools_build_form Build a form, similar to drupal_get_form(). However, arguments to the form builder are not sent through. Instead, the $form_state can be given all the necessary data to fully utilize the form.
ctools_process_form ctools' replacement for drupal_process_form that accepts commands not to redirect, as well as forcing processing of 'get' method forms.
ctools_rebuild_form ctools' replacement of drupal_rebuild_form.
ctools_validate_form The original version of drupal_validate_form does not have an override for the static check to only validate a form id once. Unfortunately, we need to be able to override this.