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Functions in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
aggregator_ctools_block_info plugins/content_types/block/
block_ctools_block_info plugins/content_types/block/
blog_ctools_block_info plugins/content_types/block/
book_ctools_block_info plugins/content_types/block/
bulk_export_export bulk_export/bulk_export.module FAPI gateway to the bulk exporter. 1
bulk_export_export_form bulk_export/bulk_export.module FAPI definition for the bulk exporter form. 1
bulk_export_export_form_submit bulk_export/bulk_export.module Process the bulk export submit form and make the results available.
bulk_export_menu bulk_export/bulk_export.module Implements hook_menu().
bulk_export_perm bulk_export/bulk_export.module Implements hook_perm().
bulk_export_theme bulk_export/bulk_export.module Implements hook_theme().
comment_ctools_block_info plugins/content_types/block/
ctools_access includes/ Determine if the current user has access via plugin. 3
ctools_access_add_restrictions includes/ Apply restrictions to contexts based upon the access control configured. 2
ctools_access_admin_form includes/ Administrative form for access control. 3
ctools_access_admin_form_submit includes/ 1
ctools_access_admin_render_table includes/ Render the table. This is used both to render it initially and to rerender it upon ajax response. 4
ctools_access_ajax_add includes/ AJAX callback to add a new access test to the list. 1
ctools_access_ajax_delete includes/ AJAX command to remove an access control item. 1
ctools_access_ajax_edit includes/ AJAX callback to edit an access test in the list. 1
ctools_access_ajax_edit_item includes/ Form to edit the settings of an access test. 2
ctools_access_ajax_edit_item_submit includes/ Submit handler for argument settings.
ctools_access_ajax_edit_item_validate includes/ Validate handler for argument settings.
ctools_access_get_loggedin_context includes/ Create a context for the logged in user. 5
ctools_access_group_summary includes/ Get a summary of a group of access plugin's settings. 2
ctools_access_menu ./ctools.module Determine if the current user has access via a plugin. 1
ctools_access_multiperm ./ctools.module Determine if the current user has access via checks to multiple different permissions. 1
ctools_access_new_test includes/ Create default settings for a new access plugin. 1
ctools_access_ruleset_ctools_plugin_directory ctools_access_ruleset/ctools_access_ruleset.module Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_directory() to let the system know we implement task and task_handler plugins.
ctools_access_ruleset_install ctools_access_ruleset/ctools_access_ruleset.install Implementation of hook_install().
ctools_access_ruleset_panels_dashboard_blocks ctools_access_ruleset/ctools_access_ruleset.module Implementation of hook_panels_dashboard_blocks().
ctools_access_ruleset_perm ctools_access_ruleset/ctools_access_ruleset.module Implementation of hook_perm()
ctools_access_ruleset_schema ctools_access_ruleset/ctools_access_ruleset.install Schema for customizable access rulesets.
ctools_access_ruleset_schema_1 ctools_access_ruleset/ctools_access_ruleset.install 1
ctools_access_ruleset_uninstall ctools_access_ruleset/ctools_access_ruleset.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
ctools_access_summary includes/ Get a summary of an access plugin's settings. 3
ctools_add_css ./ctools.module Include css files as necessary. 15
ctools_add_js ./ctools.module Include js files as necessary. 13
ctools_admin_term_list_options plugins/content_types/term_context/ 3
ctools_ajax_associate_url_to_element includes/ Associate a URL to a form element with a hidden form.
ctools_ajax_command_after includes/ Create an after command for the AJAX responder.
ctools_ajax_command_append includes/ Create an append command for the AJAX responder. 1
ctools_ajax_command_attr includes/ Set a single property to a value, on all matched elements.
ctools_ajax_command_before includes/ Create a before command for the AJAX responder.
ctools_ajax_command_changed includes/ Create a changed command for the AJAX responder. 2
ctools_ajax_command_css includes/ Create a css command for the AJAX responder.
ctools_ajax_command_css_files includes/ Create a settings command for the AJAX responder. 1
ctools_ajax_command_data includes/ Create a data command for the AJAX responder.
ctools_ajax_command_error includes/ Create a command array for the error case. 1
ctools_ajax_command_html includes/ Set the HTML of a given selector to the given data. 2
ctools_ajax_command_prepend includes/ Create a prepend command for the AJAX responder.


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