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function configuration_check_menu_custom in Configuration Management 7

1 call to configuration_check_menu_custom()
configuration_menu_update in observers/
Implements hook_menu_update().


includes/, line 358


function configuration_check_menu_custom($identifier, $from_activestore = FALSE) {

  // Get static variable that we can access across this request.
  $from_activestore =& drupal_static('configuration_from_activestore');
  $component = 'menu_custom';
  if (file_exists("config://")) {

    // Load the current configuration file on disk
    include_once drupal_realpath("config://");

    // Export just the field we're tracking.
    module_load_include('inc', 'configuration', 'configuration.export');

    // Export the field we just saved and evaluate the export to $fields
    $code = menu_custom_configuration_export_render('configuration', array(
    $menus_code = configuration_menu_default_menu_custom();

    // If the activestore doesn't exist it is most likely because this configuration
    // only exists in code.
    if (empty($menus)) {
      configuration_set_status($component, $identifier, CONFIGURATION_TRACKED_DATASTORE_ONLY);

    // If this was the previous configuration in activestore don't mark this as changed.
    $config = configuration_get_configuration();

     * @todo This code is reused in all component files.
    $return = '';
    $component = 'menu_custom';
    $status = $config[$component][$identifier]['status'];
    $md5_datastore = is_array($menus_code) && array_key_exists($identifier, $menus_code) ? md5(serialize($menus_code[$identifier])) : '';
    $md5_activestore = is_array($menus_code) && array_key_exists($identifier, $menus_code) ? md5(serialize($menus[$identifier])) : '';

    // Configs in code are not the same as what was just saved in activestore.
    if ($from_activestore == TRUE && $md5_datastore != $md5_activestore) {
      configuration_set_status($component, $identifier, $status);

    // Menu in the activestore is the same as what is in code.
    if ($md5_activestore == $md5_datastore) {
      $status = CONFIGURATION_IN_SYNC;
      configuration_set_status($component, $identifier, $status);
      configuration_set_hash($component, $identifier, $md5_activestore);
    if ($md5_activestore != $md5_datastore) {
      configuration_set_status($component, $identifier, $status);

    // When checking for new configurations, check to see if configurations are
    // the same in datastore as last activestore. Remove the datastore overridden.
    if ($md5_datastore == $config[$component][$identifier]['hash']) {
      configuration_set_status($component, $identifier, $status);

    // Store the config array in cache for easy access
    if ($status != CONFIGURATION_IN_SYNC) {
      $configuration[$component][$identifier]['activestore'] = is_array($menus_code) && array_key_exists($identifier, $menus_code) ? $menus[$identifier] : '';
      $configuration[$component][$identifier]['datastore'] = is_array($menus_code) && array_key_exists($identifier, $menus_code) ? $menus_code[$identifier] : '';
      cache_set("{$component}:{$identifier}", $configuration, 'cache_configuration');