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function configuration_save in Configuration Management 7

Save changes to track configuration.


$configs The $config array to be saved. The array is keyed by component with: the value being another array keyed by configuration name and value either being a boolean or the configuration name of any parents. $configs = array( component-name => array( config-name => dependency array or boolean ) );

2 calls to configuration_save()
configuration_notracking_form_submit in ./
_configuration_track_dependencies in ./


./configuration.module, line 539
Module file for the configuration module, which enables the capture and management of configuration in Drupal.


function configuration_save($configs) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'configuration', 'configuration.export');
  $current_config = configuration_get_configuration();

  // Check to see if there is anything in datastore that would be lost
  if (!configuration_check_changed(CONFIGURATION_DATASTORE_ONLY, array_keys($configs), $current_config)) {
    return FALSE;
  try {
    $transaction = db_transaction();
    $saved = array();
    foreach ($configs as $component => $config) {
      foreach ($config as $name => $on) {
        if ($on) {

          // Using the $on state for dual purpose. When configuration_save is
          // called with dependencies from the $pipe, $on will hold the
          // dependencies.  If this is called from the standard management
          // screen, $on is a boolean and we need to set empty dependencies.
          $deps = is_numeric($on) || $on == '' ? array(
            'parent' => '',
            'modules' => '',
          ) : $on;
          $function = "configuration_hash_{$component}";
          $hash = $function($name);
          $record = array(
            'name' => $name,
            'owner' => $component,
            'status' => CONFIGURATION_IN_SYNC,
            'hash' => $hash,
            'parent' => $deps['parent'],
            'dependencies' => $deps['modules'],

          // Track what configurations we have saved
          if (!isset($saved[$component])) {
            $saved[$component] = TRUE;

          // If this is an update, set the primary key
          $pk = isset($current_config[$component][$name]) ? array(
          ) : array();
          drupal_write_record('config_export', $record, $pk);
          $configs[$component][$name] = $name;
        else {
      if (isset($saved[$component])) {
        drupal_set_message(t('Tracking configurations for %config have been saved.', array(
          '%config' => $component,
    cache_clear_all('config_export', 'cache');
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog_exception('configuration', $e);
    throw $e;

  // Write the new configuration to disk.